Twilight's Library 4,830 members · 6,274 stories
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Group Admin

Currently, for active admins, we pretty much have me, Seven81493, and The Belgian Brony.

We also have ChaoticHarmony, who's pretty busy, and Ananse, who's pretty much inactive.

Trouble is, that's not really many admins for a group with 200+ people, especially given that any incoming fics need to go through the incoming folder and read by an admin, or just directly read by an admin before they are added. And I've been getting pretty busy too, which is why there are nearly 40 fanfics in the Incoming folder.

The main things I'm really looking for are people that are willing to read pretty much anything in the Incoming folder, and either add it or reject it, and be nice about it if rejecting it (see the rejected thread). Liking M/M clop, second person stories, and humanized fanfics might actually be a bonus, as long as you have good taste in what is added, since that'd make them more likely to get out of the incoming folder.

I also could use someone that is willing to occasionally come up with featured fanfics, since I've been having trouble coming up with new ones on a regular basis.

And if you have ideas for other things that could be done with this group, and would like to be an admin so that you can do them, let me know what you have in mind.

If you are interested, reply to this thread.

Oh, and if any of the other admins already know people who are interested, let me know. :scootangel:

I'd like to apply to be an admin. I do have a full time job and am very busy on some days but on most of my free time, I spend it on brony forums and on here :pinkiehappy:

I would be interested. I am pretty much available during nights. My schedule will change in May though.

I'm so down with this. I'm on the site frequently.

772817 772819 772834 I can vouch for all these people. All of them are good friend's of mine, and know what they're doing.

I would love to be an admin.
The only work I have to do can be (and is) put off and/or ignored, so I am usually constantly looking for something to do. Some things make me cringe (tense, person and some story types) but those are mostly the odd ones out, and I can get through those as well as figure their merit. I DO consider myself a member of the National Socialist Party for the Advancement of Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar, so there is that, and I am planning on writing some stuff soon. bullshit
But in the interest of time better spent ignoring work, I certainly could help this community.

I WANNA BE AN ADMI- oh... Um... Yeah.

Busy writing things :derpyderp2:

Well I'd be interested in being an admin I suppose- I'm a college student who's technically overloading on courses, but seeing as I have no life and spend the majority of my free time on this site, pre-reading for some people on this site, or doing other something else pony related, I might as well be helping out this group by reading/approving fics for this group.:twilightsheepish: I'm free mostly weekends and afternoons/nights during the week.

I wouldn't mind helping out. I'm willing to read just about anything, and I feel like I could do a decent job.

Group Admin

Glad to see a bunch of people interested. I think I'm going to wait until tomorrow before I make any decisions on this, to try and make sure anyone interested gets a chance to post here. And I also need to decide how many admins I need. I do need a couple, though.

I wish "words read" was still on user pages, as that'd help me a lot. :twilightsmile:

I'll keep in mind the people 772846 vouches for (which I'd imagine includes 772943, if he's your proofreader), and anyone the other admins can vouch for as well, though that certainly won't be the only factor.

I'll also keep in mind people who's fanfiction I'm already following, like 772834. And having favorited a whole bunch of fanfics that I enjoyed is always a good sign.

And, 772916, believe me, I can sympathize. Like 772817, I have a full time job. I'm admin on two groups (the Scootaloo group is also looking for admins, btw, though being a Scootaloo fan is a qualification on that one.), and am working on two fanfics. One of them, the unpublished sequel to Making Friends, is at 20.5k words right now, incidentally. I really need to remember to go looking for cover art for the thing...

And I'm doing some very silly things over on the Miss Harshwhinny Is Best Pony group. Which, to be fair, is a very silly group.

Group Admin

Im open almost all the time, so sure. Why the hell not? I was admin for another group once, but left cause it got really stagnant. With almost no fics being added, although when i left they had good admins besides me.

773052 Man, if it showed words read, I'd probably have more than 2 billion at this point...

Group Admin


Previous experience as an admin would certainly be useful. And I am rather worried about stagnation on this group. That's one reason why I'm going for more admins at this point. If you've got ideas for other things we can do with Twilight's Library, too, I'd be glad to hear them. That applies to anyone else in this thread, as well, incidentally.

I know that feeling. Remember, I've still read most of the fics in this group. And I have 39 unread updates and 325 fics in my read later folder at this point. Don't know if I'll ever get the latter cut down...

Group Admin

773131 thx man, and that mostlikely wouldnt happen with this group, as that group was focused around a paricular thing that not many write over. (Wolves) wereas this one is dedicated to finding good fics in general.

Group Admin

773105 if only it still had that. I wanna know who has the highest count.

Group Admin

Alright, thanks for all the offers for help. I really appreciate everyone in this thread that's willing to lend a hand. I think seven new admins would be a bit much, though, so I'm going to go with five for the moment.

I went ahead and looked over your user profiles, and talked things over with Seven81493 a bit, and here are my final picks.

Sol, you've got admin experience, and I could actually use to have someone with previous experience as an admin here. I've pretty much been winging it, running this group and the Scootaloo group, and could really use the help.

Admiral Hoofsome, you had a pretty interesting collection of favorites, and are apparently a pretty good proofreader. Also, you appear to read humanized fanfics, and we could use someone to go through the one's in the Incoming folder. (Merc the Jerk is a pretty good author, so I expect they are fine, but I don't want to add anything that hasn't been read...)

Pony of Passchendaele, your favorites actually had a lot of good fanfiction in them, plus a number of ones I haven't got around to yet, and given that really bad grammar is one of the big things likely to turn me off a fanfic, that helps.

greatodyer, you've read a lot of fanfic, and most of it looks like pretty decent fanfiction. And it looks like you read second person fanfiction, which I tend not to touch, so you've got first dibs on those. And you look like you have pretty good grammar, which helps.

P3RROHAMBRE, you've been a member of this group for a long time, and I'm following a few of your fanfics, so I know you're a decent writer. I do see several fanfics in your favorites list that I wouldn't accept into Twilight's Library, and one I've rejected, but as long as you stick to the group guidelines, you're in.

Doc Awesome, Rarityfan87, thanks a lot for the offers. I do appreciate it. Adding seven new admins would really be too much at the moment, though. Even five was pushing things a bit. I'll keep your offers in mind, though.

Now, I recommend the five of you browse through the rejected fanfic thread to get an idea of why fanfics get rejected. I also recommend reading the Incoming fanfic standards document, since that's what everything we reject is based off of.

For the moment, I'd prefer that you add your own fanfics to the incoming folder for the moment, though I'm likely to relax that later.

Main thing I'm looking for help with right now is handling the Incoming folder, which has a ridiculous 42 fanfics in it. Basically, pick a fanfic from it, read through it, and if it meets the standards, put it in the right folders, as per this post, and delete it out of the incoming folder.

While I don't always do this, I'm starting to go with posting a comment on the fic saying it's been approved and added to Twilight's Library, with a link back to the group. Feel free to mention things you liked about the fanfic if you want.

If you aren't approving it, add a post to the rejected fic thread explaining why nicely with constructive criticism. If for some reason, you don't think you can post something there that's constructive and considerate, feel free to pm me the fanfic link and why you want to reject it, and I'll write something up.

Once you've done that, delete it from the incoming folder.

And, obviously, if you spot fanfics there you have read, and already know are good, go ahead and add them.

Here are a few quick examples of fanfics I'd prefer not to see in Twilight's Library:
Sleepless In Rarity
Twilight Sparkle's Diamond Refinery
How To Handle Grownups
Rarity's Garden (Well, alright, anything by HamGravy. If he wrote a story about cute little kittens, I'd assume it contained rape & foalcon.)
Spike's Limit

Well, you get the idea, anyways.

Anyways, aside from that, if anyone wants to help out with the featured fanfic thread, that'd be really helpful. And if anyone has more ideas of what should be done with the group: contests, game threads, adding a few discussion threads, etc, post about them, and I'll let you know what I think.

Group Admin

774599 i'd be happy to be an admin. if you were winging it from the start with this group then you did pretty damn well man.

oh and your judgement on fics is pretty much the same as mine.

That's cool, my offer is always open. :twilightsmile:

Group Admin


Thanks. And, seriously, the origin of this group was my brother and I chatting over IM, having trouble knowing which fics to recommend to each other because you can't organize your favorites. I suggested creating a group to organize them, I did so and created the folders, and we started dumping our favorites into it.

People started joining, and I added the Incoming folder, since people wanted to add their fanfiction, and started adding more things I thought people would like.

I still toss fanfics I liked into to the group after reading them, though. That's why there are more Scootaloo fanfics in the Scootaloo folder then in the Scootaloo group.

I'm aiming to fix that, of course. I took over the Scootaloo group. :scootangel:

And, yeah, glad to hear we have similar tastes in fanfiction. That's one of the things I like about this group, actually. It's like an intermediate step between Equestria Daily and no filtering whatsoever. And I feel that's needed.


Group Admin

774688 ahem, all hail scootaloo, the filly from wherever-the-hell she is from.

Group Admin


Yeah, her origin seems to be the main way I tell which of my assorted fanfiction universes I'm writing in.

If her parents are dead, and she's living with her Auntie Vinyl and Octy, it's either the On A Rainy Day / Just Winging It universe, or an unpublished au of that universe that technically came first.

If Scootaloo has, er, rather unique origins, it's the Making Friends universe, where, by the sequel, she's living with Ditzy and Dinky.

Then there's a not only unpublished, but discontinued universe, where she's homeless, and Fluttershy is sort of trying to lure her into admitting it to her so she can do something about it, while arranging for her to go on as many sleepovers in her cottage as possible.

I've often wondered why most of the new fanfiction ideas I have involve Scootaloo...

WOOT! Thanks man, I' happy to be admin-ing. Also, that awkward moment when someone describe your favorites list as "interesting.":facehoof:

I'm a weird fellow with some of my fav's but I understand the guidelines. Thanks.


Group Admin


No problem.

And there are plenty of fanfics that look like interesting reads in there, and plenty of interesting fics I've read in there. And then there's Living Lingerie, and other fics by that author...

:rainbowlaugh:LOL ohmygods that fic... I favorited it because the concept of it just leaves me sitting there thinking "the buck did I just read..." And preposterousness is nice every once in a while... (However, on the rest of those fics, I abstain, courteously)
...aaaaaaaaand I just looked at my favorites list... point taken- I'd probably describe it as "interesting" too:twilightblush:

Group Admin

774752 hey, at least you dont have OC's on the brain. thats the main reason i haven't made anything so far.
oh, and the minor fact that i judge my own work way too hard, but that's besides the point.

Group Admin


Yeah, to be fair, I've favorited some pretty strange things myself on occasion. Two Peas In A Pod, for example, for a really bad pun. Though, to be fair, Shipping Sickness has to be the winner as far as bad puns goes. It deserves the likes it got.

Well, I do have one OC on the brain. Meet 'Unwanted Mistake', resident of the local orphanage:

But I only ever wrote one and a half chapters of an unpublished fanfic about her.

And I know what you mean. I have trouble knowing when to release things, too, and stop revising. Though, as an experiment, I told myself after writing Making Friends that I would only let myself do three revision passes through it before I published it.

It has the most likes of the four fics I've published so far.

Of course I did that after I revised a oneshot to death. I revised it so many times that I absolutely could not stand to ever look at it again, and it never was published because of that.

Group Admin

774942 know whats even weirder?

i'm probably one of the only people with 'in depth' head-canon on magic. beyond 'oh look, a plot device i can abuse!'

Gah, love that second one. As far as puns go, I want to come inside, Rainbow Dash is one of my favorites mostly because it expounds the use of a comma, seeing as Dash won't let you come into her literal house

Group Admin


On, I don't know, I've been known to think about how magic works in my fanfiction:

"Magical exhaustion?" Ditzy said blankly.

Sparkler rolled her eyes. "Mom, this is covered in Unicorn Health and Safety 101. A unicorn mostly runs on magic, so if their reserves are exhausted, they won't have any stamina at all, and will need bedrest until they recover sufficiently. Well, bedrest and chocolate, actually, because chocolate helps the regeneration process."

"In that case, I hope she got home safely. She had seemed fine afterwards, though a bit tired."

"It doesn't really kick in until whatever she had left of her physical reserves is gone and her body can't replenish it," Sparkler said. "It has different effects on pegasi and earth ponies, too. Pegasi are just rendered flightless, and unable to walk on clouds, for example."

"She should have been able to make it. Her home isn't that far from the pond." Scootaloo spoke up, as the conversation finally got to something she knew about. "We just took a long route there because it was supposed to be an adventure!"

Admittedly, not published yet. It's from the sequel to Making Friends I've been working on.

Yeah, Shipping Sickness was good. And yes, in cases like that, a comma is very important. :twilightsmile:

Group Admin

775134 oh, my meaning is the application and manipulation of magical energy, not the results thereof. :pinkiehappy:

Group Admin


Ah, alright, that I have less spelled out, though I believe I was working off of Power, Focus, and Intent, and Sweetie Belle screwed up the last two. Trouble is that I won't have to write a detailed lecture on what went wrong for another five chapters or so.

Though I did spell out exactly what she was doing at the time she screwed up in Making Friends, at least.

Group Admin

775160 so that i can effectively kill any pretense of a serious mood, i have been listening to this for the past 1/2 hour

Group Admin


Ah. I had the audio to Ponyville Confidential running in the background for some reason.

Group Admin

775171 whenever im not listening to something random like that i have a 32 song playlist of poni.

Group Admin


Yeah, I've got a pretty large pony music playlist, too. Listening to episodes in the background is usually something I do more when I'm trying to get a particular characters speech pattern and voice in my head. Though if I write a character enough, I don't usually have to do that.

Group Admin

775205 i have a weird memory, i can remember most of a characters way of speech and behavior depending on their importance in the show. (i do kind of the same thing with schoolwork, everything is easy when you can memorize it) my family/friends/teachers like to call it photographic memory, but i dont think thats it exactly :derpytongue2:

aaaaand we just filled up a thread that should by all rights be dead with random conversation, havent we?

Group Admin


I tend to remember characters I likes speech patterns well, but they could use refreshing occasionally, and I've been writing Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Dinky Do often enough that I'm trying to keep them distinct. Though, Dinky I can do whatever speech pattern I want with at least.

I think this is reasonable:

"RAWR! RAWR!" A raspy voice that was still recognizably Dinky's came from the box. "Ima living cardboard! I'm gonna eat you and turn you into cardboard, too! RAWR!"

(Hmmm... I need to actually finish that chapter...)

What always got me through tests is that I'm a really fast reader, so I'd just quickly reread the chapter right before a test. :twilightsmile:

And, yes, we did. Though, to be fair, there isn't a "Random Conversation" thread in this group. We should probably rectify that. I always felt the forums here should get more use then they do, but as it stands, all the threads have been created by me.

I suppose we should have official general group rules, too, really...

Group Admin

775227 with the rules thing i say not till its needed. Most people in this group seem like civilized beings with manners. Anyways, i put a fic into incoming that ill recommend to you: it actually manages to make you have feelings. honestly it is a really good example of melancholia, with a heavy steampunk and adventure feel to it, and a dash of politics.

Group Admin


Yeah, true.

And now I just wrote an ending to a chapter that's really bugging me. Scootaloo just went all monosyllabic and is acting like something's bugging her, and since it's her viewpoint next chapter, I have to figure out what it is. :twilightangry2:

I'd planned to skip to the next day, but characters seem to have minds of their owns sometimes. Ah well, I can rewrite it if need be.

And, hmm, that looks interesting. I'll have to take a look.

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