• Member Since 23rd Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 9th, 2018


There are only three real monsters: Dracula, Blackula, and Son of Kong.

More Blog Posts117

  • 336 weeks
    Happy Holidays!

    Merry Christmas everyone! Happy holidays, and happy New Year!

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  • 338 weeks
    MLP Marathon Bonanza - Top 5 Favorite Episodes! (Seasons 5-7)

    Welp, it’s finally done. I’ve caught up on every episode of MLP and it was a thoroughly enjoyable ride. It’s been an experience watching all these episodes in such a short period of time, but one that I feel better for having done. It felt good to get back into the show after so long away, and now that it’s done I’m going to give a list of my 5 favorite episodes from the last three seasons. I’ll

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  • 338 weeks
    MLP Marathon Bonanza S7 E25 & 26

    Here we go. It’s time for Shadow Play!

    Shadow Play (Part 1)

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  • 338 weeks
    MLP Marathon Bonanza S7 E22-24

    With only this post and one more until season 7 is complete, I thought I’d go ahead and mention that I’ve decided to make a sort of ‘bonus’ blog at the end about my Top 5 Favorite Episodes from the past three seasons. Originally I was thinking about just tacking it on at the end of the season 7 finale blog, but as I’ve started to draft some of entries I realized it’ll be a bit too long for that,

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  • 338 weeks
    MLP Marathon Bonanza S7 E19-21

    It Isn’t the Mane Thing About You

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Quick! Everyone Bet on Black! · 5:12am Oct 6th, 2014

Yes, yes, I just made a post a little while ago when I reached 700 followers and so this may seem a bit self-masturbatory. So, in order to keep it from being too self-masturbatory I'm going to use this opportunity to talk about a few things of varying importance.

1. Bob and I are having another stupid contest
You read that right, after the wildlymildly successful contest we had last time about Twilight burning shit, we decided to do it again, but this time by challenging each other to write fics based off art by a particular artist. I don't want to give away too much, but suffice it to say, this is happening:

Oh, and we might be having a different contest where this happens:

...Well, sort of. At least some of it will happen.

2. No, Scootaloo Dies a Bunch is not dead, and yes, I will post the last episode of season 2 very soon. Like, probably two days.
Uhh, yeah, the title pretty much covers it. Expect at least two more songs, and, well, Scootaloo dying, I guess. It's SDaB, whaddya want? You either like it or you don't, or you haven't read it, which is a distinct possibility.

3. No, Letters From a Friend at the End of the World is also not dead, and yes, I will post a new chapter very soon. Like, probably this coming weekend.
And yes, as I promised in the last chapter, I'm also writing the first chapter of the sequel simultaneously so that when I post the last chapter of Letters I'll be ready to follow up with the sequel's chapter very soon afterwards. My plan was to post it the following weekend, but I'm sort of waffling back and forth on doing that or just posting it a few hours later on the same day. If any of you that are reading it have any thoughts regarding that, lemme know. I've got another week to make a judgement call. Oh yeah, and I'm sorry it's taken me so long to basically do anything. I have no excuse besides laziness.

4. As if all that wasn't enough, I'm also working on two new fics, because I'm a masochist.
What are these two new fics, I hear you ask, presumably because you've made it this far into the blogpost and have nothing better to do. Well, first off we've got the fic I promised in the last blogpost. Yep, I'm writing a fic about Trixie and the Dazzlings, and, here's the bombshell, I'm writing them as humans.

...did you recover from that bombshell yet? Yeah, I know, huge deal, right? I don't think I've ever said this on FiMfic specifically, but I sort of had an unspoken rule about never writing human fics, but I can't rightly bring myself to write a fic about the Dazzlings as ponies, since they're not, and I can't really figure out a good way to write what I want with them being seaponies, so fuck it. Humans it is. I guess this'll be, like, a test or something to see how much I can stomach writing a human fic.

Anyway, as for what the story is about, well let's just say it involves, Twilight, Trixie, Adagio, Aria, Sonata, and a metric fuckton of zombies. So take that how you will. Oh yeah, and they may or may not be in a mall. They are.

As for the second story, that one is... well, to be honest, not as likely to be posted any time soon. It's yet another attempt by me to write a "srs bsns" romance fic in a similar style to Rain, which basically no one read, so don't worry about it.

5. History blogposts are still happening, I just fell behind due to, again, laziness.
Next one is about The War of 1812, by request of themaskedferret, so look forward to it, I guess. Dunno what else to say about it. Probably gonna have it done this weekend as well.

6. This is completely unrelated to everything else, but Professor Plum showed it to me after the latest Seattle's Angels podcast, and I've been listening to it ever since.
Just... listen/watch.

Welp, that about wraps things up, I suppose. Here's a treat for reading all the way to the end of this stupid crap.

New best ship right here. Adaria for days.

Nichijou is the shit, and if you haven't watched it, I hate you.jk bby i luv u

Comments ( 17 )

...(dons engineer hat) Alrighty then!

Can SDAB have an episode involving Red Bull? :pinkiehappy:

My plan was to post it the following weekend, but I'm sort of waffling back and forth on doing that or just posting it a few hours later on the same day. If any of you that are reading it have any thoughts regarding that, lemme know.

I will not give you my thoughts.

Waiting a couple days seems like a happy medium.

Y'know, funny you should say that. I was actually planning on making that fic a weird sort of "side story" to SDaB, since it'll function in a very similar manner, but just be longer than a usual SDaB chapter. Also, the characterization of Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo will be pretty much the same.

>Twilight as Satsuki
>Celestia as Ragyo
>MFW the implications


So does that mean AJ's a member of Nudist Beach?

Sweet Celestia you write a lot. I've had a story planned since halfway through season 3 and I still haven't put it to type yet. I think your persistent efforts to make me look like an asshole by being so prolific have finally inspired me to write it.

>no one read Rain

alex pls

I shall do my best to harass you to write even more!:twilightsmile:

Author Interviewer

Adaria? I can get behind that. (Heyo!)

I'm looking forward to this contest. :V

Nothing historical, though. :ajsleepy: Guess you can't please everyone.

Nichijou is the shit

I think you mean My Ordinary Weed.
My Ordinary Weed is the shit.

I never knew I wanted to see that... but I did. It was something special.
No one besides Floyd, is what I should've said.
Yes, but only so I can hear AJ say "NUDISTO BEECHEE" in a southern accent.


Oh dear, I can only imagine the strip scene involving Applejack...

She's gotta have the teacher hair, tied up in a bun, with the glasses, and to top it all, duckface. :duck:

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