• Member Since 26th Sep, 2019
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


Hi, my name is Heroic412227, but you can call me Heroic. I'm still learning how to be the best writer I can be.


What Your Favorite Character Says About You · 5:00pm Last Tuesday

Sid the Hero
You're an optimistic dreamer with a big heart. Like Sid, you're enthusiastic about life and always ready for an adventure. You may struggle with emotional maturity at times, but your genuine care for others and desire to grow make you a lovable friend. Your creative side is strong, and you're not afraid to express yourself through art or music.

Clover Hagen

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Help Us To Feed Displaced Kids In Gaza · 10:41pm July 10th


Someone's In Need of Help! · 4:57pm July 7th

Someone's In Need of Help!

Please donate or spread the word!


Am I a Burden to Everyone? · 5:43pm May 18th

Hey, everyone.

I'm sorry for talking about this again since I know I'm going to get hate for this, but because of my actions that I've repeated again after a long time ago, I've just lost a friend and now I'm starting to think that I haven't learned anything from my past actions and that all I do is hurt others and ruin their lives.

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Report Heroic412227 · 134 views · #Apology #Change

I've Finally Finished My New Story! · 8:04pm March 5th

ETwilight Learns How to Ice-Skate
Twilight wants to learn how to ice-skate to impress Flash.
Heroic412227 · 4.3k words  ·  17  2 · 573 views

What do you think?


My New Song Lyric Writing Style · 9:24pm February 19th

Ominous: What are we even talking about?
Everybody had messed up already
We threw ourselves down the void without doubt
This discussion is senseless and petty

There's no question to be posed
We're all evil, case closed
Did you forget everything that we’ve done?

We all are beyond help
And that includes myself
And that's why I’ve got no choice but
To get rid of the shadows inside us

Sonic: I don't need your explanation
We're not your puppets to control

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I'm Going to Review OCs · 5:27pm January 28th

Hey there, everyone. After some thinking, I've decided that, instead of trying to get my own OCs reviewed by others, I'm going to try something different and review others' OCs. It's a fun idea and I can't wait to see the OCs that others have made.

If you have any OCs that you'd like to be reviewed, please let me know and I'll tell you about my thoughts on them.

Thank you and have a great day! 👍

Report Heroic412227 · 187 views · #OC #Reviews

Which Character Do You Relate To The Most and Why? · 12:39am Dec 31st, 2023

Hey there, everyone! You know? I've thinking about this idea for quite a while, but was too nervous to show it due to being not wanting to create any spoilers until it was fully realized yet. But thanks to a great friend's advice, I've decided to give it a shot to see your opinions on them so far.

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Here's an Update · 12:32am Dec 14th, 2023

I know I promised myself not to reveal anything until it's done, but due to writer's block, perfectionism, and procrastination, I'm having trouble finishing a certain story that needs to get done before any unexpected circumstances and complications. While I'm not going to spoil what I'm working on until it's absolutely done, I need some advice on this predicament that I'm having in order to continue. Also, I'm still afraid of what might happen last time I wrote my stories, so if you want me to

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Someone Needs Help As Well · 3:50pm Dec 3rd, 2023

Please donate or spread the word to help this user.

I Need Help - Emergency!