• Member Since 16th Nov, 2017
  • offline last seen Jun 22nd, 2023


I'm a random writer who gets random inspirations

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I'M ALIVE!!! · 1:39pm Jul 9th, 2018

Hello everyone, i have decided to come back to fimfiction after a really long hiatus. The reason is while I was working on "To the Moon and Back" I had a lot of other stories, and ideas that I wanted to do and I didn't wanted to continue on something Half-hearted. If I am going to do something, I want to put full effort into it. I hope you all understand. Anyways, it is good to be back!:twilightsmile:

Report T-Storm · 368 views ·
Comments ( 78 )
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Please come back one day.... ;-;

Just checking.... Just checking when Chapter 4 of To The Moon and Back will go up ^^; :twilightsheepish:

Just checking when Chapter 4 of To the Moon and Back comes out =3

-peaks- Sooooo..... any word on the next chapter of To The Moon and Back yet? :twilightsheepish:

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