• Member Since 31st Mar, 2021
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago

The Ancestor

Rus | Man is the warmest place to hide.


No historical records exist of those few hours of interregnum, when the two Sisters fought for dominance. As the world's fate was hanging in precarious balance, uncountable lives were wiped off its face, grains of sand carried away by the tidal wave of darkness.

Nopony remembers how one brave pony faced evil during the period commonly reffered to as Nightless Night.

My entry to the 1000 words contest.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Motion

Anon and Celestia go to their first lesson in potion brewing. All the while, Anon has to juggle keeping his new interest a secret, and coming to terms with his feelings towards the mare. The big question is: when will he ask her out?

Chapters (2)

"On behalf of Management, the following contract bestows upon The Company the indelible right to prospect Eqqus in its entirety, granting you the role of an intermediary between Deep Rock Galactic, and planetary governmental bodies.

In return, DRG offers its technological support, coupled with monetary compensation equal to any complications that may, or may not, occur as a result of our ongoing operations.

Management discourages investigation and/or disruption of our planetary operations, which may, or may not, result in bodily injury and/or death of interlopers."

Here’s my, admittedly silly, entry to that dialogue contest.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to What Doesn't Kill You

Anon, fed up with being a handyman for the town, searches for his calling in life. And despite Twilight's assurances that he has no magic, Anon discovers avenues he's yet to explore.

If only he wasn't such an asshole.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to A Heart to Heart

In the middle of a party held in honor of the one and only Anonymous, Princess Celestia notices that the man of the hour is missing. Worried for her little human, she finds him sitting on the curb, alone.

Quite inebriated, Anon let's Celestia in on a secret, one that can be quite self-destructive.

It seems, another heart to heart is in order.

Chapters (1)

The second week of Anon's impromptu displacement had gone reasonably well. The quaint folk of Ponyville have taken him in as well they could, considering his origins and uncommon physique. The local Goddess' of day and night bequeathed him a place to call his own (a bit of a fixer-upper, but he'll manage), and even granted him citizenship!

So why does he feel so conflicted? As the young man struggles to get his emotions under control, said horse Goddess butts in to keep him company.

He really doesn't mind.

Chapters (1)

What was supposed to be a friendly visit for Twilight to discuss her doubts about her last descision, turns into a wild goose chase as a ruthless monster ravages the Capital.

Will the combined force of Twilight and Celestia be enough to stop it?

Could something be learned from the whole ordeal?

Crossover with one of my favourite games, Dishonored. Takes place after the second installment of the series.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Dispose of Carefully



Special Containment Procedures: SCP-■■■■ is to be stored in a standard storage container at Site-E11. Access is restricted to all personnel without Level 4/4004 clearance.

Description: A brown leather journal signed by one "Dream Snatcher''. The contents of the journal describe a ■■■■■■■■ attempt in second person. The exact details vary from subject to subject, but the core structure of a story remains.

Upon making contact with the subject's skin, the object causes visual, auditory and tactile hallucinations of an exceedingly violent matter. Most subjects lose consciousness in the process, although several other side effects have been observed, such as:


-brain hemorrhaging




Several subjects have shown no symptoms when presented with the object, mainly those with experience in field operations/crisis management within the Foundation.

The item appeared in the living quarters of Princess Luna, and was investigated by the subject.

"To anyone interested in the item's contents, I'm adding them to this page. Permission was given by Princess Luna, but here's a warning: you won't be able to look at her the same way again." -Dr. Turner.

"All members of MTF-ZETA 10 'Shadowbolts' are mandated to read the document as part of their training." - Director Miller.

Part of Disposal continuity.

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Dispose of Carefully

A notebook found by Foundation Agents during a sweep of an apartment complex in Manehattan. No edits were made to the original document, aside from neutralising several infohazards present. The original manuscript is stored at Site-E11. For more information, contact Head of Pataphysics and Temporal Phenomena Research, Dr. Turner.

Inspired by a nightmare I had and written in three hours.

Part of Disposal continuity.

Chapters (13)