
Viewing 261 - 280 of 517 results

More Trump Comedy · 2:45am Nov 12th, 2017

I must admit, I'm enjoying the material the American president provides our comedians with.


Meet the dogs of the Charlesworth Family! · 11:07pm Jun 28th, 2018

From left to right...

1; Ziva (my little brother's dog / Staffordshire Bull Terrier / Originally bred as a nanny dog, has babysat puppies during my time as a breeder, has also babysat kittens, is clumsy and greedy but shows much affection towards people and children)

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Lead Bread - He reads fanfiction. Go check him out if you feel too lazy to read a story yourself. · 9:57pm Mar 12th, 2017

Here is his most recent video, a chapter from his reading of Not Just A Bug.


My first Unique poster has arrived! · 2:46pm Oct 9th, 2015


It looks pretty damn awesome! And for what I paid to have it made with a professional glossy finish, it should be pretty damn awesome!

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So here's something interesting I just discovered... · 10:28pm Oct 18th, 2015

If you thought it was an original song, then look what Charmx, who I am subscribed to, just reacted to not so long ago...

Now, the person who made the Sonata version COULD have gotten permission to use the original song, I've not checked, but still...the next time you see another MLP video get loads of views, look a little deeper and see if the video is really all of their work.

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALTERED ARAX! · 10:23am Jan 31st, 2016

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to Altered Arax
I hope you do the same for me too!
Oh, and Happy Birthday to you too!


Because I thank god every day for this guy... · 1:42am Jan 11th, 2016

It's Jim Sterling as a pony, by the way...


My Totally Serious Entry Into The Cute War · 3:57am Dec 6th, 2015

My Totally Serious Entry Into The Cute War:

Well, here is my totally serious entry into The Cute War. Yep, it is meant to be the most serious entry you have seen today. Nothing fishy is going on here. Nope. Nuh uh. Nada.

So I humbly enter my cute face.

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Many Thanks To TheCastawayPariah · 11:42pm Mar 21st, 2017

As many people know, my mom and I have been going through a very hard time lately.

If you want to read the full story you can check out my blog entry here:

Yesterday there was someone who made a very kind donation to my fundraiser.

He has previously made three other contributions and he made another one which I just received in the mail.

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I'm Going Through A Difficult Time And Fundraiser · 5:38pm Oct 14th, 2016

A month or so ago my mom was diagnosed with Vikings Disease which causes bones and joints to curl up to the point where they can't be used anymore. There is no known cure for it. My mom got it from an injury at her job where she shattered her shoulder bones and all of the bones in her wrist. This caused her body to sustain a lot of trauma that triggered the recessive genetic disorder.

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My Thoughts On The New Healthcare System · 4:28pm Jan 12th, 2017

In a press conference yesterday, Trump said they are going to repeal and replace Obamacare the same day with a new bill that was drawn up. The new plan allows for people to earn interest on their insurance policies that they can take out to pay for medical expenses. It basically pays for itself in the longrun. And it keeps all of the best aspects of Obamacare but with little cost because it encourages competition across State lines. There's a bunch of information about the new plan online/ on

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When The World Ends · 1:03am Jan 23rd, 2017

When you think about it, at any given moment, of any given day, a meteor could crash into the earth, we could blow ourselves up with nuclear weapons, we could have our entire civilization destroyed by super volcanoes, or earthquakes, or water covering the earth, or any number of natural or man-made disasters that could eradicate our species.

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I Am Made Of Constellations · 8:27pm Sep 16th, 2016

I have constellations as birthmarks kind of all over my body, including the Big Dipper, The Small Dipper, and so on.

This got me thinking of that quote that says people are built from stardust and everything that makes up a human being can be found in space.

I guess my birthmarks are a pretty literal example of that (in some form or another). :P

On a side note, I also have one eye that is a slightly different shade of blue than the other.

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Ur meh gud, UniqueSKD came up with another funny joke. · 10:51am Dec 15th, 2016

A friend of mine invited me to a Disney costume theme party. I decided to go as Donald Duck. When I got to his house, he opened the door and took one look at me before shaking his head. "Sorry Unique. You can't come in my house dressed like that." I was puzzled. I didn't understand what was wrong. "What do you mean?" I asked, rightfully annoyed. "You said in the invitation to come dressed as a Disney character. I'm Donald Duck!"

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I Am The Only Brony In Arizona · 4:23pm Oct 5th, 2016

Okay, so there might be one or two other Bronies who live here and are already my friends.

But other than the three people I know, there are literally no Bronies here.

We don't even have a brony convention.

I think the universities might have some brony clubs but they aren't as big as the anime or other special interest clubs.

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Never Give Up · 1:42am May 18th, 2016

Never Give Up

There seems to be a lot of people going through some hard times on the site so I just thought I would share something from my past that might be able to help other people who might be going through the same thing.

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I'm Having A Hard Time · 12:00am May 9th, 2016

Things just got worse for my mom and I again. We were getting some extra money that helped cover the cost of bills from a settlement. But then the dangerous family member who has been after us for six years took that away.

At the same time my mom got a work injury where she broke her shoulder bones and wrist bones. Now she is also having troubles with her mouth because we haven't been able to afford much of anything for six years, being on the run, let alone a dentist bill.

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Feeling A Bit Depressed · 1:12pm May 11th, 2016


My Cat Boots Is Sick · 4:25pm May 19th, 2017

She keeps losing weight even though we feed her dry food, wet food, and treats every day. She also had diarrhea and threw up for about three days in a row at the beginning of the week. I am taking her to the vet today to see what is going on. I am hoping that it is nothing too serious. I would hate to see something happen the new little kitty we took in. Especially since she still needs to feed her kittens. It would be bad if anything happened to her since there are six little kittens who

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I Want To Make Rainbow Colored Sandcastles · 2:46am May 23rd, 2017

I want to buy that colorful craft sand you see at the store sometimes and make rainbow colored sandcastles.

If we can put a man on the moon, I can make multicolored sand sculptures. <_<

I don't even have to stop at making sandcastles.

I could make cartoon or anime characters. I could make animals. I could make cute chibi fruits. I could make whatever I wanted.

I could live my dream of making sculptures out of random things no one cares about.

I won't let my dreams be memes.

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Viewing 261 - 280 of 517 results