• Member Since 1st Aug, 2012


I'll think of a good thing to put in this short bio some other day.

Sparity Massage 5 stories
  • Sparity Massage 5 stories I have literally nothing better to do than to ask for Sparity stories (with a massage at some point) when it comes to story exchanges. Oh well.
    Created by LtMajorDude
    - December, 2022
Found 2 stories in 51ms
Total Words: 19,115
Estimated Reading: 1 hour



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The strange and delightful romance of Rarity and Spike, as told in the style of a Wes Anderson film. A pretentious love story with lots of shots of ponies staring out windows in the rain.

Written for LtMajorDude for Jinglemas 2023

Given prompt: Spike and Rarity. SPARITY! Spike has to be aged. A massage has to be present. Any race is allowed (original pony/dragon or human or anthro).

Chapters (9)

Good relationships are all about compromise. For example: Rarity likes massages, and Spike likes adventuring up giant magical beanstalks to fight giants.

This is gonna be one heck of a compromise.

Written for LtMajorDude for Jinglemas 2022!

Chapters (1)