• Published 28th Jun 2013
  • 521 Views, 1 Comments

Long Way to The Top - perfectionless

  • ...

Chapter 2

"...Ooooohhhhhh...My head." Cliff moaned, as a merciless migrane reared it's ugly face. Sitting up with his hands upon his aching head, trying to make the fuzzy world stop spinning. What happened? He thought, remembering jamming with his bandmates clearly, but everything else after was a blank. His eyes finally adjusting, Cliff took a look at his surrounding area. Slowly, he reached for his fedora, an arms length away from him, placed it upon his head to block the powerfully bright sun, and rose to his feet, a new question formed in his mind ...Where am I exactly?

Having another look around, Cliff noted that he was in a town square. Stands, karts, and small buildings surrounded him, but something felt off.

"Where is everyone?" He thought aloud, having woken up not too long ago he would assume someone would be here to check on him. But no, the square seemed abandoned. "Hello?" He called out only for silence to reply

"Not even an echo." He playfully scoffed.

Cliff's stomach grumbled, reminding him he hadn't eaten anything, preferring to wait until his date started. My Date! he quickly rescanned the area for anything that looked familar. Sadly, they didn't. He looked up melancholically to the sky, greeted by it's Baby blue hue and small tuffs of white clouds rather than the starry night. Should've been there about 7 hours ago. He sighed dejectedly. "Well, the past's in the past I guess" he muttered before going back into his current situation. Finding food.

Looking around again, Cliffs eyes fell upon the stands. Walking towards one of them, he couldn't help but notice the small signs with small squiggly looking scribbles blazoned in bold black ink. Under the scribbles was an illustration of the product, a bundle of tangerines, followed by an illustration of the price, 2 coins. Cliff stared at the illustration for awhile. A bundle for fifty cents? Why in the world would anyone have a price that low for a bundle?

Cliff snapped his attention from the stand in front of him to the other stands, karts and buildings behind him. It felt like a whole bunch of eyes where drilling into the back of his head. Nothing was there. After awhile Cliff slowly turned his attention back to the stand. Deciding to just go for it, he dug his hand into his pocket and fished out fifty cents. The feeling of being watched again had him sharply turn around, watching for any sort of movement.

"If anyone's there." He began, loud and slow, his eyes slowly scanning the area. "I'm putting the money on the table, and then getting a bundle of these tangerines." he cautiously reached for the table, dropping the two quarters, then took a bundle. The eerie feeling seemed to never go away.

Not wanting to stick around anymore, Cliff quickly walked away from the creepy deserted town. The walk helped in calming him down, but also brought up the question of where he was. And many of the answers he had didn't seem plausible.

Maybe it's because...No, I'd of remembered that...

I might've...Wait, no. My shirt's still on...


Before he could think of another outcome for his predicament, Cliff tripped over something. Catching himself, Cliff looked at whatever it was he stumbled upon.

"...No way..." he mumbled to himself. Sitting before him was non-other than his guitar case. Without a moments hesitation, he opened the case to reveal his Les Paul, perfectly fine. Lifting it out of the case, Cliff strummed a few strings then yelped in surprised at how loud it was. Inspecting it for any anomaly, Cliff strummed again, and again was met with the same result. Jesus, man! Sounds like it's hooked to an amp! After a quick tuning, volume & tone adjustment, Cliff put the guitar back in its case, lifted it up, and continued to walk.

Casually ripping a tangerines peel and popping a piece of the fruit in his mouth, Cliff went back to his thoughts

A band prank maybe? Nah! The guys wouldn't go as far as stranding me.

Maybe I'm dreaming? Stopping, Cliff pinched his left arm and winced.

Okay, not a dream... Finding a trashcan, Cliff dumped the peel. Smiling, Cliff went back to his walk. Or at least he would have if not for the fact that something slammed into his side with enough force to send him rolling a few feet. His guitar case slid a good two feet away from him, his purchased bundle of tangerines splattered onto the ground. Oddly enough his hat stuck with him, still snugged atop his head.

"Ohhhhh...What hit me?" he groaned. Slowly staggering to his feet, Cliff dazedly glanced at where his guitar had fallen before looking onto where the source of his present pain had been. His eyes widen, and his mouth hung. That car must've hit me harder than I thought... Standing a few feet before him was a sky blue rainbow maned pegasus. Said pegasus was glaring daggers at him, assuming a stance with wings flared out, looking as if it was daring Cliff to make a move.

For his part Cliff just stood there dumbly, his brain trying to process what exactly he was seeing along with the aches and pains throbbing all over his body. After awhile Cliff's finally managed to utter a single sound


This seemed to be all the pegasus needed hear before charging at Cliff with an impossibly blinding speed, the force of the charge had him slammed onto a building and on the ground. Before blacking out, Cliff noted that a few fuzzy looking colors appeared next to the blue one. But before he could think about what would happen, Cliff met up with darkness yet again.

Why is the A/C so close? Charlie thought, as a strong cool breeze was blowing from right under her. ...It almost feels like I'm falling

A sour thought came to her as her face scrunched up in irritation. This better not be one of Will's stupid pranks! It seemed most likely what was going on was from the singer/rythmn guitarist. Remembering all the pranks he pulled on his fellow bandmates, Like the time he dyed her hair neon green when she was asleep. She was going to kill him then and there had it not been for the realization that it wasn't permament, so she settled for beating him to a bloody pulp.

'Cause if it is I'm going to- She slowly opened her eyes. Then snapped them open after being greeted by the ground hundreds, if not thousands, of feet below her.

"OH SWEET JESUS!!!" She hollered, her brain having left her in a panic state of flailing wildly in the air.

"WHAT"S GOING ON!!! OH GOD OF THE-" Her flailing stopped suddenly as a thought came to her. God...? The more she thought about it, the more it made sense.

D-did I...Die? Having this thought, Charlie's eyes glazed over. Seeming to get an explanation to her question.

I died. Didn't I? She began to imagine the scenario. I was probably at the golden gates, judged, and now I'm going to... She swallowed hard.

G-g-going to... her eyes shrunk into tiny pinpricks. Now noticing the ground starting to get closer. Meaning she would soon meet up with...

"OH GOD NOO!!!" She screamed, flailing more wildly in the air

"PLEASE!! I DIDN"T MEAN TO BE A BAD PERSON!!!" She cried, tears flowing down all the while.

"IT JUST HAPPENNED!! I SWEAR!!" Minutes away from impact Charlie shut her eyes tight, and just screamed, waiting for the inevitable. Oddly, however, it never came. Fearfully she opened her eyes, expecting to see nothing but fire, brimstone, and him. What she saw, however, she couldn't believe. There it was. The grass. A few feet below her. Looking around, she noticed she was still in the air.

What's going on? Why am I floating!? To Charlie, it was like something from a Looney Tunes cartoon. Still observing, she also noted that she had a light green glow around her body. Before she could think on it the glow flickered a little then disappeared abruptly, unceremoniously dropping her onto the ground with a thud, an "oof" escaping her lips.

Ohhhh...That hurt... She groaned as a light pain coursed through her body.

Wait a minute...That hurt!? She instantly forgot about the pain as this new thought suddenly came to mind.

She was alive! Before asking how and why, Charlie slowly opened her eyes. at first she was greeted with blurry images of green and light blue. Once her vision cleared, Charlotte could only gaped at what was infront of her. Right there, standing tall and proud, was a lone four-leaf clover. Slowly rising on her knees, she reached out towards it, her hand trembling from the adrenaline of the fall, along with what she was feeling at the moment. Plucking the dainty thing, she eyed it from all angles, as if it was a fragile thing of beauty. Her body began to shake, her lips curled into a small smile until finally she let it out.

"YES!!" She jumped with joy. followed afterwards with laughter. Seeing this as a turn of her bad luck, Charlie reached for her Rabbits foot, but stopped and looked, finding it wasn't there.

Must've flung off when I was free falling... She shuddered from the thought, before looking at the clover still held in her hand. "Ow!" she cried as something bonked her on the top of her head. Charlie, after rubbing her head, picked up the object that had struck her. "...A drumstick?" she mumbled.

Glancing up before asking more questions, Charlie was greeted with a familiar item...growing in size and heading straight for her. "OH SHIT!!" She hollered before she dove out of the way. A few seconds later, with a mighty boom, her drumset slammed down where she was standing seconds ago. Getting up she slowly went over to bits and pieces that was once her instrument.

"...Great." she muttered "600 bucks, down the drain." Crouching down, She went and grabbed her other, surprisingly unscathed, drumstick from the ground and placed both sticks in her pocket before sighing dejectingly.

A small smile appeared when she glanced at the small clover still in her hand, she nimbly placed the clover on her right ear. She let out another sigh, feeling a lot more safe now that the clover was with her. Her moment of peace came to a halt as she heard what sounded like heavey breathing. Looking around for the source, her eyes fell upon a mint green unicorn. The unicorn was staring back at her, eyes dielated, and a very eerie, very wide smile across its face was included with the heavy breathing. The small bit of foam that was forming on the unicorns mouth along with abit of a giggle was the cherry on top.


...I don't like this. Danny thought, clearly worried as spear holding guards where leading him to somewhere. One minute, he awoke in some fancy garden, then he was surrounded by the most adorable looking guards he'd ever seen! He mentally d'awwd at the sight them. And now here he was, wrists shackled and being lead to god knows where after he tried to snuggle all the fuzzy animals there. The guards included.

I don't like this He thought again, staring dejectively at his shackles.The guards halted infront of outer walls of a huge castle. Entering it Danny looks around abit to take in the castles décor. He stood and stared, transfixed in awe and admiration upon seeing the fancy get up. It was like all the castles in those fantasy novels. The ones that the author would explain in great detail how grand and beautiful it is. The ones that he would just skip all together when he found an illustration of the castle.

Danny's train of thought was cut off by a guard behind him forcefully shoving him forward. He stared apologeticly at the guard. Making a turn, the guards lead Danny to another grand hallway. Glancing at the vaces and heads and other knick-knacks upon the hallway walls Danny eyes fell upon a peach colored pony with lime-green mane dusting one of the knick-knacks, all the while humming a tune. Turning to dust the other things in the area, the pony smiled upon seeing the guards. Her beaming face slowly changed when her eyes fell upon him. Danny gave it a smile when it looked at him, the pony however galloped away, pure fear etched across it's face. ...Cute! Danny mentally cooed. A few more turns and fleeing servents later the gaurds lead Danny to a large, and rather impressive double door. The doors slowly opened, beams of blinding light seeping through it before engulfing Danny and the guards.

Upon opening his eyes and giving them time to adjust, Danny stared, wide eyed. There on thrones in the center of the largest room he's ever seen where two majestic looking horses. One with a pure white coat and a mane of pinks blues and greens. The other smaller than the first, with a blue coat and star-like mane. Both had wings, and horns. What left him awestruck the most was there manes blowing in the wind...A wind he had not felt upon entering the room. Sticking a finger in his mouth and pulling it out Danny waited patiently for the feeling of a weak cool breeze. Nothing. he concluded, puzzled. Before he could further think on how the two where doing it, Danny noticed all eyes on him. All of which giving him a look that just screamed "What are you doing?" For Danny's part, he just dried his finger with his shirt and looked at the floor bashfully.

All was quiet in the room. With the gaurds standing there waiting for orders, the two hybrids staring at Danny with what he could guess was shock, and him from time to time eyeing there manes, the secret to making it flow distracting him from how quiet it became. Finally the white one spoke, making Danny flinch back to the situation at hand. The guard in front of him began to speak after the hybrid finished, waving his spear a little and bobbing his head before finally nodding in Danny's direction and finishing whatever it was he said. Danny watched as the white one look of shock fell upon him. Turning to the blue one Danny only saw it glaring daggers at him. He gulped not liking either look.

The stares stopped after the white one leaned next to the blue one, both quietly mumbling to one another. With a quick nod the white one began to speak a little louder than before. It's eyes where closed as it spoke, sticking a hoof out every so often for some added effect. Finally stopping what Danny assumed was a speech the hybrid looked at him, anticipation clearly seen on it's face. He shot it a questioning look. The white one frowned.

Before he could do anything, a voice boomed throughout the room, forcing Danny to cover his ears. Once he was sure the ringing in his ears stopped, Danny looked to find that all eyes where again fixed on him. All was quiet. Why are they shouting at me?

Danny stood there trying to figure out what it was the ponies where waiting for. Do they want me to talk?

That was the only reason Danny could think of for them to wait for. So, with a smile, he began to sign. Slowly he raised his shackled hands while focusing on the ponies puzzled expressions *Hi* He started slowly, the shackles making it abit difficult and awkward to move *My name's-*

Before he knew it his shackled hands had a dark blue glow on them, before he could admire the glow the shackles themselves morphed and encased both hands, making him jump back in horror. Before he could make heads or tails as to what was going on, The blue one voice boomed around the room yet again a lot more authoritive than before, Before he knew it all the gaurds in the room pounced on the giant.

"You're both so lucky I don't have any silver on me!" Will barked as his two captors dragged him unceremoniously through the dimly lit tunnels, deep within a cave somewhere within the forest he had been in. "Otherwise, there would've been hell to pay!!" He continued shouting. Never, in his life, did Will believe he would be meeting werewolves of all things after waking up stuck on a tree branch by his guitar strap. If he hadn't been howling for help, he wouldn't of been in this mess. Having reached their desired location, the wolves carelessly flung Will in an awaiting cell. Relief washed upon there faces after having to deal with such an annoyance, before slamming the cell door behind them and then walking away.

"Hey!" Will quickly rose to his feet and clung to the cell bars, "Get back here!" He shouted, shaking the stiff bars as forcefully as he could. This only made the wolves quicken there pace. Having realized they left him alone Will slowly stopped with the bar shaking, carelessly "thumped" his head on the bars and sighed dejectedly.

Could've been worse. He chuckled dejectedly. His skin crawled after hearing muffled noises coming from the other end of his cell...The other end, which so happens to be covered in the most shadows. "Oh god. Why did I think That!" He quietly winced upon realizing his jynx.

Slowly, Will bent down and placed his Stratocaster on the floor and, very slowly, grabbed a nearby stone. Inching his way toward the dark part of his cell, Will lifted his stone-held hand, prepared to use it if necessary. What he saw made him stand still. There, in the darkness, huddled together and shaking, where two small unicorns, One a palish-purple that was curled protectively over the, much smaller, greyish one, both of them looking at his lumbering form with terrified eyes. "Ooohhh..." Will cooed, dropping his raised arm limply upon seeing the trembling dirt covered things cowering before him. It was like seeing one of those animal abuse/pet adoption commercials that show every so often asking you to donate a buck to better there lives!

With a goofy smile on him, Will approached the two, wanting nothing more than to cuddle them. That idea came to halt when the purple one put herself in front of the little grey one, and formed a stance. It winced as it's horn sparked bits of static but, never the less, gave him a dirty look. "W-woah! Hey, relax!" Will stumbled back, tripping himself. Having fallen on his rear, Will flung his arms up defensibly, back peddling all the while. Getting tazed by a unicorn was definetly not something he was looking forward to. "I wasn't gonna hurt you guys!" Remembering he still had a stone held he quickly chugged it to the side and chuckled sheepishly at them.

The two embraced each other, shivering when a werewolf passed by, eyeing the two trembling ponies with an amused look. When it's eyes fell upon Will however, in his perplexed state, all the dog did was sneer before leaving the three alone. "I take it those Werewolves got you too huh?" he turned to the two, only receiving odd looks from there trembling forms. "...Thought so..." he sighed. Very aware that the small things where frightened, Will slowly stood up and began to pace slowly on his side of the cell, a hand cupping his chin while his other arm supported the one providing the cupping, deep in thought.

Alright Willy, Alright. He began to form a question.

You're in a cell with two little unicorns... He paused and glanced at his cell mates, noticing the odd looks he was getting from there otherwise terrified forms.

...Most likely sentient... He concluded, resuming his pacing.

...Scared outta their minds. What do you do? The answer was simple enough, "Get them to trust you." but thinking of ways to do so varied.

During a mid pace, Will snapped his fingers as an idea struck. Making him oblivious to the small unicorns yelps of surprise Simple! I do what I always do for my two cousins whenever they're frightened!

he reached for his guitar. It was so bizarre, after a quick practice strum he along with the two cute little things yelped in surprise at how loud his Stratocaster was. After a few adjustments Will did, it sounded as close to an acoustic as he could get on it. Regardless of how creepy it was though, Will began to play. He chuckled when he saw the two flinch at the new sounds he was making. They calmed down and just eyed him warily. When he was certain they where relaxed, Will turned to his fret, and began to sing as softly as he could least not to scare them more.

He closed his eyes and let the song take him back. Becky and Liz love this song. he smiled when he was reminded of his young cousins. Whenever he was around, they'd often beg him to play it for them when they where ready for bed. From time to time, they would sing along with him as best they could, but it would always end the same. The two would try to fight sleep long enough for him to finish, but it would prove to be a losing match, and the two would soon fall asleep.

Geez, what're they gonna do when they realize I'm not gonna be there? with a mental sigh, Will re-opened his eyes, and focused on the two small unicorns, wondering whether or not this'll be enough to gain there trust. His smile grew when he saw there eyelids flutter. They're trying to stay awake. He chuckled quietly before turning back to his fretboard, making sure he was fingering the correct chords. Well, when I get back from wherever this place is, I'll have quite the story to tell them! he again chuckled after imagining the two to most likely pouting about him spending a day with unicorns. And with that thought, Will continued playing.

It wasn't long before Will caught glimpses of grey and matted brown. Turning his head towards there direction he saw, to his surprise, the werewolves eyeing him with, what he hoped at least, curiousity. Occasionally they would mumble to one another, but there attention was focused on Will. He was a little bothered by it,but tried to shake it off as best he could, and refocused on what he was doing, playing the day away

Author's Note:

YES!!!!! Finally done!!!

What do you guys think? Good? Bad? Should I have picked a better song? Let me know!

Hopefully the next chap won't take that long!

Comments ( 1 )

Its a long way to the top if you wanna rock n' roll (Good song)

I'm liking the story so far but I wish their was more into each person I CANT STAND THE FOUR CLIFF HANGERS RAWR

I would have been horible in the cell, I wouldve started playing highway to hell as loud as I could before my ear drums burst.

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