• Published 4th May 2013
  • 18,644 Views, 289 Comments

The Golden Armor: Part II - Comet Burst

Life seems like it's finally going Comet's way. Yeah right.

  • ...

Come and get your love

Comet snorted as he felt something heavy bounce at the foot of his bed. His guard instinct screamed at him to get up and arm himself with the nearest sharp object, but instead he turned to his side and nuzzled his pillow.

"Angel," he whined. "It's too early."

"Dang it," she hissed. "How did you know it was me?"

"There are only three beings I can think of who would jump on my bed at night: you, Valyrie and my mother," he grumbled, shifting slightly in his covers. "My mother hasn't done that since I was little and Valyrie would be tearing my bedsheets."

Angel shifted some more as he felt her legs moving closer to his head. He had a brief respite when she stopped, but soon her frame collapsed on the bed next to him, forcing his body into the air. He yelped loudly as he flared his wings, only to land on his back again. As he thrashed about in his sheets, Angel giggled loudly while she tried to climb on top of him.

"For the love of Celestia, Angel!" Comet hissed. "What is wrong with you?"

He tried to push her off him, but she giggled louder as she pressed his legs to his side. He stopped moving and saw her gorgeous golden eyes staring down at her, feeling his thoughts melt away.

"Comet," she whispered. "Do you love me?"

Comet gulped as his chest tightened.

"Y-yes," he murmered back.

"Can you... show me?" she cooed.

Comet felt a smile crack his face as his sleepiness melted away. Part of him wondered if he was still dreaming, but when he felt her weight shift, he reassured himself that even his own dreams weren't this good. A dumb smile played across his face as he felt her lips brush his. His hooves instinctively reached up to pull her in close. They found purchase on her back, but he noted she wasn't wearing armor. He started at that, as well as when he noticed her trademark fangs were missing.

Opening his eyes, he noticed hers had not closed at all. Upon staring into them, he noticed them shimmer with a sickly green color underneath the gold. He tried to scream as he began trying to push away from whoever was on top of him, but her giggling became more of a maniacal laugh.

"What's wrong, Comet?" the pony asked in Angel's voice. "Don't you love me?"

Her eyes began to fill with a green fire as the gold vanished, replaced with the horrific green he wished he didn't remember. He struggled even more to free himself, but his limbs began to glow with a similar color.

"Comet," the voice repeated, morphing as she spoke. "Don't you love me?"

"Get the buck off me!" he shouted.

"Oh, I will," the voice cooed, become more like the shrill voice of Gorgon. "Once you get off... to me."

A tongue darted out from the mouth, licking his lips hungrily.

Comet's eyes shot open as he tried to hit the darkness in front of him, swinging his hooves wildly. He gasped for air as he kicked his bedsheets and slammed his head into his pillow, still picturing the horrifying face of Gorgon. After a few more swings, he stopped and heaved a few more breaths before laying back onto his bed, pressing his hooves into his eyes.

"Oh, come on," he moaned. "Why am I dreaming about her?"

He shook his head in disgust as he recalled the dream. Everything was so vivid, like she was really there or they actually had a moment like that. A shiver ran along his spine as he rolled over and hugged his sheets closer. He was having dreams like that more frequently and things became weirder the longer he thought of Gorgon.

As he closed his eyes, a phantom hoof ran down his back and he swiped at the air, trying to fend off whatever was there. When he hit nothing, Comet dropped his hoof and heaved a sigh. One of the problems of thinking about Gorgon was that he felt ghostly hooves touch him in sensitive places. Groaning, he rolled off the side of his bed and steadied himself on the cold stones below. He would regret this in the morning, but sleep was not someplace he wanted to be right now. Glancing about, he spied the door in the bright moonlight and trotted over to it. A minute later, he was wandering through the empty hallways of Canterlot Castle.

He glanced up at the rafters and followed the lines of tapestries leading down the hallway, noting at how different the castle looked when it wasn't filled with maids and ponies rushing about. Still, it wasn't completely devoid of life. The Zodiac stood at their usual positions, saluting as he strode by. Comet offered his own salutes back, but made a point to avoid as many of them as he could. Despite his position, it still felt odd having others salute him, especially since he probably would be in a jail cell right now if it were not for the strange pony defending him after the attack.

Catching himself wandering back down that dark path, Comet forced himself to think about something happy. The smiling faces of his parents at his promotion warmed his chest while thoughts of Angel swirled around them, reminding him why he was wandering the halls. In the weeks following the attack, she had been both a blessing and a curse. While she was still the reason he had to take headache medicine, her smile, loving hugs and soft kisses were enough to make him ignore his sleepless nights and the morbid dreams within. Even though they were bound by their positions to be in no such relationship, Comet stopped caring long ago. If Shining Armor could court and marry a princess, Comet imagined he should be able to date his equal.

Thankfully, he didn't have to wait long to see her. After he climbed a few staircases and took a shortcut by flying out an open window, Comet saw the familiar silhouette of a bat pony standing guard at Princess Luna's observatory. Her back was to him, but he saw her ears twitch as he approached.

"Who is it?" she asked in a stern tone, her stance stiffening.

Comet landed behind her and grinned. He opened his mouth to say something, but managed to yelp as he was tackled to the ground. Rolling around, he tried to push her off him, but soon a giggle broke the shuffling and he found himself hugging Angel as she pressed her lips to his. When they parted, she smiled widely and stood up.

"Hey cutie. What brings you here this late?" she asked.

"Oh, you know," Comet replied, standing up. "Can't sleep."

Angel tilted her head. "Dreams again?"

"Yeah," he said. "They're getting more real."

Angel scrunched up her nose as she glanced out at the forest, a frown on her face. "I knew I should've chased her," she mumbled.

"No," Comet said, walking up next to her and wrapping a wing around her. "I needed you to hit me then more than you needed to catch her."

Angel cracked a large grin as she spun to him, her golden eyes twinkling. "Yeah, that was fun."

Comet snorted as Angel lowered herself down onto her belly and he followed suit. As he got comfortable, he felt her head press against his neck and she sighed.

"I wish we could do this every night," Angel said.

Comet grinned and placed his head atop hers. "Just a few more months, Angel. We can both retire from here and then nothing will stop us from doing this every night."

"You promise?" Angel asked, nuzzling his neck more.

"Angel," Comet said. "I've never been more sure in my life."

Comet felt her shift and yipped as he felt two fangs poke his neck. Glancing down, he watched her press her head into him again and he leaned in to kiss her head, noting the smell of cinnamon and oranges in her mane. He loved that scent. He loved those two cute little fangs and her big golden eyes. She was perfect, and she was all his.

As he sat with her, he felt his eyelids grow heavy. Sleep slowly returned to him and soon, he was grunting as he slept on her head while she dozed off into his neck.

The soft breeze on Comet's face made him stir slightly as he sighed, snuggling his chin back into the fuzzy pillow. The breeze fluttered once again and a soft clicking floated over to him. Silence followed, but something nudged his side. Comet instinctively groaned and waved his hoof at whatever it was. A small squawk rang out and he heard something flutter.

"Stupid wrens," he mumbled. "Go away."

As soon as he finished speaking, a sharp object began poking him on the crown of his head. His eyes shot open and he flailed his hooves around, trying to force whatever it was away. The early morning sunlight flooded his vision, but he could still see the bright red and yellow plumage of a phoenix still pecking him in the head.

"Philomena!" he roared, swatting at her. "Stop it! Ow! Bucking hell, stop that!"

As he tried to fend off Philomena, he failed to notice Angel's eyes fly open or her rising to her hooves. As Comet finally pushed Philomena away, he felt hooves wrap around his neck and drag him backwards. He yelped, but the hard stone beneath made his already hazy eyesight fill with stars. Comet tried to spin, but the hooves grabbed onto his wing and forced one to extend. Yelping again, Comet tried to free himself, but another hoof came down and pressed his head back into the stones.

"Gah! Angel, stop!" he cried. "It's me!"

"Comet?" Angel asked. "What the buck are you fighting with Philomena for?"

"She attacked me!" he yelled, tugging his wing loose from her grip.

Angel let the rest of him go and looked over to Philomena standing next to them, tilting her head. Smiling, she extended a hoof and Philomena began to rub her head against it.

"Aww," she cooed. "You wouldn't hurt Comet, would you?"

Philomena cawed pathetically as Comet stood, eyeing the bird with derision.

"Oh, can it, you," he grumbled.

"Hey! Be nice to her!" Angel replied, placing herself between them. "She's a rare and special bird!"

"She pecked me in the head!" Comet yelled. "I've got the welts to prove it!"

Angel rolled her eyes and sucked her teeth. "Maybe she saw a bug or something."

Comet's jaw opened as he tried to make a response, but Angel pressed a hoof to his mouth and forced it closed. Behind her, he could see Philomena puffing out her chest and trying to look as smug as she could. He batted Angel's hoof away, but her other one instantly covered his mouth and she shook her head.

"Not until you calm down, mister," she said, giving him a surprisingly mature look.

Comet puffed his cheeks as his face turned red, but he said nothing until Angel took her hoof down.

"But she still shouldn't peck me in—" he blurted out before she pressed both hooves to his mouth.

"Dang it, Comet! She's just a bird! Why do you always think she's malicious to you?"

Comet raised an eyebrow and looked into Angel's eyes.

"Okay, fine! But remember, that was when we were recruits!" she wailed. "Just be nice to her, okay?"

Satisfied, Comet nodded and Angel removed her hooves, still staring at him. Comet blinked and sighed, shaking his head.

"Well, at least nopony else bothered us," he said.

As soon as his words left his mouth, they heard a door creak open. Comet's eyes shrunk and he dived over the railing, spreading his wings and flapping vigorously to distance himself from Angel. Darting underneath the balcony, his chest turned to ice as he heard a voice.

"Philomena! Where are thy blasted feathery—oh, there thee is," came Princess Luna. "And Captain Angel! We are most surprised to see thee here."

"U-uh, hello Princess Luna!" Angel's shaky voice replied. "Welcome to the—I mean, uh, your observatory."

"Thank you, loyal guard," Luna said. "I see thou hast already found our sister's pet. We must say that is rather impressive, especially since the call to capture her only went out five minutes ago."

"Well—you know; once the guardian of Her Majesty's royal pet, always the guard!"

Comet raised his eyebrows as his heart slowed its racing.

"We can see thou has not lost thy touch with the bird, either," Luna mused. "We would be interested to see if thee has the same affinity for our own pets. Tibbles has been most lonely."

"I'd, uh, I'd be happy to see," Angel said.

"Then we shall arrange what our sister calls a play-date?" Luna said over the faint sound of her hooves clapping.

"Um, if you wish, Your Majesty," Angel replied.

Comet breathed a sigh of relief until he heard Angel continue, "You know, my colleague is also very adept with animals as well."

His ears stood straight up as Princess Luna said, "Oh?"

"Yeah, Captain Comet was also Philomena's former guardian as well," Angel said with a slight coy ring in her voice. "I know he and Tibbles would get along great."

"Oh, him?" Luna replied, her voice dropping. "We are not very trusting of him."

Comet's head snapped up as he looked at the balcony above.

"Oh, uh... really?" Angel asked.

"Yes," Luna sighed. "Our sister insists he can be trusted, but we are not so sure. We fear he may still have connections to those vile bugs."

A strange silence followed as the wind around Comet turned cold and his pupils shrunk.

"W—Well, uh, I, er, trust him," Angel stammered.

"We are still surprised thou does," Luna replied.

A soft clopping echoed underneath the balcony, causing Comet to frown. Angel always shifted her weight when she felt uncomfortable, which made him more nervous. It was bad enough some of the guards didn't trust him, but hearing one of the princesses voice her concerns made it all the more terrible.

"However," Luna mumbled. "He did rescue thee and us from the fiend, so perhaps we should be more forgiving."

"Oh yes, My Princess. Captain Comet is a loyal friend and very good with Philomena. You won't be disappointed," Angel breathed.

More silence followed, but much to Comet's relief, Princess Luna spoke up.

"We suppose we will take your word for it. We will speak to our sister about setting up this play-date later, but for now we must sleep. T'was a busy night for us," Luna said with a yawn.

"Pleasant dreams, Your Highness," Angel said as Comet heard a door close.

Risking to peek over the edge, Comet glanced around to make sure the coast was clear before locking eyes with Angel, who was scratching Philomena on the top of her head. The two of them stared wordlessly at each other before Angel cracked a large grin and Comet frowned.

"We have a play-date, Comet," she teased.

"What is a 'Tibbles'?" he asked.

"Oh, you'll see," Angel smirked. "But for now, just be glad Philomena woke us up before Princess Luna found us. I think she's owed an apology from you."

Philomena cawed at her words and eyed Comet expectantly. Looking away, he grumbled before clearing his throat.

"Thank you, Philomena," he said tonelessly.

The phoenix cawed once more before spreading her wings and taking flight, leaving the two of them to watch her fly around the spires and back to her tower.