
Viewing 181 - 200 of 902 results

So about this Patreon thing... · 10:37pm Apr 24th, 2018

It occurred to me that the absolute minimal traffic my Patreon has been getting might be due to the fact that the reward tier structure I had wasn't something anyone was interested in, and would have charged too much for what most people would likely pay me to do.

So it has been completely restructured! YAY!

The tiers are now as follows:

$5 or more per month

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I Need To Ask Something · 7:59pm Aug 3rd, 2018

I know I've mentioned this in a blog before, but...when I'm not busy IRL or with my other stories, how would you guys feel if I offered commissions through Patreon? I may not have much to offer on my DeviantArt account, but maybe I could do one-shot fanfictions? I don't normally do this, but I'm short on cash these days, and I don't have much to work with, so I was hoping to start a Patreon account to remedy that.

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A Cry for Help: The Curse of the Hurricane · 5:59am Aug 10th, 2020

This is not the way I wanted to come back.

I know it's been months. It feels like years. But once again, I find myself backed into a terrible corner with a ticking timebomb at my feet. I don't want to do this. I never do. But in the end, I have to put my family first. And today, they require me to do something truly desperate.

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Report Amber Spark · 2,016 views · #patreon #help

New on Patreon: $5 and higher tiers get extended story reading! · 2:40am Jun 26th, 2021

I'll suffer through up to 20k words if you give me money lmao

also new video:


Patreon Update Up! · 8:27pm Jan 11th, 2020

All right readers, the Patreon Page has been updated, rebuilt, and revitalized. Take a look and let me know what you think!

That’s all. Just a follow-up to what I promised yesterday!

Report Viking ZX · 119 views · #Patreon #Updates

Snow Heart has a Patreon! · 2:28pm Aug 22nd, 2019

Follow me on Patreon...if you want.
I could really use some extra headpats for all the hard work I do, but I totally understand if you can't do much. Every bit helps.
*hides in bush*

Report Nailah · 177 views · #mlp #Patreon

Update Time! · 12:26pm Jan 9th, 2017

That chapter story I was talying about doing, I plan on having the first chapter done at the end of the week. Idk how long it will be but we'll see. it's a comedy. I'm not giving away what it's about but I think you guys will like it. I'm still trying to raise money to help my mom out so if anyone could please help me reach our goal of like 300-800 bucks that'd be great. The bills were due on the 5th and the longer we take the more there will be a late fee. So if you have anything big or small,

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Annual Free-For-All Story Idea Voting! Last Chance! · 8:44am Jan 1st, 2017

I'm doing a one-a-year event where anyone can vote on which story I'll do next, details here.

The important part is, voting ends today, Jan 1st! If you want to help decide which 3 stories I'll write before the end of April, you need to vote today!

Thank you to everyone who's already participated, and good luck in getting the stories you wanted to win!


Hey guys! · 2:21am Jan 7th, 2017

Could you maybe help me out? someone? we still need to pay the bills. all I have is 30 bucks and it's not nearly enough. all we need is 300-500. Doesn't matter how much we get just that we get it. bills was due on the 5th but that didn't happen. So if you can please please help! We need this money immediately. the more we get the better!


Important! · 8:15pm Jan 7th, 2017

I'll do a huge commission for anyone willing to help me right now. No one seems to be responding to me so I'm offering something in return. We still really need money and help so please please help if you can. I don't know what else to do right now. I'm going to be by myself next week and we're bone dry. I need at least 500 bucks. please help if you can!


I Have no Idea What To Do · 12:57am Dec 11th, 2016

So like, we have hella bills to pay. Like the light, the gas, but groceries, etc. We have no cleaning supplies or anything either. And Christmas is two weeks away. I'm not even sure we're even going to be able to have Christmas at this point. Not even the presents, just the dinner in general. I'm hoping for a Christmas miracle but I doubt I'll get it. I'm praying that maybe I'll win a 1,000 scratch off or something but I have the worst luck ever so that's not happening. I'm praying some huge

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Yup. We're screwed. · 7:38pm Dec 11th, 2016

My mom just confirmed we won't have any money for Christmas dinner let alone presents. She told me we don't even have enough money to raven have a small dinner. I don't know what to do. Christmas is in two weeks, rent is due, all these bills need to be paid, We're gonna need at least a thousand to cover everything. (That's an estimate with other variables added in like gas and other bills.) I honestly don't know what to do. Or who to turn to. I cant even finish writing like this. Even if we

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Heyo! · 3:45pm Dec 12th, 2016

Just in case you guys missed it last night, a very good friend of mine started a gofundme for me! I didn't even know until he told me! The deadline he set is the 15th, that way he'd have time to mail the check and everything so that I'd get it in time to buy all the food and stuff for Christmas, along with other stuff! So please if you haven't already, share it with anyone you know! It'd really help a lot! Also, Hope you guys

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August's voting for story ideas is complete! · 10:34pm Aug 17th, 2015

Each month, my $4 or more Patreon supporters get to decide on which new story I'll write, voting on a selection of ideas my $1 and up supporters have submitted.
August's poll is done, and the results are in.
I won't keep you waiting.

The winner is: Backdoor Omelette, with 17 points.
("[NSFW] Basicly a changeling and a male pony/another changeling with eggs being laid into the rear of the other", from an anonymous Patreon supporter.)

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A little Patreon pimping · 12:26am Oct 20th, 2015

Hey readers,

You've probably seen me talk about alittleofsomething in regards to cover-art she's done, stories I've done based on her work, or fan-art I've commissioned from her. She has a Patreon account that can use a little love so she can focus on her Ask Pegasus Lola blog.

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April Update and AMA · 12:18am Apr 4th, 2016

Alright, usually on the first of the month (or sometime around there, whatever) I post an Ask Me Anything blog, where you guys can ask me anything you so desire. This is one of those blogs. However, I've also decided to expand these blogs into a general updates blog as well since I've been posting less and less in terms of blogs as time has gone on, and having a once a month blog just dedicated to AMAs and begging for money on patreon is a bit

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Report Regidar · 356 views · #april AMA #patreon

June AMA · 5:22pm Jun 1st, 2016

Well whatya know it's that time of the month again
Time to wash my socks
Also, it's AMA time! I know you've got all these burning questions you want me to answer, so don't be afraid to slide 'em on down in the comments
Even if I don't know the answer I'll make something up, so you're all good

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Report Regidar · 572 views · #June AMA #patreon

Updated my Patreon · 8:01am Mar 21st, 2017

I updated my patreon account and made it look a bit nicer and not so... noobish.

And I'm thinking I'm gonna be needing this to help me survive in the coming months. Things are looking kinda bleak, but alas, I'll survive.

But hey, if you guys like my work, and wanna help support me and grow as a writer, considering checking out my patreon!


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My Patreon Commission Poll Update (July 2018) · 9:50pm Jul 29th, 2018

There are only two days left on my Patreon Commission Story Poll, and 27 votes have been casted already.

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Hi everyone. · 6:01am Sep 5th, 2015

Hi guys. I am very sorry for the very long delay in my writings. I have been suffering from major writers block and some emotional problems, on top of financially strapped. Well, I wanted to let you guys know, I'm going to be getting back onto my writings and that I have started a patreon page to help support me. Here is my page

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Viewing 181 - 200 of 902 results