I Hate Equestria Daily 641 members · 642 stories
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I really have no idea what they're doing here. Anyone got an answer for this odd phenomena?

1321685 To find excuses to try and justify themselves.

1321685 They like to see what we have to complain about. Though personally I'm not in this group for the fan fiction section of EQD, I'm here because I dislike the music section

Edit: Man who downvoted me? You asked a question and I answered *Shrug*


They like to laugh at our problems and then comment something witty and smart to display their alpha male dominance over us petty women.

That, and they like to "get suggestions" for "fixing" EqD.

To monitor us.

Means people who are part of this group have slim chances to get featured on EQD.

I don't know about anyone else but I'm here to laugh and have a good time.

They want to eat dirt sometimes.

Perhaps they are looking for constructive feedback on their job performance, or perhaps they are all laughing at us from atop the EQD ivory tower.

Or perhaps they only think that they are looking for constructive feedback, when in reality they have no intention of changing their unprofessional and blatantly biased ways. A lot of people like to delude themselves into thinking that they are critical of themselves, when in reality they are not willing to question their own ways in the slightest.

I don't know. All I know is that I posted evidence of their bias against me here, and all I got was excuse after excuse from the pre-readers who peruse this forum. When one of them finally promised to address the topic, I e-mailed them and they have yet to get back to me for over a week any response to my simple e-mail.


They like to laugh at our problems and then comment something witty and smart to display their alpha male dominance over us petty women.
That, and they like to "get suggestions" for "fixing" EqD.

Sums it up pretty well.

Probably a mixture of being offended and wanting to show the other sides perspective and justifications. not to mention the occasional fun of trolling a bunch of angry people to make them more angry, because, you know, its amusing.


Wasn't too long before you got here.

Also observed that you're the most often pre-reader to visit this forum.

Well yeah, as a fimfic mod I'm usually on the site, and being in this group I see new threads added.


The lulz are to be had here, for certain.

Sir, I do not think you properly understand.
This is not the appropriate place for one to "laugh and have a good time." This is a serious forum on an important literary site. A landmark of western culture that demands the utmost maturity and reflection from participants. There are great minds at work here, and they do not appreciate your lollygagging among them.

I shall have to ask you, sir, to either develop a sincere aspect proper for the matters here being discussed or to kindly remove your disruptive presence.

I'm not even a pre-reader. I'm just here for the Bud Light.


But you died in Snake River! How are you still living?

Sir, please do not force us to respond by downvoting your comments.
We are prepared to put little sad thumbs next to all your hopes, and dreams, and one word responses.

Am I the only one who is amused that Alex has a dedicated team of downvoters who make sure to attempt to downvote his every comment into oblivion? The only other person I have ever seen have such a dedicated team was Chatoyance.

Ah the quirks of FIMfiction.

Wow you actually read those "biographies"? Color me impressed!

That reminds me to tell knighty to make staff comments un-hidable via downvotes.

Schadenfreude, apparently.


Your profile description says otherwise.

Hiding? I do not care about that. Nobody cares about that. If anyone gave a shit about that, they'd stop downvoting comments that were already hidden.
Downvoting exists so users can be spiteful for no reason, using the most petty means available.


Wasn't me for all I know. I upvoted it though.

Tell me of your troubles.

Author Interviewer

You do realize that when this group started, there were more pre-readers than not for quite a bit? Or, if memory serves me ill, at least a whole damn bunch of us. :B

Is joke, comrade. If make funny, politboro take me away. Will die of malnourish in gulag. Suffering over. Is happy day.


If you want to make a joke, you'll need to add more sarcasm and emphasis on what you're trying to make a joke.

Silly pre-readers.

Am sorry, comrade. Would offer virgin daughter for forgiving, but politboro take her when she tell lie of having potato.

Is better this way. For her, suffering has been long over.


because this group is pretty much dedicated to bashing them?

1321685 because they'e all faggots
and we're all faggots
everyone is a faggot

faggots are love
faggots are life

1322216 the first church of fag

1322116 Very well.

I posted a thread about this a week ago, and that thread is far more in-depth than I will go here, but basically...

I submitted a 4,000-word oneshot crossover fic called "My Little Frasier," a crossover with the popular sitcom Frasier.

After a three-week wait, I finally received a rudely-written rejection letter by a pre-reader who had not watched Frasier and claimed that I needed to go more in-depth introducing my characters to people who might not be familiar with Frasier. He also said the fic wasn't funny, but might be if he were familiar with Frasier.

Here's the problem:
1. If he wasn't familiar with the source material, why did he pick the fic to review? Why did I wait three weeks to have a fic reviewed by someone who wasn't familiar with the crossover work?
2. He ignores that I already did introduce the characters in the description that I submitted, and I provide short introductions for them in the fic itself. He also ignores the fact that most people aren't going to read a crossover if they aren't familiar with the work being crossed over with. Even if they do, I think I provide enough back story to introduce them.
3. EQD frequently accepts crossovers to the site which give NO introduction to the characters, neither in the description nor in the story: they assume that you are already familiar with the work being crossed over with. I won't go back and dig up the links since they're in that thread, but I found four fics which give no introduction to the characters whatsoever.

I e-mailed him back both through the fanfic box and also through his FimFic profile, which he has yet to respond to, and it's been two weeks. Maybe by August I'll have an answer. :ajbemused:

Ah, right. That. Not really sure what to tell you, other than "sorry". The pre-reader in question hasn't replied yet. However, you're more than welcome to request a different pre-reader look at your fic and act as if that first rejection never happened.

1322326 How would I go about doing that?

Send a followup email to your original rejection and just ask for someone else to look at it.

They're looking to a superior site for ideas on how to get their own shit together?

It's because we hate EqD too.

Cuz they're so edgy?

If Alex's replies are anything to go by, to prove that they are in fact, trolls, who want to keep pretending like EqD is the all-representing center of the fandom, when in fact it's skewed off to one of the corners by now.

1323380Do remember that the guy's long-standing avatar was Cage. Tells you plenty.


EQD isn't the ONLY thing Alex does you know. I don't understand why his comments are getting down-voted to hell either, seems petty and unnecessary, I also don't think Alex is a bad pre-reader, but people have to understand with literally thousands of things being sent to EQD a day that it's really really fucking hard for them to get into detail about anything without clogging up the queue list for fiction that was submitted.

Fuck me, right?

1323705 Cage is life. Cage is love. Cage is all.

1324634 I DID notice a NTSTS fic getting featured on EqD/

A winningverse fic, given a certain rainbow tag, splattered with pre-reader comments.

and an awful upvote/downvote ratio.

Posted by Alex.

Sorry, he's lost any credibility with me.

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