
Viewing 3721 - 3740 of 3,828 results

Back from Movie Land · 1:03am Oct 31st, 2017

It has been a while..... But I have returned now. The last few weeks have been very exciting.
I have spent a total of ten days pretty much in cinema to watch the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Movie over and over again, a total number of eleven times (look at the counter on my userpage!).

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So, I could finally read the Movie Prequel Comics yesterday and..... · 7:27pm Jun 1st, 2018

..... there is a problem with my multi-chapter fic for Tempest Shadow now.
When I saw the movie in October, I quickly developed a few theories about Tempest Shadow, based on some observations from the movie. One was that Tempest Shadow already came to the Storm King when she was still a filly, that the Storm King raised her and trained her to become the super soldier of his army, because he saw the potential in her.

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The FINAL TEASER for Chapter 5 of "A Storm on the Horizon of the Arcane World"! The chapter releases in less than six hours! · 9:22pm Mar 14th, 2021

It's almost time. Just a few hours more and Chapter 5 of "A Storm on the Horizon of the Arcane World" releases, at 10:00 PM EST! And to shorten the rest of the wait just a tiny bit, here is your final teaser for this month!

Fizzlepop Berrytwist still has a very important destination. And her new company might be able to tell her how to get there. Unfortunately, Fizzlepop doesn't receive the answer she has hoped for.....

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So, about that popular theory that all of the events in "Friendship is Magic" only happened in a TV show that exists in the world of Generation 5..... I have a bit of a different idea about that. · 1:25am Sep 19th, 2021

There is a popular theory about Generation 5 going through the fandom right now, because of the Elements of Harmony merchandise that Sunny has in her bedroom. Namely that everything we have seen in Generation 4 never actually happened and is all just a TV show (or, alternatively, book) that exists in the world of Generation 5. This theory originated, probably independently, both in a comment on Equestria Daily and on Discord/Twitter:

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TEASER #3 for Chapter 4 of "A Storm on the Horizon of the Arcane World" is out! Tomorrow is RELEASE DAY! · 9:24pm Feb 6th, 2021

Only one day left until the release of Chapter 4 of "A Storm on the Horizon of the Arcane World" anymore!
You probably thought Teaser #3 wouldn't happen, as I had to pay tribute to sleep that consumed nearly my entire Friday after working on a chapter for "Letters to Cozy Glow" during a sleepless Thursday night and an equally sleepless Friday morning, but you were mistaken, for this story cannot live without teasers!

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FINAL TEASER for Chapter 4 and the RETURN of "A Storm on the Horizon of the Arcane World"! The release is today, at 6 PM EST! · 1:00pm Feb 7th, 2021

Today is Release Day for Chapter 4 of "A Storm on the Horizon of the Arcane World"! Only a little over 10 hours anymore until the story returns to its monthly updates, on every first Sunday of a new month!

When it looks the darkest, some help comes for Fizzlepop by an unexpected ally and she gains new energy to go on further:

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The three pony tribes separated again and this means the Mane Six ultimately failed Equestria and everything they did was for nothing in the end..... But that's not true and here's why. · 1:13am Sep 20th, 2021


[Analysis] Equestria is Magic: The First, Concrete Generation 5 News and Equestria's Dystopian Future · 4:43am Feb 22nd, 2021


The Hasbro Investor Event 2021 with (most likely!) new Generation 5 infos will start in under an hour! (Livestream link inside!) · 2:08pm Feb 25th, 2021

Most who read this probably already know about it for weeks, but I thought a little reminder and redirection to where everything happens can't hurt:

In under an hour, Hasbro will have an investor event that will very likely bring new Generation 5 infos! Nopony knows if that will be a fully animated and voiced teaser or trailer (unlikely), a few teaser screenshots (much more likely) or just verbal information (most definitely).

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"A Storm on the Horizon of the Arcane World" is back! Chapter 1 "The Outside World" is released now! · 4:21am Aug 5th, 2019

And this story is back in the game! After a long time of waiting and trouble with the plot, "A Storm on the Horizon of the Arcane World" returns today!
From now on, there will be monthly updates, always on the first Sunday of each month!

And in this first chapter, titled "The Outside World", you will finally see how Fizzlepop reacts to being away from home for the first time in her life. What will she discover and where will she land? Find it all out here:

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[Teaser] The long awaited SECOND TEASER for Chapter 4 of "A Storm on the Horizon of the Arcane World" is finally here! Only THREE DAYS until the story returns! · 8:44pm Feb 4th, 2021

The wait is over, here we are with Teaser #2 for Chapter 4 of "A Storm on the Horizon of the Arcane World"!
We are only three days away from the release of this chapter and the return of the story with monthly updates!

In today's teaser, Fizzlepop recaps the adventures she had so far and thinks about her situation. What conclusion will she come to? Join Fizzlepop in her thoughts with the second teaser below!

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[Announcement] "A Storm on the Horizon of the Arcane World" will return at the beginning of February! · 4:54am Jan 26th, 2021

After a long, forced break, "A Storm on the Horizon of the Arcane World" will return to updating soon, as mentioned here in my blog entry about my plans for the first half of 2021. Here are all the infos about the return for those who are still interested in the story:

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[Reminder] Chapter 5 of "A Storm on the Horizon of the Arcane World" has been released: "Comfort" · 12:09pm Mar 18th, 2021

Every month, after the release of a new chapter of "A Storm on the Horizon of the Arcane World", I write a little reminder for the chapter's release, to boost the attention for the story and get it more views. And today it's time for this, so here is your reminder for Chapter 5, titled "Comfort":

A month has passed since the return of the story and Chapter 4 and now it is time for Chapter 5, "Comfort", to release!

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[Announcement & Teaser] "A Storm on the Horizon of the Arcane World" returns on February 7th and your FIRST teaser for Chapter 4 is here! · 8:22pm Jan 29th, 2021

Like the title says, "A Storm on the Horizon of the Arcane World" will return again on February 7th, with monthly chapter releases. I have begun working on Chapter 4 today, which was easier than I thought, as I discovered that a good part of it is already written. Something that I didn't remember anymore, I thought I will begin with a new chapter, so that was a pleasant surprise.

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Here's TEASER #3 for "A Storm on the Horizon of the Arcane World"! Chapter 5 releases on Sunday! · 12:17am Mar 13th, 2021

Only two days more until the release of Chapter 5! And to sweeten the wait and hype up the release, I'll release the third teaser today!

Even with the adventures she has already been through, so far, Fizzlepop is still a filly with filly interests. It's nice to get a reminder for this and, perhaps, Fizzlepop needs a reminder on that herself:

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"A World That Wants Her Dead": Chapter 4 brings "A Storm on the Horizon of the Arcane World" back. · 11:00pm Feb 7th, 2021

Can you imagine how it would feel to be exposed to a world that wants you dead? Fizzlepop Berrytwist can. And not only can she imagine that, she experiences it. It's Fizzlepop's fourth day alone in the outside world since she left her village as a shunned outcast; a weak, worthless unicorn with a broken horn and dysfunctional magic..... Will she survive? Can she survive, in a world she doesn't know, filled with things that are strange to her?

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Song of the Week - Blow · 10:50pm Jul 5th, 2016

So fuckin' blow those words out the back in your head,
I've heard it all and I'm done with that shit,
You tell me lies, and you get what you get,
So blow those fuckin' words out the back in your head.

Oh my God did you just hear
Lies are coming back in style?
Oh my God this seems so real that they find you,
And confine you

So shut your mouth, we've heard it all.
Hypocrite's and critics all
Can fuck off we do this for our souls,
Our souls.

What they say, won't make us go away.

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F/F/T3K15 12/22: More Sonic/EqG. · 6:01am Dec 23rd, 2016


SHADOW THE HEDGEHOG IN SONIC BOOM (No, not that Sonic Boom. Ugh!) · 8:48pm Nov 15th, 2015


Chillaxing and a surprise visit! · 12:48am Aug 30th, 2015

Just spent a day at the villa chilling out by the pool. Got a pretty funny video to upload of that event too, providing this shitty tablet will work well enough to let me do so. Also had a surprise visit from the daughter of the woman who married my mom and dad back in 2004 when we came on holiday to America for the first time. Sadly that lady passed away from cancer, but it was lovely to see her daughter, her father, and her stepmom over at our place. We had a nice talk and conversation about

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Viewing 3721 - 3740 of 3,828 results