• Member Since 26th Dec, 2016
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Sir Science

Comments ( 26 )
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Thanks for the follow! :pinkiehappy::raritywink:

3192702 This is one of my biggest fears, that we're searching for solutions within a limited scope, not seeing what's right in front of us.

Anyways, if you ever crave for more inspiration about Tenty, I have 2 finished stories up, but they're mature, so I can't link them.

I just remembered it reminds heavily of https://youtu.be/Etn0Wsgkn-0 just not as hopeless.

OK, that's where the confusion came from! When you said there was a way for her to "live happily ever after" essentially, I was under the assumption you meant, "situation resolved, everything is as it was". Not basically living in a parallel universe. Alright that makes sense, if not extremely bittersweet. I was thinking on top of the chimney not in it. :pinkiesmile:

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