
Viewing 1 - 20 of 79 results

A Message to Everyone I Met at the Last BronyCon · 5:10pm Aug 6th, 2019

Two words:

A lot more words:

I went to the last-ever BronyCon with every intention of blogging about amusing vignettes, as I did last year.

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Report Horse Voice · 451 views · #BronyCon 2019

Meditations Upon A Convention Center, or, My Thoughts As The Sky Falls For Reals This Time · 6:02pm Aug 4th, 2019

As I write this, I am sitting on the third floor of the Baltimore Convention Center, overlooking my first and last Bronycon. On one side of me, there’s a sing-along going, and, on the other, the impromptu memorial to the con. There’s a real air of finality about the place—I think everyone has a sense that this is an End. I’ve been wandering around the con for about a half-hour, trying to find some way to say goodbye to this thing called Bronycon—so I thought I’d write it out.

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At Bronycon · 9:59pm Aug 1st, 2019

Sorry I didn’t put this out sooner. TBH, a lot’s been on my mind and thus I forgot to announce I would be going this year. My sincerest apologies.

But I’m here now and ready to contribute whatever little I can to making this final Bronycon the absolute best!



Post Bronycon Realizations and Plans. · 1:58am Aug 4th, 2019

Now bronycon is not over yet but tomorrow is the last day as I am writing this from my phone. Now there is a panel in a couple hours discussing how after the show ends the continuation of the show is now in the hooves of fanfiction writers like me. Now I will not be attending this panel, unfortunately, because of how late in the afternoon it is and I need to be up early to get to one of the table top RPGs I signed up for.

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Post-Bronycon · 3:05pm Aug 9th, 2019

Okay, finally getting around to this.

The final Bronycon was a great convention for me, mostly because it hit all the metrics of things I like to do at conventions.


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Report Pen Stroke · 821 views · #Bronycon 2019

New Story! And Bronycon!! · 11:59pm Aug 5th, 2019

Hey everyone!

You've probably already noticed, but I posted a new story this afternoon! Details below.

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Bronycon!!! · 10:54am Aug 1st, 2019

Hey everyone! I'll be at Bronycon this weekend! TBH, I didn't plan ahead super-well, so I don't have any sort of fun identifying tshirt or whatever. That said, if you're in town and would like to meet up, send me a message!


Nervous lizardman · 3:53am Aug 4th, 2019

I’m currently sitting in between Wanderer D (moderator extraordinaire) and RobCakeran53 (author of My Little Dashie) after just barely squeezing into a panel and I’m about ready to explode from celebrity worship!

jk I’m chill. But it’s kinda cool to be chilling with such big names on Fimfiction.


From Pratt St. to Pratt St. and Back Again: A Bronycon Report · 11:43pm Aug 6th, 2019

My Bronycon experience this year started out rough: following a weeklong push to get a presentation together for work and consequently not doing much travel prep ahead of time, I was up until after 3AM Tuesday the 30th, with a disappointing amount of time spent on something that ended up never mattering at all—getting together a couple Magic decks that I’d be OK with losing in Baltimore (namely Mono* Black and Goblins for Atlantic 93/94). Then I was up at 6:00 Wednesday, which in

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Report Icy Shake · 324 views · #Bronycon 2019

I’m going to Bronycon! · 10:50pm Jul 1st, 2019

My intention was to attend from the beginning, given that this is one of the last major hurrahs for the fandom, and I really wanted to meet a bunch of my fellow authors in person. Well, now I’m going to! This seems like as good a time as any to announce such, given the frankly ludicrous popularity of my latest bout of silliness, which only now dropped out of the feature box. Seriously, Twilight Is Awarded For Porn is literally my second highest-liked fic, and will probably surpass

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Well... · 1:19pm Jul 27th, 2019

It is hard for me to believe, but is has been over 4 years since the last time I truly sat down and properly wrote anything. It is my personal thoughts that I have matured in that time, and I have hopefully learned much more about writing, despite not having much practice with it. With that said, I find it hard for me to continue my ongoing story "To Build a Bestiary" as things currently stand. However, recently, my life has finally settled down. I have left a job that I hated, and ate 2 years

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BronyCon 2019 Reflections Part 4: Sunday and Monday · 9:11pm Dec 17th, 2019


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Report Vik · 218 views · #BronyCon #BronyCon 2019

BronyCon 2019 Reflections Part 1: Wednesday and Thursday · 3:06am Sep 21st, 2019

So, once again I have decided to write down my memories of BronyCon, this time it’s for BronyCon 2019, the last BronyCon.


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Report Vik · 206 views · #bronycon #bronycon 2019

BronyCon 2019 Reflections Part 2: Friday · 1:42am Oct 29th, 2019


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Report Vik · 172 views · #BronyCon #BronyCon 2019

Bronycon, G5, and more Fluttershy · 9:22pm Aug 5th, 2019

This Fluttershy group doesn't fail when it comes to great quality shy-horse art. Check out We Love Fluttershy on Facebook.

How was Bronycon? I heard a few things here and there, but what was your experience?

And what are your thoughts and or hopes for G5? (I'm still catching up on almost three years of pony stuff.)

Report Twi-Fi · 218 views · #G5 #Fluttershy #Bronycon 2019

BronyCon 2019 Final Thoughts · 7:56pm Apr 8th, 2020

BronyCon 2019 Final Thoughts

Looking back I think I put too much pressure on myself to try and do as much as I could since this was the last BronyCon. By Saturday night, I realized it was best to just relax and enjoy what I could do instead of worrying about what I couldn’t do. I hung out with a few friends at BC2019, but there is one friend I wish I would’ve hung out with or at least talked to, but I didn’t because I was being an idiot. I regret being so stupid.

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Report Vik · 171 views · #bronycon #bronycon 2019

Bronycon 2019 · 12:59pm Jul 31st, 2019

In the airport, will take off in an hour. Looking forward to another con, hope to catch up with people from last time, meet some new ones. And pick up some books. Probably too many books.

Also looking for suggestions of either things to do solo in Baltimore, especially Wednesday and Sunday nights, or info on open-invite/public/whatever con/pony people related events to check out if possible.


Two things to consider; one small, one smaller. · 9:23pm Feb 11th, 2019

First of all, I want to apologise for how long the latest chapter has taken me. Its in the process of being written and some decent progress has now been made, but Christmas was an utter nightmare for a variety of reasons and distracts aplenty were everywhere for me since the release of the last chapter. The good news is that once this chapter is released, I'll be capable of releasing chapters at a faster rate (I think) due to my plans. We'll see, no promises, but I've got a feeling that it

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Highlights from BronyCon 2019: Introduction · 8:03pm Sep 8th, 2019

BronyCon 2019…not just my second BronyCon, but the final BronyCon. I had been looking forward to coming to this convention since that fateful announcement at BronyCon 2018 that this would indeed be the final one. And it took quite a bit of sacrifices to actually get there, as a job loss and a lawsuit did my wallet no favors.

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Bronycon 2019, Tangents, NPR, Design, Lines, Shenanigans, but mostly rambling · 5:09am Aug 6th, 2019

Against all odds, I actually went to Bronycon this year.

Though it's a little strange. Being able to attend Bronycon feels like an absurd luxury I didn't expect to ever afford. I guess I'm just so used to being the one that says: Well I'm glad those other people had such a nice time that it feels incredibly strange to get to participate. And it feels wrong for me to go to something that so many others can't go at all.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 79 results