• Member Since 3rd Oct, 2015
  • offline last seen Sep 27th, 2020


Done a lot of writing, but quite new to fanfic. If you want to help me keep paying rent check out my other writings http://hyperurl.co/12secrets (sf) or http://hyperurl.co/onedayhypno (romance)

Other stuff

Anyone care to see what I've written before I decided to try fanfic? I've got a novel on Amazon now, just hoping it will sell enough copies to pay the bills.

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I'm alive! · 3:38pm Jan 30th, 2018

After getting my laptop fixed, I'm online again.
I'm releasing a new book on Amazon on friday; Pasts & Futures will be a collection of 49 science fiction stories, many of them super-short.
But... in the past, my first-day sales have always seemed to depend on my author rank. And after 2½ months unable to release anything, my author rank is in the tank.

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