• Member Since 10th Apr, 2017
  • offline last seen Jan 8th, 2020


What do people do with all the extra time they save by writing "k" instead of "ok"?


IDK what Iā€™m doing. · 2:41am May 31st, 2018

Hello! I have used Fimfic for years now, (diffrent accounts Iā€™ve lost passwords to), and Iā€™ve never bother to post anything. Anywhere. Iā€™m not sure why, possibly itā€™s because I think nobody cares? In all reality, thats probably it. I mean, who cares what some random dude like me has to say on the internet? I get the appeal of the stories on this website, I mean hell, Iā€™m addicted to many of them myself! Iā€™ve just never really understood the whole ā€œblog postā€ thing. But, who knows? Maybe thereā€™s

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Thanks for faving "Broken Hourglass," I intend to resume writing it soon

Hi! Thank you for the fave of 'Night Rose'! It means a ton to me! :rainbowkiss: (in case you didn't see it, there's a sequel to this story as well)

I know you've been on the site since April, but a warm welcome to you anyway. I invite you to check out my other stories, of course, but also my profile page. There you'll find many links to some really great stories that I recommend, as well as a few library shelves of my own for you to peruse.

I hope that's of some help for you. And again, thank you for the fave! :)


Thanks for the watch!

Hi! Thank you kindly for the follow, and welcome to Fimfiction! :twilightsmile:

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