
Viewing 81 - 100 of 229 results

Announcements, EqD NaPoWriMo interview, and bits · 4:22pm Nov 20th, 2018

For starters, Equestria : 1940 has just hit complete at 21 chapters, final epilogue posted early so I didn’t have to fiddle with the ‘Completed’ tag on my phone. I’m pretty proud of it, so if you haven’t read it, feel free to browse. It’s mostly slice of life with a few life getting sliced pieces, so enjoy the insanity of a human dropped into an impossible situation full of colorful, crazy ponies. Second, I have an

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Report Georg · 463 views · #NaNoWriMo #NaPoWriMo #Writing #1940

So NaNoWriMo is coming up... · 3:18am Oct 24th, 2017

Alrighty, I'll devote that to getting Electronic Swing written. Wish me luck fellas! I'm gonna need it as I've been on and off with this one since mid 2016. Boy am I the worst when it comes to leaving y'all in limbo!

- Rego


Perspective: A Modify NaNoWriMo Goal for 2018 · 3:41am Nov 1st, 2018

Well, it is that time of the year again. In a few hours, (or none) it will be November 1st. The annual time to start writing for National Novel Writing Month. For those uninitiated, the goal is to write 50,000 words or more for the month of November. The point is to get writers to write the minimum amount of words required for a novel, the 50K count. As an aspiring novelist and avid reader, the NaNoWriMo as always fascinated me. So, you think I would be brimming with joy for this month. But I

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Alicornae Ch. 44 Posted! · 4:55am Nov 2nd, 2020

And so it begins, another productive NaNoWriMo! And with 5,052 words down on day 1, I'd say this is going to be a very productive one indeed! So come check out the new chapter, and get ready for the beginning of the end!

Thanks again for your patience and your readership, and remember that comments and constructive criticism are always welcome!


End of Month Report - September (and New Rainbow Infinity Reading!) · 1:43am Oct 1st, 2023

First, a new Rainbow Infinity Reading!

Some music to listen to while you read:

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End of Month Report - October · 12:03am Nov 2nd, 2023

Some music to listen to while you read:

Rainbow Infinity Readings This Month:

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Blog 8 (Streaming Sonic Frontiers) · 5:22pm Nov 8th, 2022

Yesterday’s Writing Stats:
Novel: 1,675
Species Swap Contest: 377
Thanksgiving Collab: 418
Total Words Written: 2,470

Yesterday’s Reading Stats:
Fanfiction: 3,311

I’m really bad at buying and playing new video games. Partly the money thing, partly timing doesn’t work out, partly cause I want to see if it’s good first. But I’ve loved Sonic since forever and I want to play frontiers! Today! The release day!

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Rainbow Infinity Halloween Special! · 12:39am Nov 1st, 2023

Featuring H.P. Lovecraft's "Dagon"

Unfortunately, I didn't have enough time for as long a special as I did last year, but I still wanted to do one of Lovecraft's stories for the special.

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[NaNoWriMo Intensifies] · 6:53am Nov 17th, 2016

Things have been quiet here in CoffeeMinion Tower since dropping Change We Can Believe In. For the last couple weeks I've been in super-anti-social mode, just putting my head down every day and writing like one crazy mofo. Because it's time again for NaNoWriMo, and this year, I'm hungry for it.

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I'm bad at this. · 7:45am Nov 4th, 2016

Make current big fic my National Novel Writing Month project.

Stay up late specifically to get NaNoWriMo writing time in.

Spend an hour watching Steven Universe instead.

Reconsider doing things like NNWM when you're severely ADHD.

...yeah, bad at this.


NaPoWriMo starts today - What insanity hath Georg wrought · 10:19pm Nov 1st, 2017

As you may have heard, I’m going to try to work through NaPoWriMo with a story called (at the moment) Sweetie Belle - Hogwarts Exchange Student.  Naturally, the title should give you an idea of what the story is about, and in the spirit of the month, I will be writing on it, with little things like editing, cleaning up old stories, or adding to my existing works in progress being put on hold.  In short, the following stories (with wordcounts) are getting parked for a month:

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Alicornae Ch. 48 Posted! · 2:59am Nov 12th, 2020

Back to Starlit's side! Her ascent up the mountain path continues, with some revelations and some other assorted good stuff! Come have a read, and don't forget to comment and like if you enjoy it!


Alicornae Ch. 40 Posted! · 11:06pm Nov 19th, 2019

Things are coming to a head in this next chapter, so I wouldn't sleep on this if I were you. Remember, comments are always welcome, and thanks again for the support :twilightsmile:


Alicornae Ch. 42 Posted! · 4:47am Nov 28th, 2019

A growing threat looms as we take a moment to reflect on where we've been and where we're going.

As always, thank you for your support and don't forget to like and comment if you enjoy the story! Also, I'm 5000 away from finishing NaNoWriMo!


NaNoWriMo Part 2 · 8:03am Oct 11th, 2019

WELL! It's nearly that time of year again where NaNoWriMo pops up and all of us writers panic and wonder what to write. Well, this year, I'm here to tell you that I'm going to actually do it this time! I'm going to write one of my stories that I've had rattling around in this brain from start to finish in a month, and slowly release the content to you, the reader, so you have something to read while I try to finish my other stories!

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Alicornae Ch. 53 Posted! · 11:12pm Nov 24th, 2020

And another chapter down! We're starting to zero in on the finale here, folks, so expect revelations, both shocking and otherwise, to start flying, including in this chapter! Have a look see, and don't forget to like and comment!


An update, NaNo and plot bunnies · 4:36am Dec 8th, 2015

So uh yeah, I'm still alive, as is the story just kinda,writer's blocked. I wanted to make a buffer of chapters before writing again(I think I only have like, 2 and a half till what I have posted is caught up with what I have written) but writer's block, it's a bitch.

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Portal's taking on NaPoWriMo! · 6:27pm Oct 16th, 2017

So, since we're about to hit the end of Part II for Alicornae, and since November is coming up, what better time than now to throw my proverbial hat into the NaPoWriMo ring for 2017? This'll be my first NaNoWriMo/NaPoWriMo participation, and I'm gonna use the event to spur me forward on Part III of Alicornae. My goal is either 50k words or the completion of Part III by the end of November. It's lofty given how long Part II took me, but I've been on a tear as of late so why not give this a

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Status Update · 12:41am Nov 15th, 2020

As of last night at midnight Pacific Standard Time, the channel known as Unus Annus ("one year" in Latin) shut down after one year of producing any and all content it could - as it promised to do when it was started. The idea behind the channel, in my opinion, was to reflect on the fact that we all have a limited time to do what we want and to leave an impression on the world. Mark and Ethan (the guys who ran the channel, better known as

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Alicornae Ch. 54 Uploaded! · 11:20pm Nov 27th, 2020

It all starts to fall into place in this chapter, so come get it while it's hot! Also, enjoy the extra 1000 or so words since I was getting WAY too into this chapter and let my muse run away with me! Don't forget to comment and like, and enjoy!

Viewing 81 - 100 of 229 results