I'll be banned from the site again · 5:37pm Apr 1st, 2024
Due to, of course, more transphobia and disagreeing with site-majority opinions, I have been informed that I will be kicked off the site permanently starting tomorrow. I have prepared a farewell message in the comments below.
April Fools, or something idk
Dude! You fooled us! Is this a joke?
I keep forgetting this is April 1st. Lol
Yeah. Of course. But it was entirely plausible!
Why transphobia. I didn't know you were trans are you, well even though I love your work, and you seem to be a great person and I personally never see you, it's good riddance.
Happy April fools sorry if my insane rambling is weird, just wanted to do something for April fools. Also sorry if you ever have faced discrimination.
No, no, you misunderstand. I'm transphobic. I think it's an abomination.
Your presence here is a curse.
That's why I'll stay
Didn't be rude
I could hear so many 41%ers preparing to have the first orgasm they've had ever since HRT made them unable to get off ever again, only to read the comment and have their hopes and dreams crushed yet again.
Like this weirdo!
Good riddance big homie.
Well, well, well.
This dude was responsible for harassment/bullying, discrimination, and enticing a site member to the point of suicide across multiple platforms (this site and Discord were the ones confirmed by both parties). Site staff acknowledge this, as door numerous other users.
Are you really going to be the kind of person who defends his unacceptable behavior?
Rest in Pepperoni
"Enticing a site member to suicide"
You mean "he disapproved of someone's fetish while everyone was jerking the aforementioned pervert off, and then got blamed for a suicide attempt months after all parties involved stopped caring about it." It's literally what happened with byuu/Near all over again, except this time the one who cried wolf at least had the courtesy to confirm it didn't actually happen in the end.
It says "gullible" on the ceiling.
He confirmed that he discouraged the site member from seeking medical or therapeutic help for their medical condition. The victim also stated that he did this, and so did the people supporting them. Brady frequently expressed that he wished for transgender people to face discrimination, not be able to access healthcare, and not be alive in multiple places on the site (most of which are still up). Multiple sources (including the victim) were able to confirm to staff that the victim was enticed to kill themselves by Brady.
The fetishes of the victim (if they have any) were never relevant at any point. They were being mistreated for their gender. Even if fetishes were a category that fit under the concept of discrimination (ie. groups who are unfairly maligned because of traits that are usually inherent) they aren’t a protected category on the site. So, no, you can’t be banned (temporarily or permanently) for remarks against someone’s fetish. In fact, you can post all about your negative views of the fetishes of people on the site, provided they don’t break other existing rules (like the rule against block evasion).
If you want to know how site verified the veracity of the attempt and the aftermath (other than the victim’s blog stating they were being watched over by family), you could ask staff. Some parts may be confidential, but the ban is one they’re being very transparent about. You could also ask them about previous cases of people being enticed to make a suicide attempt in the past and how those were handled compared to this one.
Even if we give you that and say you're speaking facts here, he still posted his anti-semitic bullshit on his Easter post, and considering the position he was in that's an easy ban. Whether you like it or not, he wasn't supposed to say that stuff. This site ain't the place for that. He could've kept his ridiculously offensive views to himself, but he didn't. The ban was deserved. Ice Star pretty much said what needed to be said already, but I had to add this.
We're not gullible for thinking he's a shitbag, homie. You're gullible for thinking he's not.
Maybe he should have tried being a better person instead of spreading hate, Just a thought
Why Brady was banned from this site again is something I’ll never know, but this is getting ridiculous!
Contact a staff member if you have questions.
Dang! I was thinking about him again after I saw this post, and now he literally predicted his ban! Foreshadowing!
You did nothing wrong.
The insanity of fools who don't know their own gender are the real enemy.
There is so much wrong with doing all of these things, which isn’t even mentioning the antisemitism that he put in one of his most recent blogs.
Stop larping and start using common sense, please--oh wait, you probably don't have the latter. Nevermind, continue larping Mr. Confused Knight.
Quiet, knave. Let the adults talk. Go back to worshipping your Saints and pictures of Trump in your closet.
That has nothing to do with what either he or I said to you.
You roasted them. Gawd. Even I couldn't say stuff like this, and I'm an adult, too!
I take that as a compliment. REAL ADULTS like myself prefer to venerate Saints over clowns that don't know what gender they are.
Still can't change your gender. Still can't be done.
At least I'm not the dumbass who has to larp on an alt. Touch grass. Can't even address me on main because you have to hide behind an alt.
You're twisting and turning the knife on them now. The brutality is so great and yet so powerful.
Whatever you say sweetheart.
I fail to see what is so "brutal" about any of this.
Fair Enough.
Oh brother 😭 ain't this some conservative bullshit...
Unfortunately, Soarin cooked you to the point that I can't even add anything else. Dude put on a masterclass.
The dude is a legit savage and has a PhD from the Los Santos Institute of Roastology. He knows the art of the roast!
Lamar would be proud. 🙏🏼
Considering that the "help" you refer to would be "indulge his autogynephilia," Brady did the weirdo a service. And if there are so many examples of Brady wanting the aforementioned weirdo dead, share some. You came to this conclusion on your own, right? You're not just parroting what you were told to say? Because saying "I'm not going to sit here and claim that the emperor isn't naked and it would be really, really nice if people would do the same as me" is nothing at all like you're describing.
As for the fetishes being irrelevant? Well, here's the thing. The gender shit IS a fetish. It's called autogynephilia, and it's what happens when a porn addiction spirals out of control. First you start watching way too much porn, then you start watching exclusively lesbian porn, and then soon enough - if you'll pardon my awful wording coming up, hopefully you still get the idea - your brain associates your pleasure with women's pleasure, and not in the "service top" way, but rather in the "coomer with a lack of agency" way. You talk to a trans person and nine times out of ten, they WILL confirm this similar pattern. Could be lesbian porn, could be futa porn, could be sissy hypnosis porn.
So whenever someone tells you "bigotry isn't a personality," just say "neither is being a pervert." Granted, this is assuming you're capable of saying literally going against what lemmings are told to believe.
Mike Brown, you know fully well that I sent you that before Brady got banned for real, which made you gullible. Thanks for confirming that your trigger still makes you react, though.
Maybe you should try lifting weights instead of being involved with grooming circles.
Mike Brown? This guy?
Jokes aside, I commented that after Brady was banned. You should know fully well. And if by "trigger" you mean somebody replying to me with some of the most S-tier bullshittery in existence, hell yeah ima react. Who wouldn't?
Besides, this is fun. You seen how no one's on your side?
The help would be therapy to examine what's going on in their life, for a start. Encouraging neglect isn't a service. Also, there isn't any certified professional -- be it a therapist, an endocrinologist, etc. -- that encourages whatever it is you're talking about.
I'm not linking anything that could tie back to the victim. If you know who they are, go through their blogs. Go through Brady's blogs. Go through the blogs of the friends of both of them (or speak directly with them). Talk to staff and check the Fimfiction Discord. That's what I did.
Genders aren't fetishes. They're the result of one's neurological makeup, for the most part.
That is literally a pseudoscientific concept that is ill-defined and hasn't been replicated in research with the certainty you profess. Your definition isn't even the only definition I've heard for it -- I have never found a consistent definition for it even in the works of the fringe sexologists who endorse it. At no point has it ever been an accredited diagnosis that you can actually get. It isn't even consistent with what we know about medical transitioning -- that if you do so without gender dysphoria, you will end up with it because you're not the kind of person who would have benefitted in any way from those interventions. We also don't have any proof that the victim had a porn addiction. We have none of their private information, let alone their psychological and medical info. The responsible thing to do in any case would be to encourage them to get professional help for whatever they might be experiencing.
Plus... even if they do have a porn addiction, that doesn't mean Brady's actions were in the right, especially since they extended to general discrimination against transgender people and other groups. Addicts should still have professional help. Discrimination against the groups that Brady mentioned is against site rules. He was given a temporary ban for his behavior, then a permanent one. There is also a blog from Wanderer D regarding the situation (that is still up) where he was violating more rules in his engagement with staff.
Your entire argument relies on the idea that Brady's actions and multiple violations of the rules (both before and after his ban) are completely warranted.
I've never seen this reflected in any research on transgender people. I've only personally met one transgender person who said anything remotely similar to being invested in certain types of pornography, though my personal experiences obviously shouldn't frame what I think about an entire population. This obviously isn't any real statistic or anything with a basis in facts that can be found anywhere. Try again next time.
Alright, this is fucking stupid. Gale, you have no idea what you're talking about. First off, the person who you're saying is a fetish isn't the one who had a fetish. It was fucking BradyBunch, who had a fetish for his own porn addiction. He posted blogs not only on Fimfiction humiliating himself, but he also fetishized his own porn addiction online, even posting pictures of his mess (which thank god got removed) from his own Reddit account. (EDIT: For verification, Brady posted that this was his Reddit account.) This dude spent hours online preaching that porn is bad, and then, in the very next breath, would say he jerked it to a pornstar. Additionally, he participated in NNN on Fimfiction, and would document his entire journey of failure in multiple blogs. Lastly, he even advocated for killing people who disagreed with him, and wanting to aggressively attack those who are against Mormonism but then saying we should love one another,
except, according to BradyBunch, the Jews who apparently invented Trans Visibility day?; but I wouldn't expect you to know that either.
The fact you can't even do an ounce of research on the person you're defending, yet are willing to splurge out nonsensical bullshit about someone who you think you know is insane to me. I could chalk this up as arrogance, but yet again, you liked larping with Nazis, so I can't help but wonder if you're just as gullible as the ones you claim are gullible.
You told his ass 😂
Cba with people like this man, they are so annoying. Holy shit, I didn't know they stacked stupid this high, but apparently Gale Maze and Mr. Confused Knight are living proof that you can stack stupid that high.
Honestly can't expect too much from the internet, man. It's full of stupid people. There's always gonna be that guy that spreads a bunch of bullshit and there's always gonna be people that believe it. Gotta remember that not everyone knows how to go outside and live a life.
I will say you at least made this way more entertaining by clapping back at them. Props to you for that, homie.
Yeah, you really can't expect much, huh? Also, thank you. Just updated my post with all the links just so Gale can't say I didn't do my research.
That's wassup. Props to you again for taking the time to do that, because I'm way too lazy to rebut someone's BS by pulling up all that evidence.