Born in a town in a place on a planet, our young hero must fight the incredulous forces to unite his people in the cause of hapless reading! Join TheMortalSlab in fighting crime and stealing babies!
I am approximately 3 seconds away from wreaking havoc on my undergarments.
"Pulling a Mordecai" (verb) - The act of never making a move, while at the same time, not knowing what to do with your hands.
Sup I'm Pota and hope you enjoy my work & can becomes friends anywho ciao!
An author who loves to write stories with hidden and not-so-hidden references in them. Also has a friend who shares his account and loves to chat with people. "'Sup!"
Learn to love the writing, of telling a story that you want told, and not the recognition that comes with it. When skill and passion atrophy, write for yourself, and in time, you'll inspire others.
Hey! I writer anything with my favorite characters, Spike, Ember, Smolder, Discord, Fizzle, Garble...that is most of works and coming works.
We're born by the Faith, made men by the Faith and inevitably our nature is undone, by the Faith.
I believe in my whole race. Yellow, white, black, red, brown in the honesty, courage, intelligence, durability and goodness of the overwhelming majority of my brothers and sisters everywhere