
Viewing 261 - 280 of 386 results

No One Reads These But That Won't Stop Me From Making Them · 3:16am Jan 23rd, 2017

YO! I'm posting a chapter at like 9:14 P.M. Why? Eh... I don't know. It's a short one. The shortest one so far. Like...

Wow... That's short.


Extra Thoughts on "Mother of Many Faces" · 1:06am May 10th, 2017

I don't know about you, but sometimes even when a story is done and gone, I can't help but continue thinking about it. Pondering what might've happened next and what might've happened to certain characters.

Let me say this early on: this particular story is done and I have no interest in revisiting it or continuing it. But that doesn't mean I can't ponder about it and let you hear my ideas.

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Review #12 - Cant, Abandoned, Starlight's Failed Dramatic Entrance · 4:14pm Dec 8th, 2016

Okay, I swear I did not mean for these to be all the same author... Lol.

Anyway, this time I have three stories for you, they are:

Cant by Rambling Writer
Abandoned by Rambling Writer
Starlight's Failed Dramatic Entrance by Rambling Writer

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Review Roundup: October 17th - November 11th · 5:49pm Nov 13th, 2016

For your (future) consideration, I recently figured out what I need to do to improve a Hearth's Warming story I wrote last year enough to post it (or rather, how to accomplish the thing I already knew I needed to improve), so I'm going to start in on that soon. But not too soon, because pre-Thanksgiving is too early to be writing Christmas(-expy) fiction. Expect a new short, seasonal story from me sometime around the start of December!

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Why I write · 6:11am Dec 6th, 2016

I write because it helps me think things through. I can walk around for days or years, accumulating a big tangle of half-formed thoughts, but it's not until I sit down and try to channel them into a story that they start to cohere.

Also cute Derpy and Doctor because reasons

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.......@$#% !!! · 11:16am Jun 25th, 2016

Can't sleep. Nope. Not much sleep for this Draconequus! Not a wink!

Stomach still won't calm down but that's my fault, can't complain about that one. Much. Let's see... Got work in about less than four hours, so it'll be another long...LONG day.

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Review Roundup: April 4-15 · 3:12am Apr 18th, 2016

It's still Sunday, so I'm not late!

In Chris fic news, I saw that sometime over the past week, Going Up passed 5,000 unique views. I'm edging up on 1% of My Little Dashie, guys! Seriously though, 5,000 people is a mind-boggling number to me, in the context of "people who are reading something you wrote." Exciting!

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Review Roundup: May 9th-20th · 8:11pm May 22nd, 2016

So I finally got around to watching last week's episode on Saturday, right before the new one came out, and OH MY GOD WHY DIDN'T ANYONE TELL ME IT WAS SO GOOD!? Best songs since season two, a play on a literary classic that takes inspiration from the original without feeling the need to hew to it scene-for-scene, a timeless moral about making the world a better place by being the change you desire... A Hearth's Warming Tail had everything I wanted and more. Heck, it even showed me how,

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JoJo's Bizarre Adventure · 6:42am Apr 11th, 2016

After YEARS of refusing to watch it I said fuck it and gave it a shot, much to one of my friend's immense amusement. He knew I'd like it because it's my favorite kid of crazy and he was wrong..... I LOVE IT. I've watched up till the end of part 3 and I'm waiting to watch part 4 until it's at least ten episodes in. But it made me want to right a JoJo story but I'm not entirely sure on what to do. Should I do Hamon or Stands? And if I do Hamon I'm think of doing Joseph cuz I dunno he's my

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This is what I get for not keeping up to date. Ow, my head... (Long ramble on recent developments) · 2:07pm Apr 29th, 2016

So there I am, browsing the net, looking for some videos, and...


That's all I got.


Why would anyone go and remake the Powerpuff Girls into... whatever the bales that is?

Okay, so, to clarify: went to my usual online haunts, found the first episode of the 2016 Powerpuff Girls, can't say I'm impressed. I'm sure some of you might have expected that response, but... there's a different angle to it for me.

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Review Roundup: July 3rd - 21st (Plus Guest Post Update) · 4:42pm Jul 25th, 2017

If you've been contemplating writing a guest post for my blog, you have about two weeks left to come up with it! And if you're still on the fence/missed the call for guest posts, head over here to find out more. Right now I've got four yes's and a couple of maybe's, covering reviews, theory, and writing advice. Which is enough to get through my

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Review Roundup: November 6th - December 1st · 12:29am Dec 6th, 2017

It's December, and that means it's time to put on your Christmas hats! Join all the cool kids in doing so, if you find it to be a low-effort way to interact with the community and to generally have a little seasonal fun. Or don't, if you find the avatar hats affectatious and juvenile. Your call, but personally? I think they're a cool little tradition. Plus, it's one of TD's most lasting contributions to the fandom, and I think

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I've done it again... ;_; · 2:07am Aug 12th, 2019

So I guess this might be another story announcement. I mean it definitely is one just that I'm not certain I will actually upload it. I have a new standard in uploads, in that I need to have four chapters written before posting. So the first one is written and I intemd to keep writing but to be honest the last...let me check...nine...damn it...havent gotten there. Well that isnt quite true one got to five chapters, if you count the prologue, but the point is I've been having trouble keeping at

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Four Years On · 9:51am Aug 18th, 2021

I'm publishing this a day early due to the fact I'm working tomorrow so that sucks. So, allow me to say thank you for putting up with my creations. Considering I started with several stories that while great, and I can't give my praise to those who supported my old work, they weren't... something that left me wanting to return to write more.

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What Would be the Best Possible Way to Write About This? · 1:27am Sep 21st, 2020

So, I was just wondering:
What would be a good way to maybe write stories about flaws in logic in the show, while having storyline, and not just sounding like a boring documentary, or an 'Everything wrong with this thing' story? Or should I just have it in blog posts similar to this one?

One good example of flaws in logic is in the episode with the running of the leaves.

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Writing Stuff · 9:49pm Apr 26th, 2023

I'm working on some projects, one being a fic inspired by Ganymede's sadly unfinished fic 'Half-Life: Equestria' which you should totally read. There's no ETA yet, but hopefully, it'll be worth the wait.

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The funk continues · 5:04pm Jul 8th, 2018

I have a lot of diagnosis. Bipolar type two. High Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder. Gender Dysphoria. Attention Deficit Disorder. Executive Dysfunction Disorder. Post-traumatic Stress Disorder. These are fun as they all mix together in just the most fun ways. Can't pay attention because of the ADD, can't force through it because of the EDD, Don't have people in part thanks to ASD, in a depressive swing downwards thanks to the Bipolar, and fucking stressed because of all of that and the

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I may be rambling. · 3:43pm Sep 23rd, 2020

It's funny, as I've always loved siege stories. Helm's Deep, Assault on Precinct 13, Night of the Living Dead, Roarke's Drift, The Alamo-- and so on. Something about a small group of survivors holding out against a numerically larger threat is just compelling. Though it's a little less appealing when you've been living one for the last couple months. Oof.

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Story Notes: Delivery · 11:42pm Jan 26th, 2020

So sorry about this being late, I got busy, then not busy, then busy again, then said fuck it all. So, story notes! Lets see if I can even remember anything...


I guess lets first look at the characters of this story, the important ones being Rudy, Hot Brew, and Jack.

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I'm (Not) a Liar · 10:56pm Apr 30th, 2017

I said I'd post that chapter. I did. Granted, it was later than intended BUT OH WELL. It's there for all of you to not read it. Just like this.

Viewing 261 - 280 of 386 results