• Member Since 11th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 18th, 2013


18 year old brony. When I have a story to tell, I tell it.


A little update · 5:14am Mar 28th, 2013

So, some of might be wondering why I haven't updated Doom Secrets in a while. Eventually, it will get an update. It will. I just haven't been in much of a writing mood, but my creative juices are flowing now that I'm planning a new story. Yes, I'll be mostly working on the new story, but that doesn't mean I won't squeeze in time for Doom Secrets. Just please be patient with me and I'll try to have new chapters posted whenever I can.

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2013? My guess is you're dead, not the stories. Please say I'm wrong.

Thanks for the fav.:twilightsmile:

801706 No problem, good to see an update so soon after faving.

Thanks for the fave. :twilightsmile:

Thanks for the fav! :twilightsmile:


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