
Viewing 21 - 40 of 108 results

Pony-Me™: Outtakes is up! · 5:55am Jul 6th, 2018

EPony-Me™: Outtakes
Scrapped ideas, bonus content, and general goofing off in the Pony-Me universe.
TheMajorTechie · 5.2k words  ·  13  8 · 517 views

Discord Server story planning session! · 3:24am Jun 13th, 2018

I'm trying to figure out potential ways to make Pony-Me, and by extension, My Own Reality more unique. Not simply by avoiding common cliches that are now solidly established by films such as The Matrix or Ready Player One, but by creating something that truly hasn't been done before in this category of science fiction.

See you there! :twilightsmile:


So, y'know how I've been talkin' about a Pony-Me reboot? · 12:28am Jun 15th, 2020

I just figured out the perfect way to combine the intended ending of Into Equestria with Pony-Me's official ending. :ajsmug:

Like, y'know that part where Lisa/Twilight returns to Equestria and has a talk with Celestia and says goodbye and all?

That's gonna be the flashpoint of the story.

Also, this is all actually stuff I came up with for the original fiction adaptation, but I wrote it with the ability to carry things over to Pony-Me in mind. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


So, what's been taking Pony-Me so long? · 9:57am Jan 16th, 2021

Lisa going through an existential crisis in two different ways, that's what. Gotta love writing two versions of the same story! :V

Definitely getting closer to finishing though, but the chapter that goes up to publish isn't what I'm currently writing.


New Pony-Me/My Own Reality chapter! · 7:57am Feb 23rd, 2021

Guess what?

Timothy's back!

EPony-Me™: Rebooted
What happens when you realize that your life is a simulation? Well, you put the headset back on. A rewrite of 2017's Pony-Me.
TheMajorTechie · 26k words  ·  133  10 · 2.1k views

Original fiction version:
My Own Reality (draft 3)


Why I was absent · 2:12pm May 27th, 2018

The reason why I haven't written anything on here lately.

Tamago - Lost in Another World

This is the first chapter of my own book (series).

Maybe it'll be 4 small books. Maybe one bigger one.
Point is: It's the first thing that I created on my own.

I finally got around to loosely translating the first chapter.

I hope you enjoy it.


The direction "My Own Reality" will take as far as plot goes · 7:33am Jun 9th, 2018

Outside of major plot points, character names, and places, My Own Reality will not be a carbon-copy of Pony-Me with MLP stripped away. While previous blogs might've made it sound like that was the direction it was heading in, I'm treating the new story as an essentially overhauled version of Pony-Me, complete with several revised elements that would set the story apart from the original. Though, there will still be small Easter Eggs tossed in referencing Pony-Me. For example, the date of

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My Own Reality status update (7-2-2018) · 6:59am Jul 2nd, 2018

1 - "Wake up" - Draft 2
2 - "Take a look around" - Draft 2.1 (Unfinished)

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A musing on original story publishing · 8:00am Jun 25th, 2018

I certainly want to keep all rights to my own story, which means that I'll practically be ruling out every major publishing house there is.

I guess I'll self-publish, then. I can handle writing and editing myself, I can join some reviewing groups to get the thing proofread, maybe stir up some hype with Kickstarter and some marketing muscle, and partner up with a printing company to get the thing rolling into stores.

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The intentional vagueness is through the roof! · 7:14am Jul 23rd, 2018

I'm gonna take a short hiatus from my usual stories to focus on rewriting My Own Reality and working on an entirely new original fiction project meant to push the boundaries with my current writing style.

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The Nightmare Initiative, Deadlines, and Other Notes · 12:37am Feb 6th, 2016

So, first off, I'm terrible at keeping schedules that I set. Its my fault. I'll work on it more, I promise. Blogs will get on a weekly schedule... soon... ish.

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My Own Reality status update (7-4-2018_1) · 8:54pm Jul 4th, 2018

Daily Blog

My Own Reality progress

1 - "Wake up." - Draft 2.1
2 - "Take a look around." - Draft 2.1
3 - "There's so much to see," - Draft 1

Added in a missing detail to the first chapter, began work on third chapter. The third chapter also addresses a minor plot hole pointed out by commenters in Pony-Me, replacing the food that Lisa eats after waking with something that'd be more digestible to someone who hasn't eaten solid food in years.

Story updates

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Forgetting to save your game. · 7:11pm Jul 6th, 2017

*Spend effort writing a oneshot of Sunset and Twilight accidentally mutating a lab rat to giant proportions. They have to save the school.*
*Post it, it's not the best fic but I wrote a oneshot today so life's good.*
*Wake up.*



I have a website! · 3:18am Oct 4th, 2017

Hey guys, I got a website!

I only got it a few days ago, so only one post is on it so far. But hey, it’s there. I will also be linking to it at the end of every review from now on.

Of course, I’m a cheapo so it’s through, a free website builder.

Anyway, here’s the link! ----> LINK!!! <----

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Next Pony-Me story arc incoming! · 6:50am Jun 28th, 2018

I've finally figured out what to use for the next chapter title. Given how the previous chapter left off on a cliffhanger steamrolling into a new section of the plot, I'd say that this one is gonna be rather fitting.

Relive your past.

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My Own Reality status update (7-3-2018_1) · 8:28pm Jul 3rd, 2018

1 - "Wake up." - (Draft 2)
2 - "Take a look around." - (Draft 2.1)
3 - "There's so much to see," - (Draft 1)

Finished chapter 2, rearranging the chapter names a bit to fit the chapter progression better. I'll be working on Chapter 3 tonight, and likely will post another status update on the story then.


Have the entirety of the old My Own Reality draft that I ended up scrapping and rewriting from the very beginning. · 8:05am Nov 19th, 2019

This thing dates back to July 28, 2018 as the last time it was ever edited. It would sit around collecting dust until June of this year, when I'd ultimately toss out everything I'd written and start over from scratch.

The story below is how it appears directly copied from the Microsoft Word document. Though, for some reason, doing that also seems to place some scattered links to making a new blog post for some reason. Either way, I'm just gonna post this thing verbatim.

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Wanna read the first draft of Pony-Me's original fiction spinoff? · 8:56pm Jun 30th, 2020

Second button under Pony-Me's cover art, y'all. :raritywink:

Or, just, y'know, grab the PDF directly if you don't wanna bother checking out my website. :P


Just when you thought you had your fill of Pony-Me™... · 5:16am Dec 11th, 2020

Catch y'all on the flipside! I'll be updating My Own Reality at the same time as Pony-Me over on Offprint! Let's see how many differences you can spot between the two versions...


To Perytonia: What is a "peryton" anyway? · 12:13pm Sep 16th, 2017

Hi everyone!

I'm trying not to spoil stuff, both for the benefit of those wanting to wait for the story to finish and for those who want to read To Perytonia as untainted as possible. I respect the heck out of that, but I also really want to talk about the story as we go. Today, we're talking peryton!

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Viewing 21 - 40 of 108 results