
Viewing 221 - 240 of 527 results

School, and other things · 10:45am Apr 9th, 2018

Talking about delays once again, sorry for the late chapters people. I'm just caught up in some studies, but I do have four more days until my holidays begin and I will be on track for story writing. Now, I know it may seem repetitive that I keep mentioning delays but I really do love writing and I want everyone to enjoy my works but people need to know why this keeps happening. I'll try my best to put up a chapter when my break begins.

But in the meantime, keep reading y'all!



Caution! Delays Imminent! · 6:21am Mar 10th, 2019

CYCLED Chapter 4 is taking longer than expected, so it might be delayed a week, possibly two. This means that if Chapter 4 does not go live on the 12th, the 5th chapter will be relegated to next month as a result. Please understand that I'm just warning you because I care about letting you know about what may change in the future. I promised Chapter 4 on the 12th, but at this venture I don't know if I can pull that off. I'll aim for the 19th, and if all else fails- it will come out on the 26th.

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Update on Extended Holiday · 5:44pm Sep 21st, 2015

I am copy pasting what I have written as the author note for An Extended Holiday.

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Scrap Basket not updating this week · 3:14am Mar 19th, 2016

Part of this might be burnout: I've been writing several thousand-word chapters almost every week since the start of the year and I'm a little tired at the moment. Also, there's something I want to focus on with Agate, since it has something to do with a later chapter. However, the way I'd intended to do it requires you to have a level of familiarity that I haven't given you, and the original way I'd intended to do this just wouldn't cut the mustard. I've tried to brainstorm an idea, but

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Yet another delay · 11:08pm May 3rd, 2018

The final chapter (not counting epilogue) of URBC will be delayed on account of:

1) Revisions to make sure this story goes out on a high note.

2) I'm in the middle of catching up with a old friend, and helping him with his own fan fic.

3) IRL complications that have made the past few and upcoming weeks rather stressful.

4) Recent episodes forcing me to rework a scene.

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A little confession (sorta) · 7:19pm Dec 25th, 2017

SO! For Christmas i have gotten a Chromebook! this means I will be able to work on the "Who Family Is" story like I want to!

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Delay Apology · 7:07pm Aug 24th, 2017

I just want to let you all know that I'm still working on Assassinverse Green Vengeance and I do apologize for the delay in the next chapter coming up called "To Canterlot High and Back".

The trouble I'm having right now is how to execute the Friendship Games in this story despite never have seen the film in a way that will earn me more positive likes than negative dislikes.

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Delay · 11:37pm Aug 4th, 2015


Don't know how many (if any) people read my blog, but I'm just letting you all know that I'm not gonna post anything for a bit. I know I was only three chapters into Pinkie Paladin, but things have gone a bit mad lately and I have a bit of a mess to sort out. Sorry for the delay, but new chapters will resume one I get some semblance of an act together.

- Arty


There will be a one day delay... · 11:31pm Jul 13th, 2022

In the new Harmonic Resonance chapter as the commissioner has requested one final set of enhancements and I’m still missing prereads. With apologies to all, look for it tomorrow night.


Mega Ugh · 2:38am Jul 22nd, 2021

I was hoping to get the Epilogue for this story done by the end of last year. Obviously that didn't happen.

Various things occupied me during the start of this year, but I was hoping to get some more clarity on what I wanted from it. It got further delayed because I was uncertain about it, and as time went on I wondered if it would be able to "live up" to how long it had taken.

Then it got overtaken by events.

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Update for "My Sister, Cozy Glow" will probably take a while. · 12:59am Oct 26th, 2019

EDIT: Chapter 3 is now published! Yay!

Hey all, so I've been a little busy with school and I'm not really happy with what I've written for the next chapter, so I'm probably gonna take a little more time to work on the third chapter for "My Sister, Cozy Glow."

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Report Mica · 310 views · #delay #update #spur #cozyglow #biscuit

home? · 10:29am Mar 1st, 2017

so as it turns out the weather in new Hampshire is really foggy...............
so the plane is delayed an hour. :raritycry: :raritydespair:


Chapter delays · 7:34pm Sep 2nd, 2020

The next Casting Gold into Scars will likely be a bit delayed and may not be posted until some time next week or later!

Going though some things that are making it hard to focus at the moment but hopefully I can hammer this next update out soon.


Activities halted · 10:22pm Nov 24th, 2021

Though I will be doing the next chapter of It’s not easy soon for now I’m going to be mainly focusing on my Jinglmas assignment and do hope you all understand this is just going to temporarily take all my site attention.


So my laptop died. · 1:58pm Jan 3rd, 2018

After five faithful years of service, it seems my laptop has finally entered the last stages of its life. Got the infamous "click of death" last night.

I've already picked out a new one, but it'll be about two weeks before I get it, so I'm afraid my latest fic will be delayed for a while. Sorry about that. Hopefully it'll be worth the wait.

RIP Shamrock95's laptop
May 2013 - January 2018


Yet More Delay · 4:32pm Oct 2nd, 2018

Hoenstly can't tell you all how sorry I am, but you guys definitely deserve an explanation. So aside from the fact that, quite literally, I am only just now getting over being sick, I've also had work. Normally, that's not an issue, after all, you all know that I've maintained my writing schedule through work without problem before.

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Report I-A-M · 414 views · #GRN #MtG #Featherfall #Delay #sorry

Virus update · 8:40am Aug 16th, 2020

Eye infection cleared up. Vision mostly restored. Sinuses/throat still infected/swollen, hot/cold flashes. Still pretty bad.

Sleeping over 12 hours a day.


Update delay- reasoning -homeless · 9:55am Dec 14th, 2018

My stories have not been updated recently to the fact that because of unforeseen circumstances I've been homeless for 3 and a half weeks. Fortunately with much effort my luck has turned around and I should not be homeless for much longer! Unfortunately my place of residence was deemed unfit due to asbestos and the government had not supplied me with a new home for the meantime. Shame I know, however I'm okay and no need to worry! I will be back to updating as soon as possible, as I've had some

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A Big Storm Happened · 7:35pm Apr 29th, 2019

I live on the top floor, under the roof. I lost a window. It was a big shock; I sat next to it when a piece of chimney crashed inside. The thing weighed approximately half a tonne.

What I learned from it:
- It's not smart not to check the roof regularly (not my job, though).
- Splintering glass is loud.
- I have a sturdy floor and one hell of an awesome guardian angel.
- It's great to be healthy.
- It's okay to take a breather and comtemplate how you just did not die.

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A Wee Bit of an Update · 4:16am Jul 4th, 2015

Dear Bronies and Pegasisters,

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Viewing 221 - 240 of 527 results