• Member Since 10th Sep, 2017
  • offline last seen Apr 2nd, 2024


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More Blog Posts817

  • 45 weeks
    I'll be banned from the site again

    Due to, of course, more transphobia and disagreeing with site-majority opinions, I have been informed that I will be kicked off the site permanently starting tomorrow. I have prepared a farewell message in the comments below.

    79 comments · 3,509 views
  • 46 weeks
    Happy Easter!

    And to those who don't celebrate Easter, too bad, I'm going to impose it on you. Happy Easter. Jesus Christ died for you too, and because He rose from the dead, so can we all.

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    12 comments · 620 views
  • 46 weeks
    Fluttershy and the Lava Demon: A Tale of Friendship

    My first AI art post. It isn't my art, since a computer for Bing generated it, but I had to share. And I always follow a strict "lacerate-demons-on-the-spot-with-a-shotgun-and-chainsaw" policy, but I can make an exception for this one.

    Fluttershy bravely staring down a demon of lava and metal

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    3 comments · 285 views
  • 46 weeks
    Artificial Intelligence

    "Bradybunch, everyone's already given their opinions on it!" Yeah, I know. But before I left the site for two years for a mission, AI was barely cohesive enough to give slurred and static-like voice replication, nonsensical chatbots, and meaningless swirls of shape and color for art. Then, all of a sudden, AI got really good, so I had to try it out. I'm using Bing's AI image generation, which is

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    5 comments · 387 views
  • 47 weeks
    LOTR will never be equaled.

    I was thinking about it while playing Shadow of Mordor and Shadow of War. (My brother gifted them to me for my birthday.) And honestly, the more I reflected on it, the more it made sense. There's a few things that compare in literary achievement, like Dune, but it never made it into modern public consciousness until, like, three years ago. And besides, LOTR wasn't just popular or good-- it

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    4 comments · 277 views

Fluttershy and the Lava Demon: A Tale of Friendship · 8:23am Mar 30th, 2024

My first AI art post. It isn't my art, since a computer for Bing generated it, but I had to share. And I always follow a strict "lacerate-demons-on-the-spot-with-a-shotgun-and-chainsaw" policy, but I can make an exception for this one.

Fluttershy bravely staring down a demon of lava and metal

Fluttershy having a lovely tea party with a lava demon

Fluttershy and a lava demon in little outfits

Fluttershy and a lava demon helping each other through nervous breakdowns

Fluttershy and a lava demon frolicking in a grassy meadow

Fluttershy, Rainbow, the lava demon, and Gordon Ramsay all losing it in a professional kitchen

And finally, even though this isn't part of the saga:

Fluttershy and Darth Vader having a little tea party while explosions go off in the distance

Comments ( 3 )

"You can't pass... I-I-If you don't mind, please. I'm s-s-sorry for the inconvenience."


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