• Member Since 27th Jul, 2011
  • offline last seen October 23rd

Andrew Joshua Talon

A fellow traveler...

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I'm Done · 10:58pm Oct 13th, 2023

It's been a good run... But I'm done.

If you can side with terrorists who murder babies and rape women and want to exterminate the Jews, go fuck yourself.

I'm done.

EDIT: Okay. I was probably jumping the gun here. Forgive me, it's hard to focus on fanfic when the people ostensibly running our civilization seem to have entered us into their insane suicide pact. I certainly didn't sign up for World War 3 or a drooling vegetable trying to take away my gas stove.

In all honesty, though, I've found less and less inspiration for Ponies for a while now. Perhaps it's best I bow out while I have a decent legacy to leave behind.

Report Andrew Joshua Talon · 1,469 views ·
Comments ( 31 )

It's horrible

I understand that you must feel terrible right now, but I recommend you to wait a while until your spirits cool down before taking any radical decision. Tara Strong does not represent me, and therefore I am sure that she does not represent a good part of the brony fandom either. But if you decide to leave this fandom anyway, we respect your decision.

Comment posted by FoxyLove deleted Oct 14th, 2023

She was talking about Israel fighting back, not Hamus starting the conflict.

For fuck's sake...

If you mean done with ponies, I'll certainly miss you.
It was an excellent run, and I'm forever grateful for you posting pony here.

But yeah, I hope so, too. She didn't specify which "they" she meant.
Still more than a bit careless and unhelpful to remark, in any case.

Heck, with Hamas calling for partisan uprisings in other countries and the firearm fervor (same old panic-buying), she could even be referring to the brief madness starting up in the USA.

...Man, I really hope so.

I'm not someone who automatically takes Israel's or Palestine's side whenever conflict breaks out between the two countries, but when Palestine keeps electing or appointing high ranking members of Hamas as their prime minister and other high ranking government positions, it makes it hard to sympathize with them.

If both Israel and Palestine were to elect and/or appoint people who understand that the power players in the Middle East are pitting those two nations against each other in a bid to keep them both in a weakened state, that would put Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Iran, Egypt, the USA and Russia on blast.

Shame you wont get to finish Applestar or SiaSL

Please don't leave because of the stupidity of one "member", I beg you.

Tara Strong's been drifting off the deep end for a while now. She absolutely does not represent my own opinions on the matter, and her previous work has no bearing on the insanity coming out of her Twitter account now. The voice actors may be the face, but the writers are the brain; if M. A. Larson or, God forbid, Lauren Faust posted this, I'd need to take a long, hard think.

Still, if you feel this is the only morally justifiable course of action, I understand.

Whatchu mean by "I'm done?"

Like, you're gonna leave the site?

'Cause I'm really not sure why Tara saying something dumb on Twitter would make you want to give up on pony fanfiction.

I mean, if that's the way you feel, then that's the way you feel. But that doesn't really track in my mind. 🤷

I would ask for you not to leave because Tara Strong is a hack. The only person she represents with those words is herself.. Still I fully understand why you're upset.

from what I heard she in trouble for all her pro-Israel posts like many other hollywood stars are like Hamil and Curtis so I don't think this is in support for Hamas

Normally, I'd ask for context, but I get the feeling that's not gonna do anything. So I'm just gonna go back to playing video games.

Damn don't tell me we're losing another great storyteller now. Fuck bruh, hate to see you go over someone's thoughtless comment but do what you feel you've gotta I reckon. Hopefully you'll come back round and continue dropping classics on us ✌️

I think you read that backwards. Tara is very obviously on the pro-Israel side of the issue.

Exhibit A: (Alternate and archived copy)

Seriously!!! People are fucking CRAZY. HOW does this justify MASS RAPING??!! MASS SHOOTINGS??? HAMAS are fucking terrorists who want anyone who doesn’t believe what they believe dead. Jews, Christians, Muslims, anyone. Barbaric & astounding anyone justifies or supports them.

Exhibit B:

Strong was born as Tara Lyn Charendoff in Toronto, Ontario, on February 12, 1973,[2] the younger daughter of Syd and Lucy Charendoff.[3] Strong has called her Jewish background "a big part of her identity".[4] She has an older sister named Marla. At age four, Strong became interested in acting and volunteered to be a soloist at a school production.[5] She worked with the Yiddish Theater, where she memorized her lines phonetically because she did not know the Yiddish language. Strong also performed with the Toronto Jewish Theater, where she acted in A Night of Stars and was featured in an audiotape for "Lay Down Your Arms" with the Habonim Youth Choir, singing the lyrics in both English and Hebrew.[5]

Exhibit A has been paywalled


I'm going to ask what the exact context of these tweet was. We don't know if it was part of something larger, if she was giving someone a middling amount of credit.
Her aforementioned previous actions of supporting Israel throughout her life say more about her than one sentence.
She may have been even using sarcasm here. I don't know anything about this.
AJT, please don't do anything rash, at least not yet. I love your work both on and off this site, and it would devastating if you left over something as trivial as this single sentence.

I really hope they don't take this out of contact for using Twilight or any of the characters

Read This


Tara Strong is Jewish. She says she has family in Israel. She's pro-Israel. AND she's been getting HARASSED AND THREATENED for A FEW DAYS NOW, for that.

Go look at the quote retweets. You'll see just how quickly certain "people" turned into rabid dogs and attacked her, you'll see many familiar names from this fandom.

Hmm, I had interpreted that Tara's tweet (post, now?) spoke in favor of Hamas, and that hence AJT's indignation. But you're right, maybe AJT was confused and Tara was actually speaking in favor of Israel. Let's hope that's the case. Although Israel is by no means blameless, no civilized person would support Hamas.

...well, I shan’t get into Tara or politics here; I don’t really feel qualified to comment on either in this case.

Here’s wishing you all the best though, Andrew, and that goes regardless of which course you ultimately decide to take. Yeah, like probably many others here I’d hate to lose you as a writer, but none of us can really say what’s good for you as a person any better than you can, so don’t lose any sleep over that.

(Besides, if you’re feeling burnt out, then taking at least some time off even if it’s ultimately not for keeps may not be the worst idea in any event.)

Personally don't care for the israeli government or hamas, one problem is if anyone criticizes something the israeli government does they get labeled as a jew hater, nope that isn't it, government leaders do NOT care for the people, any people, every government does bad things and the general population of people are the ones to pay for it, I remember when Israeli government fired 4 hellfire missiles into a crowded market to get one person, that person wasn't there but around 200 innocent people died then on the other side you have hamas doing cowardly attacks, again innocent people die. the leaders sit in a safe place and order others to kill and die for them.

All I've heard about news wise is stuff from a guy called PDS News Clips, mainly the guy's shorts, which come out daily updating situation at every hour as it develops. I knew the world is fucked but, to think colleges all around the world including my beloved OSU (Ohio State University) is openly CELEBRATING, the deaths of the innocents. I honestly just don't want to listen to anything anymore and just stay out of open gossip. I can understand, the way you feel, but I guess it's because of the image above. I'll respect your decision, but it's gonna be sad to see you go like many before you. But don't let one part of the community make you want to leave.

It uses that as a generic error message when overloaded for some reason. Updated with an alternate and archived copy.

Was that what she said? I saw the reaction and thought it must have been some bad conflation of all palestinians with hamas, but she's just being alarmist by implying that hamas is some entity with global or regional aspiration like ISIS. Incorrect, but not crazy or racist. Unless there's another tweet I'm missing.

Dude, stop reading Twitter. You'll feel better.

Response to update:
If you truly want to leave, thank you for your work, and good luck. But don't leave your stories hanging man!

This is why I don't pay attention to celebrities. Also, get the fuck off of twitter.

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