• Member Since 22nd Oct, 2016
  • offline last seen July 18th




Handbound Book - Friendship is Optimal · 7:46pm Mar 1st, 2018

Heya folks,

Wanted to share a project I've recently finished up. This is a copy of Friendship is Optimal that I typeset using Xelatex and then printed and bound. Final results first then a quick write up showing the process will come after.

Completed Book:


Title Page:

Inside the book:

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Report CopperGear · 1,281 views ·
Comments ( 10 )
  • Viewing 6 - 10 of 10

Thanks for the favorite! :pinkiehappy:

May the Lord Jesus save you, and guide, protect, and watch over you :twilightsmile:

Is it a console or is it on steam?

Thanks! I quite like it too!

The character is The Kid from the game Bastion. Great game with an excellent soundtrack by Darren Korb.

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