Lilith911's "Special" House 218 members · 48 stories
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1630698 Testicle Mod 1.5.2

I'd get that.

Group Admin

Make a sword out of enderdragon testicles. Kill everything:coolphoto:

Group Admin

Do you really, want to curse me:pinkiecrazy:

Group Admin

Player: Hiryu
Race: Anthro Dragon
Gender: Male
Style: loincloth and my scales
Location: Anywhere between takes me (being Pernese has its advantages)
Profession: anything I can put my claws to
Likes: willing to try almost anything once
Turn offs: scat, watersports, anything involving blood or heavy bodily injury, heavy BDSM, necro, foalcon
Gear: all I neeed are my claws and flame
Special skills: telepathy, limited telekinesis, teleportation (again, being Pernese has its advantages.)

Additional Note: While I have problems with M/M sex, I will happily play a convincing female for vanilla upon request.

Player: Ranko

Gender: female

Race: Human

Style: Always something sexy. Usually a tight, red top, shorts that border on being panties and thigh-high socks. (See avatar)

Location: A small shack outside Ponyville. Perfect to spend some quality time with 'special' friends.

Level: Usually submissive towards a dominating partner and a notorious flirt. Loves to suck dicks and play with cum. Will try anything except vore, scat, watersports and serious torture. The important thing is that all parties enjoy the experience.

Special items: A magic parasol that enables her male partners to have multiple orgasms in a row without going limp.

Group Contributor

Hmm...this place seems to have slowed down a bit...welp, i'm gonna go have some fun with blood play!

Comment posted by kragor deleted Mar 5th, 2014


Name: Tragedy

Gender: Male

Race: Anthro Unicorn

Style: Black cloak and Hoodie

Location: Unknown

Level: Prefers to be left alone, but enjoys to fight every now and then, libido almost non-existent

Special item: Shadow Staff

Vic Viper
Group Admin

1721659 If your libido is do you get off?

Vic Viper
Group Admin

1721666 I see...welll...good luck then! :twilightsmile:

Anthro Cloudline Dasher

Pony Cloudline Dasher

Name: Cloudline Dasher
Gender: Mare
Race: Pegasi
Job: Works as Rainbow Dash's wingpony on Ponyville's lead weather team.
Home: Ponyville
Hometown: Cloudsdale
Sexual orientation: Bisexual

1455876 Ripper- Sweet!:pinkiecrazy:

Ripper- This is what i look like. I'm more insane than anypony's ever drempt of..
Gender-: male. Durr!:pinkiecrazy:

Name: Stitch

Age: 18 years

Looks: Stitched mouth, a murder at the heart. Painted herself red with blood. True colors are purple and yellow stripes.

Gender: Female

Pereonality: Mad, weird, killer

Group Admin

Another character for me to use.

Player: Rune Soldier (goes by Rune)
Race: Human (EQG style or otherwise)
Gender: Male
Style: business casual.
Location: Canterlot High (or elsewhere)
Profession: Teacher (or anything heavy intellectual)
Likes: seduction, role play, uniforms, short skirts, being dominant
Turn Offs: anything involving deliberate infliction of physical or emotional pain, anything squicky
Gear: ruler, magic tomes, extendable pointer, and various things in his desk drawers
Special Skills: varying level chaos based magic, optional magic immunity, immortality


Name: Dusk Flare
Gender: Male
Race: Anthro dragon (what did you think I would be?)
Details: 6 feet in height with tail and wings of equal length. Scale color is a dark blue with black claws and spines on scalp.
Style: Primarily dominant, and will extend that to many areas.
Clothing: Occasionally wears a custom tailored black leather trench coat, otherwise settles for a pair of denim jeans. Paraphernalia can include some weapons, being a warrior in my own right.
Location: Dragon Sanctuary castle
Level: Open to about anything short of scat. Practices dark forms of magic for multiple purposes (including pleasure). Is strictly hetero, though will magically change into a female on occasion (known as Midnight Ember).

1455876 Name: Cielia Phantomhive
Gender: Female
Race: Tengu, Unicorn
Home: Phantomhive Manor, Trottingham

I swear, if you actually role play something here... I don't know what would happen :twilightoops:

Name: Thomas
Race: Seraph/Unicorn
Appearance: shining amber coat, six dove wings, aero blue mane and tail, and electric blue eyes
Gender: Male
Level: anything but scat, watersports, gore, vore, or with another stallion

Players: Naomhán
Genders: Male
Races: Irishman
Style: Black Leather jacket, cargo pant's, Combat boots
Location: Where he feels like at the time
Level: Pansexual, hates rapists and pedo's
Bio Of Sorts: Irish, moved.
Special: Irish, can drink gratuitous amounts of alcohol without getting drunk, and has a pretty good sex drive.

Comment posted by Bat_Horse deleted May 22nd, 2014

Name: Misty
Age: 23
Race: Pegasus/ Anthro Pegasus (depends on the RP)
Clothing: rarely wears anything aside from her gold, jewel incrusted collar with a tag that reads 'pet' but when she does wear clothes its normally a school girl uniform (knee length skirt, white blouse, tie, white knee socks) with a lacy ruffled bra and never ever wear panties
Occupation: Madam and part-time prostitute
Body Type: Curves, curves, curves! she has curves galore but with a relatively small waist and suprisngly (cosidering how loose she is) tight pussy
Personality: Yeah, she is pretty much just a slut. She wants nothing more then to get dirty with every thing, every one, everywhere in every style as long as she survives it.
turn Ons and Offs: She is turned on by pretty much everything, the kinkier the better. She is turned off by... death? I think thats i- wait no, now she is into necrophelia :facehoof: yeah, she is up for everything.
Sexual Orientation: Absolutely loves Stallions but never says no to a mare
Other: Chances are that if it exists Misty has fucked it, fucked in it, fucked on it, or fantasized about fucking it.

Name: Kyler
Gender: Male
Race: Earth pony
Style: Turtleneck sweaters and tank tops
Level: Does anything someone tells him to in sex, very shy
Color: Blue with a darker blue mane and tail, and green eyes

Hopefully I did this right :derpytongue2:

Group Admin

Character Name: Steampine

Gender: Male

Race: Pegasus (can be anthro if doing anthro thread)

Clothing: Screw descriptions! I'm gonna give you a picture!

Style: You can see what he looks like above, but he likes to listen to any kind of electronic and metal, and is skilled in parkour.

Sexuality/Fetishes: He is bi-curious, and he is into bondage (with him as submissive), hermaphrodites/futas, and he has a pee fetish.

Notes: As a more submissive character, he would be okay with any other fetishes, except for vore and scat. He is a virgin. And he's always wondered what it would be like to be a female... :trixieshiftleft:

Okay here goes.

Name: Nine Tails
Sex: Stallion can change into a Mare with magic
Race: Unicorn
Home: Where ever his airship is.
Occupation: Adventurer
Abilities: Skilled Mage, and master of the sword arts, knows some sex magic from Soaking Wet
Level: Initially seems a bit aloof towards sex but is in fact very amorous and sexually adventurous and will do just about anything except guro, scat, and necrophilia. Loves to be dominated by Mares. All of this is thanks to Soaking Wet who unleashed this side of him.



Name: Steel Arrow
Race: Unicorn (can be anthro if the RP calls for it :ajsmug: )
Gender: Male
Job: Lunar Guard
Notable Traits: Masochist, Remarked as quite feminine despite strength and look, gets flustered easily, submissive.

Pics for references (if anyone draws an anthro version of him I would add it:

Name: Peter, his friends call him "Lettuce"
Age: 15
Race: Human
Occupation: Unemployed.
Level: Almost anything, except scat, watersports, and permanent damage to the body.
Description: Why a description? Here! Have a picture!
Special Abilites: Kick-boxing and Tae-Kwon-Do training.
Location: Ponyville town's square
Other: Bashful around girls. Extremely docile and a total pushover.

Name: Zie Wolfen (Crimson Shade)
Race: Human (Stuck inside a Earths-Pony's body)
Mane/Tail: A deep blue, within Crimson.
Location: Ponyville

((All I'm saying, no spoilers from my stories! Sorry guys!:pinkiehappy:))


Name: Hunter Killer
Race: Shadow Man
Hobby: Brutally killing/raping anypony. Why? Cause he can.
Occupation: Mass Murderer.


Players: Joss
Genders: Male
Races: Anthro Alicorn
Clothes: Adams Suit
Style: Basic missionary and Tentacle rape
Location: Where the wind blows me
Level: Anything goes

I suppose it's about time I made this official:

Player: Penstripe
Gender: Male
Race: Zebra
Clothing: Black cloak
Style: We'll see, won't we?
Location: Fillydelphia
Level: From soft to hardcore and everything between. Prefers some emotional attachment, though.

Player: Tinker Swift
Gender: Male
Race: Pegasus
Style: Completely up for new things, and prefers to be alive when finished.
Location: Manehattan
Level: Up for nearly anything except Vore, Pedophilia, Necrophilia, Scat and Water sports. Rape is fine... Like I said, I'm up for new things, though it's not rape if I enjoy it :ajsmug:

Player: Allee

Gender: depends on the form, neutral in its natural form

Race: Changeling

Clothing: None, except when disguised

Description: Pink highlights instead of green, mute. Submissive with a racial superiority complex. A strong will can force it to obey, even shifting it's shape.

Special ability: Mastered aura reading to mimic most creatures and objects. It can not use any other changeling ability, not even parotting speach. It simply did not have time to learn that.

Style: Transformation, size play, R63 and gentle vore.

Level: Just about anything but Scat, Water sports and Necrophilia

Name: Buck Shot
Race: Earth pony
Occupation: Video store clerk
Motto: "Proceed with titties."
Appearence: Light brown with caramel colored mane and shaggy beard.
Likes: Attractive mares, money, attractive mares with money.
Dislikes: Scat, watersports, pedophilia (if it happens in his presence he would quote, "flatten skulls with his anger"), and necrophilia.

Player: Zane
Gender: Male
Race: Anthro Earth Pony
Clothing: T-Shirts, jeans, tennis shoes, a brown cotten jacket
Style: I'm against Necrophelia, Pedophelia, and Vore. I'm for Basic missionary, Dominatrix, Anal, Bondage, Torture, Rape, even some Tentacle Rape and Shemales.
Location: Mostly Ponyville, but travels around alot. Loves to go to other worlds.
Level: No scat or other bodily fluids cept cum.A gainst Necrophelia, Pedophelia, and Vore besides that...I guess anything...I hope. :pinkiecrazy:
Special items: I hope to gain one from my lustful Queen Lilith. :pinkiecrazy:

Name: Forest Shade

Race: Unicorn.

Gender: Male.

Style: A cloak.

Name: Evening Storm (also R63)

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual (only in this group)

Looks: Light blue coat with a dark navy mane and tail with a yellow streak through them. He has dark green eyes and his cutie mark is a tornado crossed by twin lightning bolts.

Short discription: Evening was 10 when he was gang raped led by his parents and 8 other ponies. he was again raped at 16 by a group of 12 pegagriffs then forced to eat his fathers still warm flesh right off the bone. This resulted in demented acts of violence and murder for the greater portion of his life. (really short. if you need more just ask. ill gladly fill you in on his actual backstory. not just a snippet)

Name: Shade Star

Age: 16 years

Looks: [img] [/img]

Gender: Female
Pereonality: Friendly, shy, weird

Name: Serene Moon
Race: Anthro Pegasus (or normal)
Gender: Male
Home: Kicked out of Cloudsdale, now living anywhere I can
Style: Normally casual, jeans, t-shirts, hoodies, but will clean up real nice when needed (Look at profile pic for what I look like)
Level: Down for anything hardcore with anyone. I like to think of myself as a master of foreplay and oral
Other: Mild case of paranoia and schizophrenia, along with an addiction to almost every drug, top picks being ecstasy, perscription pain killers (oxys), cocain etc.
Gear: Stolen hammerspace backpack that contains anything and everything

Player: Event Horizon
Gender: male
Race: Anthro Griffon
Style: Long jackets, denims and hoodies from time to time.
Location: Cloudsdale
Level: Up for almost anything.

name: Hoof Held
gender: male
race: unicorn
Style: doesn't wear much, like the ponies on the show
Level: vore. SOFT vore, preferably oral.
Location: travels. a lot.
Abilities: can shrink or grow to whatever size. also, is invincible.

Comment posted by Fable_Aquas deleted Nov 2nd, 2013

Name: Fable Aquas (Just goes by Fable)
Race: Unicorn
Gender: Male
Clothing & Appearance: Blue coat with a scroll Cutie Mark, Black mane and tail with a Brown Stripe in the tail, wears glasses and a gray Vest
Location: Ponyville
Level: Anything except that is Necro or causes pain on him or others
(this a good Discription?)

Name: Bedalia Flametail (The OC as my Avatar)
Race: Alicorn
Age: 18
Mane Red and Orange but flows like Celestia's
Coat: Yellowish Orange
Cutie mark: Flaming Lightningbolt
Sexuality: Bi-sexual

Hey Lilith, remember me? :pinkiesmile: I decide to join in on the fun!!

Player: Vinyl Scratch (DJ-PON3)
Gender: Female
Race: Unicorn/Anthro Unicorn (your choice)
Style: You have to make the move. :heart:
Location: Almost any clubs.
Level: Anything. The DJ is ready!! :raritywink:

Name: Ember (DarkLight)
Gender: Male
Race: Kitsune (can turn into a pegasus)
Style: Jacket made of purple flames, hat with a chicken/wrench crossbones, a Gaia Glove (that controls plants), Silver's shoes, and denim jeans.
Location: Pocket Dimension called Palleit, after Dimension D in the list.
Special Items: A partner Catbug named Isabelle(teal fur, yellow ladybug shell, purple spots,), a kusari-gama, the Huntsman, hidden blade, & a ring that allows me to use matter-based powers.

Name: Thermopylae
Gender: Male
Race: Griffon
Style: prosthetic right foreleg
Location: Sweden
Preference: easygoing, sturdy, like to know what he's dealing with.
Level: long as I'm not on bottom, anything goes.

Name: Scar Escort name: Milkman
Gender: Male
Race: Changeling
Location: Outcast in the Everfree
Occupation: Male Escort Service
Skills: Besides changing his appearance, he is able to see a person'e innermost lusty desires through physical contact
Gear: Handcuffs, Rope, Ball-gag, Small satchel, 2 handkerchiefs
Notes: Wishes for a companion
Level: No vore, scat, or watersport. Into sadism/masochism, hardcore. As far as physical torment, no profuse bleeding
Special: When fully aroused, can grow a second penis

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