
Viewing 2161 - 2180 of 2,628 results

Oops, I dropped thi--OH CRAP, IT'S SPOILERS! · 11:55pm Apr 23rd, 2020


Be back soon~ · 12:50am May 15th, 2022

Hey hey! Been a while.
Just wanted to say I've been going through things as of recent (finding employment, family health issues, etc.). As soon as things get settled over here, I might be back with a new story. Been thinking of writing something involving mouth play. Will get back to you all when I have a concrete idea.

Til next time, peace!


Steps Towards the Outside · 8:41pm Jun 17th, 2022

I rest in the shadow of a young, sprig tree. Its branches reach just past the tip of my boot. The air here is crisp, freshly brewed and vented, by the same aamaritan providing cloak from the sun. Yet all around it stand grander trees, with grander branches, soaking up sun, sighing cool air. My tree is dwarfed, in the company of the ageless, those who savour the same world, drink the same atmosphere, and yet are a distance away, greater than any journey. I may never know the experiences of a

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A Familiar Visage · 1:44am Nov 12th, 2022

Two brothers quarrel to split their family asunder,
one side grows strong while the other goes under.
Together sparks fly and the tension grows high,
but neither brother bid the other goodbye.
In but one frail moment, all was lost,
the brothers left to lament the cost.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


Late Work / Merry Christmas / New Stuff / New Stories · 4:11pm Dec 27th, 2019

Hello everypony, as you might have noticed the next chapter to Journey To Heartwarming is not up yet, this is because I was so busy this week with other stuff. I do plan to still post this beast of a winter finale but I need to finish it first. This chapter was almost finished at the beginning of this month, but then I had to do writes to fine-tune each to have them fit better into place. Due to that, I am currently finishing the chapter even right now. So here is what is going to happen, if I

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An expected ill · 10:58pm May 1st, 2020

Wash your hands.

A branch knocked onto the explorer's head,
they thought nothing of it, and went on instead.
A branch knocked onto the explorer's chest,
they thought nothing of it, ill time for a rest.
A branch knocked onto the explorer's neck,
they thought nothing of it, and continued their trek.
they paid no attention to what latched onto their nape,
for while out exploring, every branch looks like a snake.

Happy Clean Filthy Friday~.


Summer Ponder · 9:40pm Apr 21st, 2023

Sweet summer sun and the taste of oranges underneath the calming winds beneath a tall tree. I can taste the citrus nectar on my lips, the brisk air, and shadows of rustling leaves. Were I close my eyes, I would be there once more. Though, there is no time to shut them, there is work to be done, and when it slips my memory, it will never exist again.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


What's this? The first story of 2021? · 5:53am Jan 21st, 2021

Yeah. It is, and it's probably going to be the only one I release for a while. I've just had enough of this written, plus I'm absolutely sick of just editing and revising my older stuff. Staring at my older prose so much can get boring just because I don't really like editing. Though I do like reading, sometimes all work and no play is just awful.

So have a story about Ivory Scroll.

TVictory for the Dark Horse
Ever since Twilight Sparkle has taken the steps to princesshood, Ivory Scroll has become obsolete as Ponyville's Mayor-Mare. Nothing could be more devastating to her, and she aims to renew her sense of purpose in the world.
Ice Star · 14k words  ·  54  11 · 784 views

Post Vore day~ · 10:16pm Aug 9th, 2019

Fester, thoughts believed banished, rising foam of doubt and terror sprawling through our mind. A call of falsehood only fuels them, the more we think of them, the more life they are granted. The past is only real because we recall it, our memory dictates what remains in our reality, and what falls by the wayside. Despite being selective, there can always be the hermit thoughts, those too deep to pluck, who foament doubt and sorrow, we believed to have banished. A hole in a puzzle, is as much

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Twin Month Approaches~. · 11:54pm Jan 28th, 2022

As nature iterates it divides, branches spreading ad finding their niche, burrowing through the grounds and soils of life to approach its place in the whole. Some branches fall short, and yet they still nourish the whole of the tree, allowing the others ones to reach further than they ever could hope to achieve alone. Together, whole.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


Times of Hats in Darkness · 1:20am Jul 6th, 2019

One mushroom, a foot in a cap lounging in place, defying expectation in shying away from sunlight, towards the crannies of comfortable darkness where other plants stray far from. Course, they are not flora. They feed elseway, they drain their nourishment, cleaning the underbelly of nature of the sickened, or create the cause of the sickness. So inconspicuous, so small, creatures of the dark need not impress with their volume, their size is as their preference: secluded in darkness.

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Double up On Twin Month · 11:30pm Feb 11th, 2022

It is the second week of Twin Month 2022, and we are releasing the other half of last week's story, which fittingly contains the "conclusion" to the happy twins therein~.

There once was a crab on the beach, it polished its scale on a smooth rock.
It wondered, "how come my shell is rigid, yet the stone here's a polished block?"
The tides answered. First one wave, then another. Washing over crab and rock, a briny breeze of the ocean.

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Poison and medicine · 1:50am Feb 19th, 2022

Poison and medicine overlap. A poison, in a small dose, functions as a medicine. Whilst a medicine, in a large dose, functions as a poison. Do you see it? In a sense, a factor of whether a substance qualifies as poison or medicine, lies in its amount. It is said not to take too much of a good thing, in the same vein, a small amount of poison, need not necessarily cause harm.

Happy Twin Month, and happy Filthy Friday~.


A While In the Sun · 10:38pm Jul 9th, 2021

Sleep as you would under the stars, with body bare and legs apart.
hang if you will by the worlds handlebars, away from influences that would impart.
But wake each moment,
the world's not patient,
it comes to you with judgement insistent.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


A Desire for Summer · 9:39pm Jul 23rd, 2021

There is a new pony artpack, summer edition, which I can not link to here, but if you find my other Septia accounts then you can find a link to the artpack~. A lot of artists making some fun content for it.

Sometimes, it does not go the way I wanted it to.
It still goes.
And while I can, it is how I react to the changes that determine my path. The path has but one end, until then, it only forks.

Happy Clean Filthy Friday~.


Happy New Year! · 2:56pm Jan 1st, 2019

Hey Everypony!

As promised, the New Year has brought with it a new story for all to enjoy!

The first chapter of Fallout Equestria: Clockwork Precision has already gone live and is ready for you to take a peek.

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new fic: Sticks · 10:56pm Mar 27th, 2022

"You're joking." Zoom put her hands in her hooves. Every pore oozed contempt. "Please tell me you're joking."

"You didn't get weird about me liking sneakers. Why are all bent outta shape about this?"

She leveled a lazer beam gaze squarely at Thunder's forehead. "Because, dummy, most people don't join the Zephyr guards because they want to wear the funny hat."

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Remember, remember, the Fifth of November... · 6:13pm Nov 5th, 2019

Happy Bonfire Night to all you brits out there!

As for me, I’m celebrating the day as it’s the debut of my main project that’ll probably go on for quite some time now. A new, proper “Elements” story, exploring the characters set up in the original.

I hope all of my lovely readers enjoy the new tales and tell me what you think.


Sneak-Peak Saturday #42 · 3:42pm Dec 7th, 2019

Wednesday, December 11th

All the events of the seasons of FiM have happened before. Maestro Spectrum knows all of the events from the start, and crafted an artificial 7th Element of Harmony to try and stop it. However, he is tired of failing ... Something needs to change.
The REAL Mister Pkmn · 42k words  ·  24  2 · 836 views

Chapter 22 Excerpt:

Sure, it was a bit hard, knowing that she wasn’t the first that he had tried to show this all to among the six of them. But… she didn’t really mind so much anymore.

TTo Find Purpose
Back in 2011, there was a young man who felt ostracized by the world. He felt that absolutely nobody cared, but he pushed on anyway. This is a tale of if he found his way to Equestria back then...
The REAL Mister Pkmn · 76k words  ·  20  5 · 1.3k views

Chapter 12 Excerpt:

“It’s alright, Rena. It’s alright.”

Wednesday, December 18th

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Wait Today is What? · 8:14pm Apr 1st, 2022

I was thinking now,
That I would write a poem,
But this is ramble.

is rarely what we write here,
Potassium, yum.

Wishing you a happy Filthy Friday, and a Wholesome Weekend.

Viewing 2161 - 2180 of 2,628 results