• Member Since 12th Oct, 2017


Only those who follow their dreams will get to see them come true!

Untold History Of Equestria 1 stories
  • Untold History Of Equestria 1 stories Read the untold tales of Equestria that many wished time would fade them away. But perhaps, one who ignores the past, shall face it in the future.
    Created by armid
    - August, 2022
Found 1 stories in 33ms
Total Words: 19,727
Estimated Reading: 1 hour



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With rumors rising of multiple break outs in the royal castle's dungeon, Clover takes it on herself to investigate. But she becomes more curious when she realizes the Council of High Mages are keeping something dangerous in the dungeon.

Special thanks to:

The great ZettaiDullahan for the amazing cover he provided for this piece for free.

The pre-readers Greatazuredragon, The sleepless beholder, Stinium Ruide, Draconequues and Nate

And the editors that helped with this piece: Helping Hoof, The red Parade, Drowsy, The one strange fellow and Scotishbro

Chapters (4)