• Published 28th Jun 2013
  • 521 Views, 1 Comments

Long Way to The Top - perfectionless

  • ...

Chapter 1

I Don't own MLP: FIM...

Also, the ignore the ad on the vid link...

"Alright guys, on three. 1...2...1, 2, 3!"

At the drummers cue, her three bandmates began to play. Cliff chuckled, the chords where simple enough for the guitarist. As he plucked the proper chords on his Les Paul, he glanced at his fellow bandmates in there rented out studio. Will got his attention first. His Red Strat wiggled whenever he started to bob in place. His small smile slowly spread across his face and his blues eyes shined with some unkempt energy behind his glasses as he continued singing, clearly aware his guitarist was watching him. Cliff flashed a smile himself. It was clear that Will was having a good time. He turned his attention towards the lumbering form of the bands bassist, clearly seeing that his fellow mexican was in his own personal bubble. Well Danny's having fun with it. He then looked onto Charlotte, there drummer as she was playing her part, She seemed to be bored with the song, but the smirk she flashed every now and then was all he needed to know as the two of them sang the chorus with Will.

Afterwards, Cliffs attention was again drawn to Will, as the singer lifted his strat and started strumming along with him, all the while moving and bobbing in his spot. The song itself was simple to grasp for the four, it was a big hit when they where kids, after all. The group came to an agreement, a week or so back, that covering a cover would be far more entertaining for them rather than going with the original. A decision Charlotte wasn't too keen of. She wasn't that big a fan of Smash Mouth.

After she and they finished the chorus for the second time, Will, in a flash, pulled out his phone and played a small pre-recorded vynall scratch, and started to whistle, something Cliff kinda wished he could be better at. Don't get him wrong, he can do a short loud whistle whenever...He just couldn't whistle a tune. At least I can whistle he thought as he glanced back at Danny, who was dancing with his bass as Cliff was performing the small solo, fully aware that Will was jumping all around him. When he felt he was done with it, Will chucked his phone on top of his hoodie, splayed upon the studio's only chair, and went back towards his mic stand re-singing the chorus along with Cliff and Char again.

After doing the chorus for the third time, The group began to play in a more relaxed way. Charlotte and Danny kept there sound in the background, making Will's lone voice and Cliffs soft playing the only thing heard in there room. Will flashed a knowing smile at Cliff, who returned it as all band members awaited patiently for the song to build up again. And when it did, Will couldn't hold it in any longer and began dancing around the room. Bobbing and weaving here and there, all around his bandmates with so much energy. Getting Cliff and Charlotte to shout "Go!" as loud as they can when he sung it, had him with a large smile plastered on.

They repeated the chorus for a fourth time. During this, Will actually began to dance at a more slow and relaxed pace as he hit a high note in the song. Another repeat of the chorus and another lone high note from Will and the song came to an end.

Once the song ended, the 4 in the rented out studio began to walk and talk among themselves “And we are good!” The drummer sighed in relief. Never in her life did Charlotte think that she would be playing a cover of Smash Mouth.

"Oh come on Charlie!" Will moaned playfully

"It wasn't that bad." the white skinned teen bounced over towards the drummer. As he moved, the light from the rented room caused the gold LoZ triforce on his black shirt to shine. “We are so ready for that gig! Aren’t we Cliff?” He laughed.

“You know it.” Cliff replied with a warm smile, looking onto the eager singer, whose strat bobbed and weaved as he did.

“That’s right!” Will shouted “Soon the world will know of our awesomeness!” As he was saying this, Will draped his arm over Charlie's shoulder,

“I can see it now: Earthbound! Though they are bound to earth, there music soars!” As he spoke he motioned with his free hand the words the tabloids would say.

Charlie on the other hand just stared at him in “There music soars...Really Will?”

“I couldn’t really think of anything” Will answered in a calm tone, one arm still hung over the drummer’s shoulder while the other hung outstretched in the air.

Charlie just shook her head, “You do realize we’re named after the game, right?”

“…You’re point is?” Charlie just shook her head again. Looking over to Cliff to see if he could give her some assistance with Will, she however saw the guy packing his guitar near the door “Yo Cliff, where are you heading?”

“Sorry guys, but I’m gonna have to cut our rehearsal short” Cliff addressed the three.

“What for?” Will asked, going over to the guitarist. Cliff just smiled at the question “I got me a lady friend to meet down at the theater”

“You got a date?” Charlie asked, perplexed. Cliff just nodded only to be assaulted by the singer “Whoa really? No way! Dude! That’s great!” Cliff could just chuckle at this, before looking upon the 6'7'' bassist hanging in the background. Nodding his head in agreement along with a small shy smile was all the brown eyed heavy mustached giant did before going back to what he was doing. Namely staying in his area and avoiding eye contact, unless of course his friends wanted his attention. So, Danny just stood there, fiddling with his bass strap, waiting for either Cliff or the others to call him.

“I don’t believe this” Charlie laughed in disbelief, having the others attention pulled toward her

“How’d you meet her?” she questioned.

Cliff gave her a confused look before answering “The mall near Hot Topics last weekend” He pointed at the drummer “You were there, remember?”

Charlie rubbed the back of her head sheepishly “Oh…Well, hope it turns out alright.” she slowly smirked “Wouldn’t want our lead guitarist to screw up!”

“Oho! And you would know considering your luck ” Cliff shot back in amusement, resuming his packing. At this Charlie’s smirk turned into a frown “I already told you guys! He owned a black cat!” she looked toward the silent giant - who'd lost interest with his strap and instead focused on the teeny tiny groves upon his hands and fingers - then turned to the other two band members, trying to see if they saw the predicament she was in at the time “A black cat!” She repeated with emphasis after receiving nothing but stares.

“And that, Will, is why she’ll never find love” Cliff chuckled, placing his hand on top of Wills shoulder.

“I don’t get it though.” Will shook his head lightly with a questioning look towards the drummer

“Why would it matter if your date owned a black cat?” Danny made an odd sounding grunt at this, making the other's aware he's somewhat listening in on the conversation. Having lost his interest in his hands, Danny started to play randomly on his Thunderbird.

“Because black cats are bad luck! That’s why!” Charlie snapped, all the while subconsciously rubbing her hands on the purple rabbit’s foot draped around her neck, and hanging a little over the white faded 7 on her light blue top “W-wait, you’re superstitious?” Will looked onto his fellow bandmates to see if what the drummer said was true. All he got was deadpan stares from two while the third was in his own little bubble. Will stood there dumbly, throughout all the times he hung out with Charlie he'd never guessed the drummer believed in that sort of thing.

Before anyone could say anything else on the matter, a loud rumble interrupted the 4 from their conversation. Causing them to look outside to see a cloudy gray sky. *Bad weather* was all the mute bassist signed “Yeah Cliff” Will agreed, as he reached for his phone and dark red hoodie still laying upon the chair. Removing his glasses, he casually threw it over his red hair. While the rented studio protected from the outside weather, it did nothing when it came to temperture. Once the hoodie was on Will went on his phone. He scrolled through the library of games he put on it before settling on TMNT: Turtles in Time. “You’re seriously going to go through with it?” he spoke afterwards, his eyes never leaving the screen while he spoke.

“I’ll be fine” he assured them

“I can’t leave a lady out there waiting”

“Besides…” he began

“If it does get worse, I’ll just buy an umbrella!” he joked, receiving weak chuckles from the others.

“Speaking of your date” Charlie spoke

“You’re not gonna go looking like that, are you?” she answered with a raised eyebrow and small smile looking at her latin friends casual style of a white T and dark blue jeans with a torn hole on the left knee

“I’m already prepared Char. Look” Cliff chuckles, opening his guitar case and pulling out a dark brown unbuttoned buttoned shirt and put it over his plain white T. He heard a few snickers from his bandmates and mentally sighed. It had been about 2 weeks ago when he started putting a few of his belongings inside his guitar case, when his bandmates found out they began to joke about his traveling "Home". Anyways, after that, Cliff pulled out his family heirloom, a small dream catcher necklace, and placed it around his neck.

“And finally…” After saying this, Cliff then pulled out a straw fedora and places it sternly upon the top of his long black shaggy hair, concealing his dark brown eyes.

Danny nodded in approval with a smile after a while of looking. “Looking good Cliff!” Will whistled, done with the game after dying on the third level for the second time, eyeing the lead guitarist up and down.

“But what about your date?” he asks afterwards

“You got her something, right?”

“Yep!” At this Cliff pulls out a blue gummi-bear that’s a little bit bigger than his hand “Bought some sweets at that candy store that opened up yesterday. And also...” placing it back inside the case, Cliff then pulls out a butterfly shaped mood necklace for all to see. "Gotta good handful of these guys from my work when no one was looking. You guys want one?" He smirked, further openning his case for his fellow mates to take a couple of the necklaces.

"Hoho! My cousins will definitely love these!" Will replied, grabbing four from the case and placing them in his pocket. *Pretty* Danny signed, after taking a couple.

"And to top it off they're not glass!" Cliff beamed,

"All Quartz! A VERY big difference!" He smile.

"Whatever you say Cliff." said Charlie, with a playful roll of the eyes.

After waiting a bit to see whether or not he’ll be asked more questions, Cliff put the case’s strap over his shoulder and headed for the door. “See ya guys” he says over his shoulder.

“Hey, Cliff” Will spoke in an unsure voice. Cliff stopped, inches from the door, and turned towards the singer/Rhythm Guitarist


Will looks at him hesitantly before asking “Can we do one more song?”

At this, Cliff began to think it over. After abit of this, Cliff nods with a smirk “…Sure Will” He trots back over to his band mates, unpacks and sets up his guitar. Once prepared, He turns towards his band “Alright what song?” The other three look at the each other before Danny answered *Double Vision?* Charlie and Will look at Cliff for his approval. He smiles and nods “Alright” and with that Earthbound began there little Jam.

About halfway through there session a loud rumble was heard followed by the lights in their rented studio flickering before giving out on the band, surrounding the four in darkness. “Awww! The powers out!” Will pouts the obvious, the dark making him oblivious to the annoyed look Charlie was giving him.

“Come on guys." Cliff Scowled, hands out in front of him as he began to wander in the dark "Let’s find the fuse box”

At this, Charlie became confused “But, what about your date?”

Cliff looks towards the direction of the voice “I promised one full song before I go didn’t I?”

“Yeah, you did. But aren’t yo-“

“Then let’s go!” Cliff cut her off and continued his search for the fuse box. The others stay in their spots for a minute before they too begin searching for the box. After a while of searching blind, Charlie felt the cool surface of steel. It didn’t take long to put 2 and 2 together.

“Found it!” She called out with satisfaction. Pretty soon, she heard three sets of footsteps coming over to her area. “Alright, anyone got a flashlight?” Cliff asked aloud.

“Flashlight?” Will responded in confusion “Why not use our cells?” The others stopped what they were doing, dumbstruck. Cliff just face-palmed, before pulling out his cell and used it as a light for Charlie to work her magic.

“You got it yet?” Will asked after a good ten minutes

“Just a sec…aaaaannnnd…” As Charlie flipped the switch another rumble from the storm outside became audible followed by a strike of lightning hitting the small studio. Electricity went in and out of amps and recordinging equipment before latching on to the fuse box and the stunned drummer now spazzing out as the electricity wrapped itself around her.

“CHARLOTTE!!” Cliff shouts, grabbing hold of her and trying with all his might to free the drummer. “HOLY CRAP!!” Will shouts before he too and Danny tried there best to pull the drummer out. The fuse box lit up like a fire work and engulfed the 4 in its bright light followed after by a loud BOOM! Once the noise died down and the light dimmed, the studio was burnt to a crisp. Earthbound, however, was nowhere to be seen.

Author's Note:

Song is "All Star" from the band "Smash Mouth" covered by "Chunk! No, Captain Chunk!"

...again, ignore teh ad...

Well...There we go. first chap is out of the way!

Ponies make an appearance next chapter.

Let me know what you all think. Is it good so far? Bad? Much criticism is needed.