• Member Since 20th Nov, 2022
  • offline last seen May 11th


Blog Posts

  • 82 weeks
    Chapter layout

    Chapter #.1

    Chapters with the number one at the end will be for code name: Cyberpunk Chrysalis, Universe.

    Chapter #.2

    Chapters with the number two at the end will be for code names: Cyber Glitch Shimmer, Cyberpunk R. Shimmer, and Cyber Glitch Black, Universe.

    Chapter #.3

    Chapters with the number three at the end will be for code name: Hacker Bat, Universe.

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    0 comments · 72 views
  • 82 weeks
    Prologue Part 2

    Author's note for prologue part 2.
    Again this is for me so I can keep track on my storyline and chapters for the fanfic.

    1. Changeling Queens can breed with one other, and the baby will inherent the best qualities of both mothers, but as for who wants or gets custody over the child that’s complicated if the queen who is giving birth wants full custody they can get it.

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  • 83 weeks
    Hi I'm Cyberpunk_Chrysalis. Prologue Part 1

    Hi everyone I'm new to Writing and wanted to write my first fanfic was here I was going to wait till my fanfic was published, but I'm going to use these Blogs to keep track of my story.

    Mostly my Author Notes and a little more.

    Equestria Multiverse Cyberpunks Author's Note:

    1. I wouldn't remember baloperidol so I'm calling them Cyberdoses, that's all.

    2. The real name is Qiant Sandevistan MK. or as I'm calling them Gantz Anistand

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    0 comments · 58 views

Chapter layout · 10:23pm Dec 25th, 2022

Chapter #.1

Chapters with the number one at the end will be for code name: Cyberpunk Chrysalis, Universe.

Chapter #.2

Chapters with the number two at the end will be for code names: Cyber Glitch Shimmer, Cyberpunk R. Shimmer, and Cyber Glitch Black, Universe.

Chapter #.3

Chapters with the number three at the end will be for code name: Hacker Bat, Universe.

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Report Cyberpunk_Chrysalis · 72 views ·
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No prob!

Happy late Thanksgiving, lol

Thank you so much happy (late) Thanksgiving

Here to make your day 'cuz why not :twilightsmile:

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