Fic recs, November 26th · 2:24pm Nov 26th, 2015
Happy Thanksgiving to my hermanos Americanos. :B
So I did a short video of a silly thing Meta Four wrote. I even got a VA to help! I can’t be stopped! :V
Here’s an idea: Let’s create an alien world with its own society, give them a winter-time holiday more or less central to their culture, and then have them release a Christmas album. :| Yeah, It’s a Pony Kind of Christmas, now listenable on Hasbro’s Youtube channel, is a truly bizarre thing. At least they change some of the lyrics, and add some, so the songs sound like they’re actually being sung by the ponies. Y'know, minus the whole “being about Christmas” thing. Except for this one. It’s the extended version of the Hearth’s Warming Carol! And I find that the extra lyrics add a lot to a song I’ve never had any regard for. Putting the whole thing in the episode would have necessitated cutting something important, but I have to say I honestly like this song a whole lot better now that I’ve gotten to hear it in full. Funny how that can happen.
(Okay, and Applejack’s version of “Auld Lang Syne” is pretty great.)
Got a bunch today what I've been saving up for a while! Make sure you go do holiday stuff before you bother reading these, though! Unless you're a dirty furrnerr, in which case, read away! V:
(Note for those keeping track: Next journal will include my 1100th review of the year, but I actually broke last year's record back on the 22nd. Makes you wonder how many I could have gotten out had I been able to read normally for the first three months of 2015!)
H: 2 R: 1 C: 4 V: 3 N: 1
Rainbow Dad by P0nies
Reading by Captain Sand
Genre: Sad
Rainbow Dash’s father tallies his regrets.
This is one of those stories that exists just to be sad. Rainbow Dad is dying, he’s sad because he lost his wife a long time ago, he’s full of regret because he wasn’t always there for Rainbow, etc. The ending is super-cheesy (despite me praising a similar ending in another story recently), and overall this doesn’t accomplish much. That said, the choice for Rainbow’s mom was interesting, and Rainbow Dad’s name was actually pretty evocative. It never fails to amaze me how this single aspect of ponies can be a really powerful storytelling tool. I guess this isn’t bad, but don’t go in expecting much.
Vaguely Recommended
Awoken by Syn3rgy
Reading by Scribbler, et. al.
Sequel to Rainbow Factory
Genre: Grimdark
A pegasus flunk-out is transformed into something other than color in the Rainbow Factory.
Where to begin? Scribbler’s audiobook for this story is excellent, number one, but it also puts me in a weird position, because she apparently added six thousand words to the story for the adaptation, and I don’t know which they are or what she might have changed. This review thus may be incorrect, to put it one way. Second, a reminder that Rainbow Factory was the subject of my very first (rather ill-fated) vs. post. And on that note, you don’t actually have to have read the original to get this story, on account of the basic premise is explained at least twice, and further, a major scene from Rainbow Factory appears in this. Beyond that, well, this is still a ridiculously grimdark concept that cannot be reconciled with canon. But this story does something interesting in recognizing that almost immediately; our narrator sees Rainbow Dash for the first time and wonders if that could really be the pony he’s heard about. (For sure, I can’t believe a pony capable of giving the “I am a god” speech could be an Element of Harmony.) That tiny bit of lampshading really endeared this to me, and allowed me to appreciate it for what it is: a very dark look at a character slowly becoming what he hates, seeking redemption when it’s far too late to do so. It’s very psychological, but also very visceral (I’d have rated it Mature for the gore, I think), so fans of the grim and gross original will likely have a lot to enjoy. The writing, or at least what I heard, was decent to good. There’s some good character interaction toward the end, plus a good job setting up how sacred wings are. (Though it’s kind of silly to draw the line there given all our narrator has done up to that point.) So any reader who turns their nose up at this can be forgiven; it’s better than the original, in my estimation, but it’s still got the same grimdark problems.
Recommended for Grimdark Fans Only
The Good King by Caerdwyn
Reading by Dr. Wolf
Genre: Folk Story
I like this one because it’s a parable for the whole “one percent” thing. It deals with the disconnect that develops between wealthy rulers and their people, though of course, this being ponies, said ruler wises up and fixes shit before it gets too late. In that way, it’s both cautionary tale and instruction manual, more than a representation of reality. What I liked less was the in-character commentary at the end from Twilight and Celestia. I mean, that’s my job, and not just because I review fanfic. It didn't add much. Still, the base tale is absolutely worth the read, especially if you like folktale-style stories.
The Stars Did Aid in Our Escape by KingMoriarty
Genre: Origin Story
Twilight only has questions when she finds a book with her cutie mark in the Star Swirl the Bearded wing of the library.
I couldn’t help but compare the book Twilight reads to Friendship Is Physics, and from that comparison, this story suffers. It’s just not a great example of in-universe writing, though it’s entirely possible that, had I not read that story first, I’d have appreciated this more. That said, this tracks in some great world-building, and the places it goes to were not ones I was expecting, given the description. Worth a read if you want something a good bit more historical than usual. (Also, points for “a dazzle of zebras”.)
Recommended If You’re Interested in Unusual Headcanons
Of Angels by PaulAsaran
Genre: Alternate Perspective
Angel has something very important to tell Fluttershy.
This is one of the most unique fics I have ever read. The first half is a colored-text setup of Twilight teaching Angel Bunny how to write via Rainbow Rocks-style enchanted journal. It’s a little hard to get used to but avails itself quickly. That is used as a set-up for Angel’s letter to Fluttershy in the second half, a slightly melodramatic missive that nevertheless feels true-to-life and has something important to say. Angel’s voice is fantastic, and interjections from a couple other characters keep the gimmick-heavy first act from growing dull. This is quite the experience.
Highly Recommended
Chasing Rainbows by Phoe
Sequel to Fluttering Heart
Genre: Shipping Drama
Things with Rainbow Dash haven’t been going as Fluttershy planned.
I don’t think reading the first story is necessary to understand this one; that may not say much in its favor, come to think of it. Anyway, in this piece, Fluttershy confesses her feelings to Rainbow Dash, who reacts surprisingly poorly. After a very awkward POV shift, we get the story of why; suffice to say, being a filly-fooler in flight school got her mocked cruelly. For all that I long ago declared myself done with these sorts of plots, this one’s not so bad. Maybe it’s just that I haven’t read one in a while. And though one might criticize Rainbow for thinking the worst of one of her friends, I think it’s a reasonable reaction for season one fanfic. Really, the biggest problem with this is the POV shifting, and maybe the drama if you’re not into drama. And they don’t kiss by the end, I mean COME ON what is up with that There’s one more story to complete the trilogy!
Recommended If You Don’t Mind POV Shifts
Rainbow Dash’s Super-Awesome Self-Insert Figures Out If It Would Matter by ponichaeism
Genre: Meta/Ponies Writing Ponies
Rainbow Dash gathers her friends together so she can read her new short story.
Man, I said I was done with this stuff, but then dumb ol’ Chris had to go and find this one and say it was funny and now here we are I guess ugh. D: Dumb ol’ Chris. Worst part is, he’s right: this is hysterical. The specific malapropisms Rainbow Dash comes up with for her ‘masterpiece’ never cease to thrill, confound and terrify. And yeah, it’s a story about everyone being a dick to Rainbow, but it’s quickly revealed that they have grounds to. Plus, it’s funny. This whole thing is funny. I was funnied, hardcore. It says something about the Would It Matter debacle, yes, but more importantly, it contains a cleverly-crafted gem of badfic, and I adored every minute of it.
Highly Recommended
The Brightest Star I’ve Seen Shine by Twinkletail
Genre: Shippy Episode Followup
Applejack and Rara talk after the Svengallop fiasco.
Ahh, here we go. Maybe not the first, but the first Rarajack fic! And it’s, well, it’s the exact kind of shipfic you get after an episode like this: confirming the shipping bias seen in canon events. It’s not particularly deep, or dramatic, or even unexpected. I’m glad it exists though, and if you want to see AJ smoochin’ all over that new pone, you likely will be, too. :V
Recommended for Shippers
Homing by CCC
Sequel to Roaming
Genre: EQG
Applejack returns home for Christmas to a startling realization.
Skywriter’s story Roaming was an absolutely heart-wrenching tale that delved into some heavy “what-ifs” regarding the portal between Equestria and Humania and the ways those worlds reflect one another. Or don’t, as the case may be. This, then, deals with the aftermath of what’s revealed in that piece. Unfortunately, it suffers for comparison to the original. This is honestly just human Applejack figuring out what happened in that story, and there’s none of the gripping emotional twisting that took place in Roaming. It’s kind of a “pony discovers X”, in terms of tone and scope. While not exactly bad, I have to say I’m disappointed.
Vaguely Recommended
Night Court by El Grande
Genre: Luna
Luna’s first Night Court is a good bit noisier than she’d anticipated.
Once upon a time, Luna talking to her abacus filled me with joy. These days, not so much. This story is mired in the classic Luna piece Progress (which I hope to get to someday), and that does it no favors. It’s already a story I’ve seen before — minus the constellation named for Meghan, that was clever — and adding in fanon from another fanfic just makes it feel derivative, even disregarding its redundancy. And while it’s maybe a little unfair to compare this to GhostOfHeraclitus’s work, Applebee, for all that she’s a fun character, pales against his vision of Canterlot’s civil service ponies. I may need to go rethink all these old EQD fics.
Not Recommended: DNF 1/2
I Think I Died Today by eLLen
Genre: Slice of Life
Rarity tries to figure out what has Sweetie Belle so upset.
As a lot of commenters complain, the title has absolutely nothing to do with the story. One can posit a metaphor, but it’s shaky. And if this were just a case of poorly-chosen title, that would be one thing, but it’s an eye-catching title stuck onto a story that’s anything but. There are so many fics I’ve read that can use the description I wrote up there, and this one does nothing to stand out. Other than have a featurebait title. It’s so slice of life, it hurts, and had this been titled anything else, I likely wouldn’t have bothered with it. I can't say it's bad, but it's definitely meant for people really into slice of life, and/or Rarity/Sweetie Belle bonding.
Vaguely Recommended
I'm honestly surprised to see the word 'Recommended' at the end of that review.
I don't know what song Fluttershy was singing on that album, but it wasn't Silent Night by any appreciable measure.
Happy Thanksgiving to you too, Present.
A lot of people have criticized Angel's letter as a bit overdone. I can see that, I suppose. At the same time, given Angel's overall manner, I can't help but think that it suits him. Anywho, glad for the awesome review!
Yeah, Chris really is the dumbest
Glad I didn't trick you into reading something you hated, though!
Damn. Now I want to steal the title from that last one and come up with something that uses it better.
No, it definitely does. :)
It's the word 'think' that's most intriguing. How can you not be sure? Who are you saying this to? So many possibilities...
Hmm... I'm sure I've read another story with a ponified Sir Humphrey called Applebee. (At least, I assume this is a ponified [and marefied] Sir Humphrey. The name is such a blatant Yes, Mnister reference that I can't imagine it being anything else.) Can't remember where, though.
Of the two stories here that I've actually read, I enjoyed Chasing Rainbows somewhat, certainly more than I expected for an ancient shipfic; and I really liked Of Angels, the only real exception being the bit where Discord gets into the text, which really broke the flow.
Of the others, not a lot stands out. I'm sick of Would It Matter as a concept now, so that one's out. I'm semi-tempted by Awoken, but I really don't like the prospect of the text version being so different from the reading. I might read The Good King one day, but it doesn't leap out at me. Actually, the one story I think I'm going to add to my RiL list is one you only mention in passing: Roaming. I've been looking for some good, short EQG fics recently, so that looks ideal.