
Viewing 21 - 40 of 77 results

Defect · 4:56am Oct 28th, 2017

Things I discovered writing this piece:

  • I suck at naming stories and chapters.
  • I suck at writing synposes.
  • I cannot post pieces to FiMFiction without titles or synposes, so my terrible ones will have to suffice.
  • I only have a partial idea of how to write Tempest, but also a desire to do so which is infuriating.
  • Here's a thing for me to publish so I don't burn out working on Equestrian Horizon.

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Chapter the 6th for Guardian · 2:25am Aug 11th, 2020

It has come to my attention that even though the chapters of Guardian aren't "short" per se, very few scenes have actually played out for you guys. I had planned to have this story move fairly quickly, but I've never been very good with extremely fast-paced stories (reading or writing). Despite this, I plan on making this next chapter a little larger than usual, which means stuff will happen rather than seemingly "pointless" exposition. I promise it is there for a reason.

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Report -Watcher- · 151 views · #News #Writing Process

How not to get yourself hospitalized, or Just because you like Kraft Dinner doesn't mean you are mentally ill. · 3:35am Sep 28th, 2018

As part of my job as a crisis worker, one of the things I need to be able to do is assist in the process of placing people who are mentally ill and in crisis on a hold. Now... a lot of people probably start thinking of getting '5150'd' - to borrow from California's statutory code related mental health hospitalizations - but it's... really more complicated than that. A lot more complicated. So much so that, after visiting Ebon Quill, I ended up having to drive the entire diagonal length

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Reviewer's Café response · 8:14pm Jan 2nd, 2019

So the reviewer’s café reviews for The Nightmare Night Knightmare finally came out a little over a week ago. To my surprise, they did not entirely eviscerate it. I thought I would make a response to them. I really wanted to get this done last year, but things got in

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Blog #3: Finally!... For realsies. · 3:36am Apr 26th, 2019

Yep! Gird your Pip-Buck and crack open a Sparkle~Cola. I just finished typing chapter 3 of Fallout Equestria: Dark Origins. Now before I could upload it, my editor Bah Black Sheep wanted to make sure everything is in the up and up.
So, thanks for being so patient with me. I'll upload it as soon as it's presentable. :eeyup:


Epiphany · 1:47am Apr 29th, 2017

So it seems the original ending I had drafted for the end of Equestrian Horizon is now moot. A series of Epiphanies and crazy mad scribblings in the dead of night revealed just how much the characters had grown throughout the course of acts 1 and 2 and how much the story line had to change to reflect those developments. There is also a significant tonal shift that is in the process of occurring and will be in full swing by the end of Act 2. We're close. The next chapter - The Hushed Empress -

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A short detour · 8:56pm Nov 4th, 2017

Took another detour before heading back in on Equestrian Horizon.

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A Blog Apart · 6:49pm Aug 27th, 2015

The latest chapter in my strange journey exists solely because Crystal Wishes commented, "I demand a spin-off of the poor receptionist's search for love in all the wrong places." I thought this might be a pretty hilarious premise so I decided to try and flesh out our new Star. I ran into a few problems here. The comedy element was a lot funnier when seen from the outside instead of from Solitary Star's perspective. Just how crushing would it be to always be searching for someone else and

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Thought Process Web/Tree + (short) Techblog · 9:34pm Mar 28th, 2017

It's a bit of a mess, but considering as how I have multiple levels of random, it's probably understandable. :twilightsheepish:

Aside from that, I just found out that it's mind-blowingly easy to use an expansion slot-cover to pry stuck CPUs out of their sockets! It works great compared to using a screwdriver! :pinkiehappy:


Why do We/You/I write? · 8:31am Feb 22nd, 2020

I often tought about this, though mostly I'd say it's me trying to justify to myself why I have been writing Crossing the Trixie Bridge. Even why I've encouraged a few others, and even helped them get started or co-wrote with their stories. Though, it seems all of them have gone on hiatus or put their stories on the shelf and may not pick them up again.

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Story Lines, One at a Time · 3:45am Sep 4th, 2015

It has been an interesting week for me. I found out that I was more attached to a side character in Crystal's Wishes than I realized. That is saying something as that story and that character in particular catalyzed and then directed my muse. I am still here though and baring some calamity I hope to keep pushing out these little 'maybe, could have, it's possible' side stories to the Quill & Blade setting. The quite positive

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New Adventure · 2:18am May 7th, 2016

Come along, And You will see, A world of pure imagination.

A lengthy Tale, About the one who Won

A Champion, Of moral,

A Hero, Of hearts,

And an Adventure you will not want to forget.


Out Soon

Are you courageous enough to join?


Concerning Spoilers · 8:51am Dec 13th, 2017

I would like to remind readers of Equestrian Horizon that spoilers in comments should be covered with the requisite markup tags or avoided in the first place. This will be relevant now more than ever. Just saying.


New Story, Same Process · 5:44pm Aug 22nd, 2015

If someone asked me a week ago when I would be posting a story I would have looked at them like they were crazy. Me? Writing? You must be mad. I read stories, I don't write them. Recently I have been quite taken by the Quill n Blade setting made by Anzel and Crystal Wishes. I have primarily been playing on the Crystal side of the setting with a focus on Velvet Step.

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Adulting Successes!!! · 2:16am Mar 2nd, 2016

So! In fun, adult news, Fiance and I went to Ikea Sunday and got a bookcase in preparation for when I can move my adorkable, idiot furball, Smudge, in with us... We even got the bonus achievement of avoiding temptation... Because the Kitchen department is Fiance's weakness, and the Home Office is mine... And both of those sections were between the home storage department and the bedroom section... But behold! I had a map! And the map pointed out a shortcut that would avoid both

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A recent commission. · 12:54am Dec 24th, 2015

So, this was a recent commission for SPark.

I was asked to draw a picture of a changeling with a cutie mark fighting Chrysalis. I decided to have fun with this by doing some nice, dynamic poses and trying to make Chrysalis look menacing and feral. Animalistic. I was asked to include herr throne, and since there is no real solid canon design for it, I decided to make it look as wrong and grotesque as possible.

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A Look Behind the Scenes: Supervillian Flu · 7:21pm Nov 17th, 2018

Here's a special behind-the-scenes look at my writing process! This episode, we're covering the final chapter of The Supervillain Flu, as well as some deleted scenes from earlier chapters.

For those who are interested, the following are my unedited "jot these down so I remember later what I want to write" notes on the chapter (I suggest not reading this until after you've read the chapter, as it does not just contain spoilers, it is spoilers distilled):

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Workin' on the River~ · 9:42pm Nov 17th, 2015

So I noticed that a smattering of people are actually following me, which is cool! You are all welcome and I appreciate you being here. :D Anyhoo, on the matter of my current fic, "River Babble's Adventures in Ponyville!", I figured I'd give you an update. I thought I had Chapter 2 written, but halfway through Chapter 3, I realized that this story was not going anywhere INTERESTING. I mean, my end game was fun, but the journey was boring. So I went back and have been making changes to Chapter

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My Writing So Far... · 6:34pm Oct 17th, 2023


Extra 2 And Why I Believe I'm Not a Mean Person · 12:11am Jul 19th, 2018

Ok, this one was tough.

One of the problems was that, like everything in this story, I instantly knew Twilight's background. And I tried to write every single idea I had for it. And rereading it, this chapter felt more of an excuse to make drama and the readers feel sorry for her than what I actually intended: a sincere conversation between this two girls who are very similar but very different at the same time.

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Viewing 21 - 40 of 77 results