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The Descendant
Group Contributor

And so, here we have the first of what I hope will be a long, unending litany of obscure, baffling, and surrealistic images for you each to ponder in an effort to provide me with some cheap laughs.

Da' Rules:
1.) You can provide as many captions as you want.
2.) Keep it PG-13.
3,) The winner is the one who wins.
4.) It ends when it ends.
5.) There is no rule five.

Da' Prize:
The winner, decided by me, will get their O.C. thrown into Zenith at some point in the future.

Da' Picture You're Gonna Caption:
Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you The Pillows, by Moe. Used without permission but with the greatest respect.


Join me in the bedroom, stud. :raritywink:

so srs.

Twilight had the funny feeling she had broken her "no Poison Joke sandwiches before bed" rule.

4.) It ends when it ends.

Stop adding rules after it begins, mister! :trollestia:

"Well girls, that spell didn't work."

~Skeeter The Lurker

And here we catch a rare glimpse of a pod of Twilight Sparkles performing their annual mating dance.

As many as I want?

Cocaine: Not even once.

Ceci n'est pas une Sparkle

Little did Twilight know, the pillows were Lagrange

What? Can't one go full absurdist here?

Day 5 of waiting for Zenith updates. Out of unread updates. Grab your pillows, tonight we hunt!

Jalapeno and kumquat pizza before bed: Never Again.

Comment posted by DarkCrusader28 deleted Jul 25th, 2013

And thus the great migration of the Pillow-Headed Sea Sparkles of the East Ocean began once again.

And now, let's observe the pack of Twilight Sparkles while they migrate in the search of more books to expand their knowledge.

The plesiosaur Twilight cometh, behold, behold!
With a pillow crowned before us, behold, behold...! Behoo-ooold!

"And here we have the subject, Twilightu Sparkeliu, in their natural habitat; The Mind. Currently migrating to the great Dream."

// Sphex

Unfortunately, scheduling nap-time between experiments on the Mirror Pool had... unsettling side-effects

"This is the last time I say, 'I'll have what he's having.'"

"Girls, look at what Pinkie's doing over there."

"What a weirdo."

I should probably post a sincere caption...

Even after cloning herself, Twilight Sparkle still has no idea of where the hell she actually is...

This is what happens when you bathe in the mirror pool

At last, we have found six Twilights that are better than Twilight

Twilight: Note to self, never talk about existantalism before bed

I will keep my pillow dry, even if it takes me six tries

I will live in Montana. And I will marry a round American woman and raise rabbits, and she will cook them for me.

"What's she going to do, sail into Manehattan, pop the hatch, and say 'Here I am'?"

"It might be just that simple, yes."

You are afraid of our fleet. Well, you should be. More tea anyone?

"... and the sea will grant each man new hope, as sleep brings dreams of home."

--Christopher Columbus

We're gonna need a bigger book

A great day comrades, we sail to slumber!

We're going to kill a friend, Yvgeni. We're going to kill Ramius.

Once more, we play our dangerous game, a game of chess against our old adversary - The Equestrian Navy.

I think Twilight found the Red October...

Where they are going, you cannot follow...

Narwhals, narwhals, swimming in the ocean, causing a commotion, 'cause they are so awesome...

Whale Done!

She dreams of fish

Having finished her studies on Starswirl, Twilight seeks to solve the mysteries surrounding the starboard

So wait, is starboard right or...

Psh, I can do that in my sleep

Shipping at its finest

Pillows don't fight, but they...can...swim!

We all live in a purple unicorn.

Purple unicorn, purple unicorn

And our friends are all aboard...

Though Nessie was saved and her loch remained undisturbed, Sir Cort Godfrey's plan had unexpected consequences...

I ain't givin' you no tree-fitty, you goddamn unicorn! Get your own goddamn money!

To drown or to smother, why choose?

Come hell or high water, this sleepover will happen.

"Twihals: Princesses of the Ocean"

I guess the Obelisk couldn't manage to drown Twilight.
Or all 6 of her.

No memory of last night. Five clones. Six pillows. Neck deep in a river. It must be Wednesday...

1355264 :rainbowlaugh: Dat second caption. Bravo.

I wanted to do something for Pacific Rim and just deiced to screw it and take the Badass Boast of the movie

"It's 106 miles to Canterlot. We've got a full river of water, half a dozen Twilights, it's day, and we're wearing pillows."

"Hit it."

And so it begins.... the greatest spectacle of our lifetimes

Wild Zontars
Group Admin

Watching the fleet of pillow-armed unicorns surface off the coast, the Admiral knew that he'd made a grave mistake.

And then Trixie woke up with a scream and said, "That's it! No more oats and barley with hot sauce before bed, ever again!"

"Spike do you ever wake up wondering if you may have confused, aroused, or traumatized Princess Luna?"


And miles away Princess Luna rose from her meditative trance. "The heck was that?"

This isn't what I had in mind when I said I wanted a waterbed.

The Sparklepod, as seen through the mind of Celestia after one too many pudding-pops.

Twilight: (looks around) "Huh."

After losing every pillow fight she's ever participated in, Twilight takes some drastic measures.

Equestria's latest military experiment "Shock and D'awww" recently entered mass production.

The Pacific Rim caption gets my vote.

Six ponies under six pillows came a floating down the stream
The ebb and the flow of the water showed the way for Twilight's team
Treading water for the moment, heads sheltered under down
'Tis Twilight Sparkle's constant fight to maintain solid ground

Oh, it's a change,
Oh, it's a change,
Oh, when the changelings swim on in
You're gonna fear for their pillows
Oh, when the changelings swim on in

Still a better bedtime story than Twilight.


Salvador Dali's least-remembered fever dream.

Their state-of-the-art pillow helmets properly equipped, the Second Changeling Brigade begins its amphibious assault.

Not part of the caption: this is SUCH A FUCKING GOOD IDEA. Also, are there going to be runner-ups? :D

Observe the rare purple pillow-corn // hunting the common book-fish.

Once more into the Frey // to the last swim I'll ever know // swim or sleep on this day // swim or sleep on this day

*reads that1dude 's post

Come hell or high water this sleep over will happen.

I vote that one.

The picture appears to have been removed?


It's hosted on derpibooru, which has been having some server issues.

1354661 Descy, I can't see the image anymore.
1362614>>1358016 Image reposted.

Twilight dreams of what's beyond the mirror pool.

All journeys begin the day you step out of bed.

The mirror pool learns a new trick.

A new phenomenon strikes Lake Wobegon.

The perfect antidote to Pacific Rim.

My Little Pony: Gozilla is Inspirational

Nothing beats a water bed.

Curiosity knows no limits or numbers.

Equestria, meet Photoshop.

Some ponies roll out of bed. Twilight Sarkle brings her bed with her.

The Descendant
Group Contributor

Thanks for reposting a version, Kal. Derpibooru is down, and that took the image with it.

A new phenomenon strikes Lake Wobegon.

A Garrison Keillor reference! Even if you don't win the contest, you've won more of my respect!

"You might be surprised, but the strangest thing about this situation is that my mane isn't wet."

and some more:

Twilight's attempt to dress up like Freddie Krueger for Nightmare Night didn't go as well as she had hoped.

After swimming around for a few hours, Twilight realized that her recreation of the vampire novel "Twilight" was not getting the critical acclaim she had hoped.

After successfully cloning herself, she wondered what she could possibly do to solve it. When 'swim around with pillows on our heads' was an idea that was brought up, the vote was unanimous, unsurprisingly.

If at first you don't succeed to locate your underwater bed, try again... five more times... at the same time.

"No more of Pinkie's 'cupcakes' for me." "Or me." "Or me." "Or me." "Or me." "Or me."

The music video of Twilight's new hit single was almost as strange as the new hit single itself.

Twilight got really into "Moby Dick".

Without her crown, Twilight's head just felt naked.

Is it Tuesday again?

"I don't always swim in a lake, but when I do, I bring my pillow with me."

"These pillows will surely protect me from being whisked away into another one of The Descendant's Stories."

"Celestia said she'd give me wings if I did this, and disguise the happening as a Ponyville Fallout."

"I have no idea what I'm doing."

"If I continue swimming, I'll become a beautiful swan!"

"They said I could become anything, so I became a pillow-loving duck."

Swimming Changelings who love pillows.

Swimming Pillow-headed Twilights

If you don't swim without a pillow by your side, then you've never been a swimmer.

"Hunting for attention has never been so easy."

Bean aliens disguise themselves as Pillows in order to abduct 6 Twilight Sparkles.

Totally Luna's idea.

"I'm not swimming, I'm floating."

Twilight Sparkle prepares for a pillow fight with the ocean as she clones herself six times.

"Has anypony even realized I need a rescue boat?!"

Twilight on a Tuesday.

Twilight's first bad hair day follows her hiding herself and her head via pillow.

The Mirror Pool has branched out to the ocean.

What Twilight does in her free time on Tuesdays.

Why be a pony when you can be a lovely purple duck species?

Poison Joke, now located in the ocean!

Here, we have a pony falling in love with a pillow so much, she clones herself and the pillow six times!

The only thing Sleep, Swimming, Twilight, and Pillows have in common is this picture here.

Pillows are best crowns.

Pinkie suggests another idea...

No matter how many times Twilight clones herself, none of her clones knows the concept of swimming.

After reading "The Guide to Being an Alicorn by Princess Celestia", Twilight discovers Celestia has a humorous, yet annoying, side.

Queen Chrysalis likes to have fun with her little changelings.

The Apocalypse called, he wants his meteors back.

Kristen Stewarts emotion is so lacking, she needs six stunt doubles just in case her emotion kills one of them.

The Titanic's true downfall.

Twilight's "How to Swim" guidebook might be a little incorrectly written.

Twilight is so needy on sleep that she keeps her pillow secure, so she brings it with her on today's crazy adventure.

Never ever buy a "How to Be a Unicorn" guidebook when it's author is a baby dragon.

Pillow Rangers Unite!

When Twilight wants to study sharks, this will happen.

"Nopony likes sleepovers anymore, so I improvised. Sorta."

It was starting to dawn on Twilight that her copy of "All You Wanted To Know About Slumber Parties But Were Afraid To Ask" might have had some mistranslations.

"Despite her standing policy that all knowledge is worthy of study, Twilight resolved mid stroke to never mind meld with Pinkie again."

"Long story short, yes. Luna has finally volunteered for rehab."

Group Admin

And here we see the majestic Pillow Pony in it's natural habitat

The Descendant
Group Contributor


Alrighty, folks, I think this has gone on long enough, don't ya think?

So, our first caption contest. It went well! I'm making a note here... huge success.

Let's give out some tertiary awards first:

ArgonMatrix with the Pot Calling Kettle Black Award:

"Girls, look at what Pinkie's doing over there."
"What a weirdo."

Grollo's I Forgot the Umlaut Award:

It was starting to dawn on Twilight that her copy of "All You Wanted To Know About Slumber Parties But Were Afraid To Ask" might have had some mistranslations.

Jordanis and the the I Should Probably Know What This is Referencing Award:

The plesiosaur Twilight cometh, behold, behold!
With a pillow crowned before us, behold, behold...! Behoo-ooold!

And Vimbert with the My Original Character is Already in Zenith but I'm Gonna Participate Like a Great Guy Anyway Award:

Twilight had the funny feeling she had broken her "no Poison Joke sandwiches before bed" rule.

AAAaaannnndddd now, amazingly enough, the winner of both The People's Choice and T.D.'s Choice Award is:


Come Hell or high water, this sleepover will happen.

Congratulations, Dude! Send me some info on your O.C. and I'll see where I can show him/her/it in!

Thanks, everyone, for participating!:moustache::twilightblush:

1452806 Ohmigosh, I won?!? yay~. Thanks so much, guys! One problem, though. I'm away from my computer, and I won't be back until Friday evening. Also, typing on a mobile device fills me with a terrible rage. TD, do you need the info now?

The Descendant
Group Contributor

Naw, that's fine, take your time!:pinkiehappy:

Well no wonder I was surprised by a second one starting, I somehow got skipped in the long list of replies!

That WAS a pretty good one.

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