• Member Since 6th Jun, 2017
  • offline last seen Apr 25th, 2018

StarGalaxy Offical

Stories and Art, Love 'em both! Always be you


Princess Cadence and Shining Armour visit Twilight for Hearts Warming, Princess Cadence tags along Flash Sentry since he's of guard duty so he can visit his younger cousin Rainbow Dash but he also starts to fall in love with Twilight.

Coverart by Bat Lover

Chapters (1)

Songbird decides to go over to Ponyville to spend Hearts Warming. Songbird also wanted to go to Ponyville to spend some quality time with Twilight after what happened in the Storm Kings rule over Equestria. She meets Twilights friends and feels just like another pony not having to worry about her fame because for her she can't make a real friend. Twilight also wants to spend time with Songbird and starts to remember some moments from when she was a filly

Cover art by: BatLover
Story art by:Sunset Fall

Chapters (2)

Ever since Bats! On a full moon everynight Fluttershy turns into a bat pony. She's kept it secret for years but one day it just blows, what does she do now? Twilight is also torn when the spell didn't work and is overloading herself with research on how to fix her mistakes and AppleJack regrets everything in the episode of Bats!

Editing/Prove Read by Pink Ink
Art by Bat Lover

Chapters (2)

One blush and now what?

Rainbow Dash has been part of the Wonderbolts for a while now and suddenly in the showers one day develops a crush, the pony she crushes on has the same feelings for her as well. Spitfire and Fleetfoot notice the two looking eye to eye for to long and try to help both of them when going through this experience. Will it be a success or will it just be a big problem? (Also it does a a bit of Rarity in there which is main part).

Cover work by me

Chapters (7)

Winter had just finished which meant it was nearly winter wrap up. She was excited to see Tank again but this was the last time she got to see him forever....

Everyday she weeped over Tanks loss and nopony knew how to patch up Rainbows shattered broken heart. There's only one pony who can fix this big mess.

Artwork by Neon_Spirit

Chapters (1)

The Wonderbolts are obviously attending the grand gala pan gala. Both Soarin and Rainbow Dash develop a crush on each other but never told each other.

Chapters (5)