Mobile freaking sucks. All fanfic writing endeavors on hiatus until I own at least a laptop. Committed to the blogs.
I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all
Just happy to be apart of this wonderful fandom for so long (since September, 2011), and have been on this site much longer than what it is says on my page. PM me if you want to know more details :)
Son of a good man, child of an angel, & brother of a Wild One! ‘Nuff said. If you need an editor, I’d be happy to help you out.
Death smiles at us all; all a man can do is smile back.
There's a good chance I've seen your digital footprints before.
"Everything is the Omniverse. Everything is canon."- SlouchyFall: Artist/Animator, Black Brony, and Earth Pony Enthusiast.
*Insert funny horse pun here.* (Check out my daily music blog!)
The median, mode, and range do not justify the means.|Bands you should check out.
I'm glad to be here and I hope we all can be great friends
Fluttershy is my favorite pony and she rocks and she is awesome too!
"Nobody is perfect. We all had our victories and defeats… You learn from defeats, and with them, victories are obtained."
I like Heroes, animals,and My favorite princess is Luna. Im Trans boy
Just some random girl, who writes stories about ponies with disabilities for fun.
I'm having so much fun! I love fun! Fun with friends is the best! Fun! Friendship! Magic! <3
A guy with autism who LOVES listening to music and likes other stuff, and yes I do like MLP FIM. I Can Dig It!
"Jimmy Hook's the Name, Transformations is my Game" (Victim of The Cursed Gift since September 2016)
Hi, my name is Heroic412227, but you can call me Heroic. I'm still learning how to be the best writer I can be.