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Cozy Cuteness · 9:18pm Dec 15th, 2021

If you're stressed out and you want something cute to lessen the stress, these two stories will help alleviate the stress.

ECozy Glow Drives Tirek Nuts
Cozy Glow has been locked away in Tartarus as punishment for her crimes. There she meets her pen pal and new neighbor, Lord Tirek. She then proceeds to drive him completely nuts.
StormLuna · 1.9k words  ·  142  10 · 3.8k views
ESaving Cozy
The Legion of Doom has just been defeated and everypony thinks the three need a harsh punishment, save one. One pony wants to find out what caused Cozy Glow to go down the path she did before punishing her.
StormLuna · 3.1k words  ·  77  20 · 4.3k views
Report StormLuna · 308 views · #cozyglow

Cozy Glow VTuber is back~!!! · 2:00am Jun 27th, 2021

Hey y'all, I finally got round to recording a bit with my Cozy Glow VTuber avatar from a few weeks ago. This time, with full motion capture! I know the mouth animation still has some issues, but I hope you find the video entertaining!

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Report Mica · 180 views · #vtuber #cozyGlow

More VTuber avatars! This time, I made Cozy Glow. · 5:18pm May 27th, 2021

For the past several weeks, I've been teaching myself how to build VTuber avatars. It's been a challenge, since I have very little digital art background. I know I have a lot more to learn, but I hope you enjoy what I've made. :twilightblush:

My second project so far has been creating a VTuber model of Cozy Glow. I can't draw ponies myself, so I created her by vectorizing various Google Images of Cozy Glow.

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Report Mica · 545 views · #vtuber #cozyglow

A Blast from the Past · 3:03pm Oct 14th, 2023

It has been five years since the season 8 finale and since I wrote this adorable story. If you weren't around here back then, this could be your first chance to see it. If you were, chances are you probably saw it or if you didn't, this could be your first chance. If you choose to read it, I hope you like it.

ECozy Glow Drives Tirek Nuts
Cozy Glow has been locked away in Tartarus as punishment for her crimes. There she meets her pen pal and new neighbor, Lord Tirek. She then proceeds to drive him completely nuts.
StormLuna · 1.9k words  ·  142  10 · 3.8k views

Currently working on a Cozy Glow/Spur fanfic · 5:17pm Oct 3rd, 2019

I've been a little dry of ideas for a while, until recently I had a trace of an idea. As the title suggests, the story will involve Cozy Glow and Spur, who look so damn alike that I couldn't resist making them sisters. The story is mainly centered around Spur, and her fears of becoming evil like her little sister.

I'm always really sucky with coming up with names, so if y'all have any suggestions for the names of Spur and Cozy Glow's parents...let me know in the comments. :pinkiehappy:

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Report Mica · 340 views · #cozyglow #spur #finale #comingsoon

This picture is so wrong yet so hilarious. · 1:41pm Apr 15th, 2020

Image source.

Oh golly, I was just going for a spin with my Auntie Starlight!

*nervous laugh* Ehehehe...*whispers angrily* I'm not your auntie, Cozy! Now scooch over here behind the wheel and pretend like you're an innocent young filly who doesn't know how to drive.

I'm gonna need extra for character work, Auntie Starlight.

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"Curtain call" blog post: Story notes for "just cozy glow." (Also 100th blog post woohoo!) · 3:39pm Oct 2nd, 2020

Happy Friday! Thank you all for reading my latest story “just cozy glow.” and for getting it (briefly) onto the featured page!

This is my “curtain call” posting. In other words, I will drop the horror act, and answer your questions honestly as a writer.

First, a PSA

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Come listen to me, a 20-year-old grown man, do a Cozy Glow voice impression · 9:53pm Apr 1st, 2021

This is a continuation of my previous blog post, where I showed you all some MLP voice reels that I recorded. Some of y'all were probably a bit puzzled what that was all about. Well the truth is, I've been working on a dramatic reading for just cozy glow, starring yours truly! :pinkiehappy: In preparation for this,

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I made my first group · 6:50pm May 27th, 2019

It's centered around the team that consists of (in order of their first appearance) Queen Chrysalis, Lord Tirek, Cozy Glow, and Grogar.

Basically, I just want to read stories centered around this bad bunch, and not have to rely on the main page with "New" and "Updated" sections.


Thank you all. · 12:53am Oct 17th, 2019

Just wow.
Dunno what to say.

Well, it was a cold, rainy, and absolutely miserable day today in west PA. I've been dealing with insomnia these past few days, and classes have been boring. But today I was smiling from ear to ear.

Thanks to you all.

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Report Mica · 358 views · #featured #cozyglow #thanks #brony #spur

WTF CozyGlow? · 11:32pm Oct 13th, 2019

I'm just asking, but, what or who the fuck is CozyGlow really? I ask because if she's a student where the fuck are her parents or legal guardians. Or, stay with me her, I believe she's a midget! Or some pony that suffers from some kind of dwarf like symptom, as in the movie, The Orphan, spoiler alert by the way if you haven't seen that movie yet. Why else would they be okay with sending a child pony to Tartarus or a eternally frozen in stone.


Update for "My Sister, Cozy Glow" will probably take a while. · 12:59am Oct 26th, 2019

EDIT: Chapter 3 is now published! Yay!

Hey all, so I've been a little busy with school and I'm not really happy with what I've written for the next chapter, so I'm probably gonna take a little more time to work on the third chapter for "My Sister, Cozy Glow."

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Report Mica · 316 views · #delay #update #spur #cozyglow #biscuit

Are. You. Kidding me!? · 12:42pm May 23rd, 2020

True story.

The final chapters of My Sister Cozy Glow are in the works. It's gonna be gooood...:pinkiecrazy:


My Story, Cozy Glow: Author’s Notes, FAQ, and AMA · 3:08am Feb 5th, 2022

Spoilers for My Sister, Cozy Glow contained below. You can read the story here.

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What Lies Beneath · 4:32pm Sep 11th, 2018

Friendship is Magic review by Obake


This would be the strongest of the school episodes, were it not for a few choice line of dialogue and strange ending. To be fair, the ending may turn out to be part of a bigger plot involving the season's villain, in which case it makes somewhat more sense.

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Marks for Effort · 7:54pm Jun 2nd, 2018

Friendship is Magic first impressions review: Marks for Effort (s08e12)
by Obake


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The Ending of the End Notes: The Legion of Doom, part 1 · 9:59pm Feb 2nd, 2020

I have decided to start a series giving some behind-the-scenes information. This first installment will focus on the Legion of Doom. Nothing in here will spoil anything that hasn't appeared in the story thus far (that is, up through Chapter XIII), and when discussing spoilers to the most recent two chapters, I'll put them in spoilers. I'll add any questions you guys have to the main post.

Today's topic is

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School Raze · 5:50pm Sep 15th, 2018

Friendship is Magic review by Obake


Credit where credit is due, this special has the funniest ending of the series, which was likely unintentional. I was laughing for awhile.

School Raze is the two-part finale of season 8, and exactly as I expected, takes itself too seriously. The antagonist of the episode is Cozy Glow.

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Viewing 1 - 18 of 18 results