• Published 19th May 2013
  • 426 Views, 1 Comments

Inferno: Legend of The Fire Horse - UltimateInferno

Fire, earth, water, air and darkness. Power that keep Equestria balanced. When one goes rogue, who will stop one of the most ancient powers in Equestria when the others couldn't?

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Chapter II: Alicoco

986 Solar Hierarchy

The day was bright, Canterlot was bustling as vendors sold their merchandise. Inferno stood pacing back and forth in front of Celestia's castle, he was dressed head to toe in armor, waiting for his friend to return with their assignment. Billions of thoughts were running through his mind, "It'll be find, I have my sword plus, how bad could it be. It a first assignment, surely they'll not give us something impossible."

Soon his friend was trotting out of the gates, he was levitating a envelope with the Royal Seal. The seal signifies that it came straight from Celestia herself. "Here it is," Shining Armor said as he raised it higher as if to say," WE HAVE OUR ASSIGNMENT, WE'RE GOING TO OPEN IT NOW!!!!"

He opened it and it read," Greetings young stallion(s), you're assignment is to escort an alicorn/unicorn family to Canterlot from their home in Manehatten, their luggage is already here but they asked for special assistance as they travel. Good-luck colts. Celestia."

They were both silent until Inferno finally spoke," Let's meet these rich kids".

It took a while to get to Manehatten, mainly because Shining Armor had no wings and mainly Inferno was a little lazy. They were chatting and practicing their swordsmanship. The sun was high in the sky whe they arrived.

They family was waiting for them, it consisted of the mother, a pink with blue flowing hair, and two colts, one was about Inferno's age, his light blue hair was neatly combed and gray horn and wings, he had blue coat. When his mother's back was turned he messed up his hair into a Mohawk like ocean waves, the other colt was smaller and younger, he was black with gray hair, he had white line that connected the eyes like a masked. Only the mother was a unicorn and had cutie mark which was, a pile of bits surrounded by a magic effect.

Inferno's seen weirder cutie mark like a chicken, or the pony's own face.

The family got in the carriage, it jolted forward and soon was followed by Inferno and Shining Armor.

The sun was dipping when they decided they would camp out. Inferno started a a couple fires for everypony to sit around. Inferno sat at one with Shining and the colts. "So," Inferno said," What's about you two?"

"Well," the smaller one said," I'm Cyclone and this is my younger brother Hurricane." Hurricane was slapping moths with a leaf.

Inferno was surprised,He's the oldest? He was starring at Cyclone, how could the midget be the oldest.

The bushes were rustling but the ponies kept on talking. Soon a creaking echoed through the night. "I'm going to check to see what's going on." Inferno got up, and walked in the forest when he blacked out.

A sharp pain shot throughout Inferno's body and he cried out. Inferno soon heard," Whoops, I think I dragged him over a rock."

"Shut up," a voice replied," we'll take him back and search 'im for stuff. Pounder, you look like him the most, when were done get in his armor and meet with his friends. They're aristocrats, that's why they have 'excellent' guards." His laugh sound extremely like a psychopath, Inferno sure hoped that his training would help, but right now he'll have to wait.

Shining Armor sat with the rest of the group and talked with his new friends, though he kept his eye on the forest. Inferno left a couple minutes a ago, but as the time racks up Shining starts to worry. When he was about to get up and follow Inferno he came right out of the forest.

"Thank Celestia," said Shining," You were starting to scare me."

"Uh what?" Inferno started to say in a deep gruff voice, obliviously confused," Uh ya, I'm Inferno."

Shining heard a smack yards away. "Uh... anyway why don't you sit with us."

"Umm... okay I'll sit."

Shining Armor decided to keep his guard up, obliviously this wasn't Inferno, but he'll need more evidence.

Shining slept with a knife under his pillow that night, and it was the first time he slept so light, every time a twig snapped from a passing bunny, Shining would jump up and look around, holding his knife high. He'd shrug it of and go back to sleep. That was his biggest mistake.

Shining awoke with a knife at his throat.

"Don't say anything or you will die," said a gruff voice," My friends are searching the other tents and will be back. Get up and follow me."

Shining did what he said and looked around the camp. There were two other ponies searching the other tents, they threw out the inhabitants so they have more room. Later they came out with jewels and other valuables. One of the stallions looked confused as he pull out a gray object with two holes on top, a knob on the side and a rope sticking out the other side. When Hurricane saw him holding it he tore it out of his hooves and hid it in a log.

The stallion Shining was following sat him down on a long and tide him up, and to top it off he enchanted Shining's horn with dark magic so he couldn't use it.

"I have one question," Shining said.

"What is it?" replied the thug.

"Where's my friend?"

"He's fine."

"Did you tie his legs?"


"Did you tie him down?"



That question seemed to catch him off guard," No, he can't fly away, so what's the point?"

Shining smiled, that was their biggest mistake.

Inferno awoke with a slight jolt. How long was he out? He looked around, trying to take the bearings of his situation. There were three tents. a line of swords and other weapons. He looked down, his eyes bulged.They took his armor and sword.

He bent his neck, which made a little pop. That's better. Inferno started flapping his wings and soon realized that he was tied down. He took a different approach. One of his wings flexed open started untying himself from the ground.

He got up and stretched. After being tied for a couple hours, you can get some serious cramps. Then he searched the camp for stuff he could use against the thugs. After Inferno found the weapons barracks he overlooked all the weapons but the sword. He grabbed it and flexed. Right size. Right weight. Right all around.

He found a sheath that was the right size for it and slung around his shoulder. Time to prove he wasn't just a helpless blank flank.

He dove in the bushes, finding his way through the dark. Through the leaves and twigs Inferno saw a light. After he got a little closer he realized it was the campfire and the rest of the group. The three stallions looked around for the valuables and didn't notice the rustle in the bushes.

Time to have some fun.

Inferno drew the sword, trying to make it loud enough for them to hear. The ponies cocked their heads in the direction of Inferno. He bolted quietly to another spot as one off the thugs went to check the bushes, his face looked confuse. Inferno stepped on a twig, causing it snap rather loudly. The thug galloped towards Inferno, only to be disappointed by nothing, the other two thugs wen't back to work but the third was furious now. He drew his sword and lunged at every noise he heard, causing him to get in trouble with his friends.

Meanwhile, Inferno was hiding in the bushes to the left of the thug. Enough toying with him, time to get down and dirty. He lunged keeping the sword to his side, he dove under the stallion rolled and popped back up while giving the thug a shear buck. The thug went flying into the bushes, giving attention to Inferno.

One of his friends looked at Inferno through furious eyes. He drew his sword and charged. Inferno grinned a devilish smile, he rolled behind the thug and slashed at his backside causing it to bleed (and to note, seeing a pony start pooping blood is not a pretty site). The thug howled in outrage and return his attention to Inferno and looked at him, now angrier than ever. He charged again but with a limp and was confused when Inferno did nothing but unfold the wing that he wasn't using and covered his sword. When the thug came a foot way from Inferno he pulled down his wing and said "Olay!" as the the thug ran straight into his sword. The thug's eyes bulged and looked down, seeing the blood drip from his chest, he made a weak grunt and collapsed. Inferno pulled his blood stained sword out of the corpse to the final and biggest thug.

He turned and hefted a club on his shoulder, he flared his nostrils and took slow but earth shaking steps towards Inferno. He jumped and when he landed it shook the ground so much that somepony must have thought that there was a new mountain nearby. Inferno toppled but the sudden jolt in the ground. The giant hefted his club up and Inferno rolled away before it fell on him.

Inferno got up and found it hard to strike at him with all the body armor. The giants tail flicked at Inferno and caused him to go flying. A small gash formed in Inferno's chest as if the tail was made up of rocks. Inferno ignored the pain in his chest. He took off in the air while leaving a trail of blood behind. He hovered above the giant for a moment then attacked with a kick but failed as the giant grabbed his with his mouth and flung him across the clearing. Inferno toppled in the bushes, as he felt a bone snap. He cursed, maybe a little too loud. He started limping out of the bushes went something caught his hoof. He checked to see what it was and noticed a little aura surrounding it. A strong tug pulled him farther from his friends.

Author's Note:

All references will now not be pointed out by me.
Edits: I changed what year to make a lot more sense.
I made the mother a unicorn to make the alicorn sons just genetic rarities.\
Hurricane and Cyclone are changed from cousins to brothers.

Comments ( 1 )

Okay, you're calling this thing a horse:unsuresweetie: Which is fine:eeyup: Just try to remember the size difference between a pony and a horse. :applejackunsure: Okay?:scootangel: Outside of that I wish you the best of luck:pinkiehappy:

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