• Member Since 22nd Jan, 2022
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


Nerd who writes occasionally.

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  • 18 weeks
    Chapter 1 Rewrite is done.

    Yeah bout fuckin time huh? And such a small chapter? The fuck was I doing? Dunno I do shit occasionally. The chapter is smaller cus chapter one doesn’t need to say as much as it did, nor have as much clutter. I toon the pressure of making a long chapter off of myself and I actually wrote something good. I can fit a lot in 900 words.

    Enjoy this, I’m happy to have passion for this project again.

    Chapter 2 rewrite is in the works.

    Then it’s gonna be rolling on a river.

    0 comments · 36 views
  • 27 weeks
    Exciting News For the Love Postulate!

    I’m re writing it. Yup. Only two chapters in and it’s getting a re write. I don’t think I’m doing this story a justice with how it’s going so far.

    So I’m gonna re write it. And it’s gonna be a lot better I promise. And with this, the rest of the chapters will be following right behind the re-writes.

    Stay tuned.

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  • 28 weeks
    Guess who’s back bitches.


    Where the fuck did I go? I don’t even know. Got sick of shit for a bit and a girlfriend and now she’s eating up my time like a fat boy in a Golden Corral.

    Now what the fuck is up with my story huh? Well, it’s enough to keep me with it for sure, I think that twilights more analytical nature is something I can flesh out well in this story. That being said, my writing sucks. But if you do feel so inclined, I’m writing again, and the story is being developed again.

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  • 34 weeks

    Slight change of plans. I think chapter 2 ended too early, so chapter three is merging with it or at least a part of it. So you’ll see chapter two be updated to better fit my vision whenever that happens.


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  • 34 weeks
    Wassup it’s me again.

    Chapter three is in the works. It’ll get here when it gets here. The second chapter honestly ended before I really wanted it too but that’s just how it is. I appreciate all the shits given.


    0 comments · 70 views

Chapter 1 Rewrite is done. · 5:34am March 19th

Yeah bout fuckin time huh? And such a small chapter? The fuck was I doing? Dunno I do shit occasionally. The chapter is smaller cus chapter one doesn’t need to say as much as it did, nor have as much clutter. I toon the pressure of making a long chapter off of myself and I actually wrote something good. I can fit a lot in 900 words.

Enjoy this, I’m happy to have passion for this project again.

Chapter 2 rewrite is in the works.

Then it’s gonna be rolling on a river.

Comments ( 3 )
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Heya, I read fanfic more than I’ve read anything else in my life.

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