
Viewing 121 - 140 of 297 results

Update on current projects and WYN · 7:51am Mar 19th, 2022

As I'm sure some of you you have noticed or heard from me through Discord, I'm taking a brief break from WYN (because that story makes me want to bash my head into a brick wall). In the meantime, I'm writing several dozen short stories to relax (Not only because I enjoy the format more but also because it fits my work schedule better). I don't plan to "quit WYN" but it will be on a brief

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None Binary Left Beef · 12:59am Nov 19th, 2020

So, it has been announced today on Twitter that MLP has its first canonically nonbinary character.

Their name is Dust Devil, and they seem to be... fast? Very fast. I haven't kept up on the comics, but I may have to dive into them again just for this. I am thrilled. Many other people are not, but this ain't about them. This is about me, and people like me, and I'm going to take a moment to explore what this means and how I feel.

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I wish to apologize · 6:28am Feb 20th, 2022

I have been taking forever to update my stories and I’m really sorry it’s taken so long and that I still haven’t updated.

It is coming and I do apologize for the delay!


Quake Remastered Review - Quake turned 25 and got a face lift · 4:17am Jul 11th, 2023


Fan Art for "The Iron Horse" - Cool Blueprint-Style Sketch by Spiral-Bound! · 1:16am Sep 13th, 2016

Just like the title says, a few days ago I received a piece of fanart by reader Spiral-bound! He sent me a very cool picture of Turing Test done in a more technical, so-called "blueprint" style. Check below the break to see it for yourself!

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Well I can rest easy now (and other things as of 9/2016) · 5:19am Sep 4th, 2016

So today's new episode, "Buckball Season," was a cute and fun one, but it doubly catches my attention, because as it happens, I've long had an idea for a fanfic that runs freakishly similar to it. :rainbowhuh:

I had thought I had made mention to it's existence before way back in my early days on this site, but upon reviewing my archived blog posts, that clearly wasn't the case, so here's a quick run through:

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There is too much clop... · 8:54pm Jun 12th, 2017 be angry at on this site.

I am exhausted from the rage to the point I need a nap. How am I supposed to get worked up into a fine lather that I can then rinse by writing stress reducing erotica...if it just flash boils me down to nothing without even getting past the description?

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I got another VCR game for you! · 2:26pm Nov 30th, 2016

Small stock clip from SNL was cut by the uploader (who is NOT yours truly) to make sure Comcast doesn't step on his foot.

Sure to give you the impression it was directed by Benjamin Oliver.


I finally decided to write a story. · 8:23pm Jun 21st, 2016


The Great Bronycon Blog - Part III · 5:02pm Aug 15th, 2019


I wanted to do this whole blog thing in chronological order, but there was so much to say about making the costume I did, which I’m sure is quite the minority interest to people here mostly to hear of Aragon’s antics, that I thought it’d be better in a separate section.

So, on July 2nd, I started ordering costume stuff.

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Story update and why does the show keep reforming villains? · 7:53am Apr 10th, 2018

I really don't like doing one of these every day but the chapters now almost at five thousand words.

I mean it's like 300 words short but that's an easy fix.

Guess last week was bad enough for me to throw myself into writing that much.

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This made me cry...because it made me remember a beautiful moment in my childhood... · 9:24pm Jun 30th, 2015

So many memories of a nostalgic moment in time, in gaming history, when a legend and his sidekick were truly born...

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Chapter 15 Out · 7:47am Aug 20th, 2018

This took a while. This is the weird chapter. I feel like having Rainbow Dash alone and dealing with stuff limited her in the dreamworld so I came up with a different idea there. Fun little sort of thing.

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So I Had A Thought, And Another Story · 6:17pm Dec 11th, 2019

System Alert- Foreign vessel detected at close proximity;

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Winds of Wintercrest First Drafts Done · 11:32pm Dec 18th, 2015

The first drafts of Winds of Wintercrest are complete. This story is quite different than what I'm used to writing.

One of my concerns is that this story gets brutal and bleak towards the end. So much so that it may warrant a mature rating. My aim was to keep it teen rated, but I just love how the climax plays out because how much it tears at Rarity.

I hope to have it out late next week or the following weekend. Fingers crossed!


Spike Got Bummed · 11:25pm Jan 14th, 2016

Spike's Gift

I am crying with laughter at this clopfic. I'm so glad I'm being more tolerant about them because holy crap this one part made me laugh so hard.

Spike the dragon; annih-anal-lated by a vibrator. 2010 - 2016

Also, seen the tags for this article? Tee hee hee!

Seriously go read the story and laugh your ass off at Spike getting his purple scaled cheeks penetrated by a plastic phallic weapon of mass destruction. XD


Why Is The Brony Fandom So Big? Also, My Personal Experience With The Show. · 4:00pm Nov 11th, 2015

As you can guess from the title, I'm going to be talking about the brony fandom. It's something that's both confused and amazed me for a while. I'm also going to be talking about my own personal experience with the show and the fandom. I don't really care whether or not anybody actually reads this, because I just want to get my thoughts down.

My experience with the show:

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Friendship Games in The Lost Siren Future Chapter · 10:50pm Sep 26th, 2015

Wow, do to the over hype of the Friendship Games, it got me thinking. Since The Lost Siren is going to be a big fic, do you think I could add the Friendship games into it. Blitz has the talent for it, and that was before I knew about the movie it self, he could be an archer or one of the racers. I still have to see it myself to see if I can add Sonata in or not, and if not, I know a work around. I can even add the movie in with cannon. This is getting more and more exciting the more I think

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Long intervals of horrible sanity · 7:06pm Dec 1st, 2017

This is fine, this is perfectly fine, everything’s fine everything’s gonna be fine NOBODY HAS TO LOSE IT! NOBODY HAS TO GET STUPID UP IN HERE, WE ARE SUPER DUPER JUST ABSOLUTELY A O K- SOOOOOOON OF A BYAAAAAIIIIEEETCH!!! AAAAAAAAHHHHHH’m just upset I spilt a glass of water.


What the fuck happened to the poetry group? · 5:54pm Jul 24th, 2016

I wanted to write a short poem but I'm not in that group. Then I checked and it wasn't there??? :rainbowhuh:

Viewing 121 - 140 of 297 results