Fluttershy and the Lava Demon: A Tale of Friendship · 8:23am Mar 30th, 2024
My first AI art post. It isn't my art, since a computer for Bing generated it, but I had to share. And I always follow a strict "lacerate-demons-on-the-spot-with-a-shotgun-and-chainsaw" policy, but I can make an exception for this one.
Fluttershy bravely staring down a demon of lava and metal
Fluttershy having a lovely tea party with a lava demon
Fluttershy and a lava demon in little outfits
Fluttershy and a lava demon helping each other through nervous breakdowns
Fluttershy and a lava demon frolicking in a grassy meadow
Fluttershy, Rainbow, the lava demon, and Gordon Ramsay all losing it in a professional kitchen
And finally, even though this isn't part of the saga:
Fluttershy and Darth Vader having a little tea party while explosions go off in the distance
"You can't pass... I-I-If you don't mind, please. I'm s-s-sorry for the inconvenience."