• Member Since 12th Oct, 2022
  • offline last seen July 16th


Doomed Yuri is my Specialty Flavor

Where I post from :3

Blog Posts

  • 34 weeks
    Needing Tips/Advice With Writing

    I’m currently in the process of writing a new fic and I’m struggling to keep motivation in finishing the first chapter. I make significant progress but then stop after a few paragraphs. I can’t finish a chapter in one go like I used to. (I used to write fanfic on wattpad)

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    4 comments · 50 views

About Me <3

Welcome to my corner of FimFiction!

Here are some things about me that I'd like you to know

  • I’m Non-Binary
  • I am also bi-romantic abrosexual
  • My birthday is March 11th (20)
  • I'm not online as much as i'd like but I will always try to respond to dm's

I'll make a better bio later hehe

Comments ( 15 )
  • Viewing 11 - 15 of 15
Comment posted by Archaiac Divisionary deleted July 16th

Thank you that means a lot.

Anything for one of the best fic writers on the site! <3

I used to follow you on my old account before it deleted, so I wanted to follow you again! It's nice to know you're still online friend!

Hey! Thanks for the follow! May I ask what warranted such?

  • Viewing 11 - 15 of 15
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