• Published 8th Mar 2013
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The God Squad: Equestria's Most Wanted - defender2222

Season 2 sees Luna, Celestia, Tydal, Shining, Cadence and Chrysalis on the run and attempt to clear their good names. Needless to say, they are sidetrakced... alot

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Tydal and Chrysalis vs. The World Part 1

Canterlot, Equestria
2 Weeks After the Battle of the Twilights
“Where Sanity Goes to Die”

"It’s good to have you back, Twilight," Scootaloo said with a smile. They were standing right in front of Princess Celestia's castle, waiting for the doors to open and for them to be allowed entrance. The mare and the filly were going to present to the Day Court exactly what had happened during the "Crisis of Infinite Twilights' (as Spike called it; Derpy Hooves was still lobbying to call it ‘The Months When the Muffins Cried’) and explain just what actions were being taken to ensure it never happened again (Twilight’s plan involved duct tape and those little foam peanuts that aren’t really peanuts). "Sorry again for... you know... splitting you into a thousand pieces and causing a massive crisis."

"Scootaloo, don't worry about it. Causing nation-crippling incidents is all a part of growing up! If I became upset every time I nearly destroyed Equestria I’d have never become the mare you know today." The purple alicorn smiled, ruffling Scootaloo's hair. "But I have to say, between me trying to figure out your origins and you dealing with my Crisis, we sure have been at the epicenter of a lot of upheaval in Equestria."

Scootaloo noded. "At least it worked out in the end. The important thing now is that we step up, take charge and behave as the centers of attention that we've become-"

The doors to Celestia's castle slammed open, striking the two and sending them flying across the courtyard. Twilight flared out her wings, grabbing Scootaloo and holding her tight as they fell but, even with the wings cutting down on their speed, the two of them ended up lying in a heap, looking up at the castle steps as Discord emerged, dressed in a white suit. The spirit of chaos held up his taloned hand, pointing at the sky as he adjusted his blue sunglasses.


Rock your body!

Twilight and Scootaloo shared a look. "Oh no," the two said as Princesses Luna, Celestia, and Cadence, along with Tydal, Shining Armor and Queen Chrysalis stepped out of the castle to join Discord, each of them wearing a white suit as well.


Rock your body right!

(The 8 Squad members take several steps forward, the citizens of Canterlot pausing from their day-to-day tasks to watch)

Shining (holding his head in annoyance)

Oh my god we're back again.


Brothers, sisters, everypony sing!


Gonna bring the flavor show ya how!


Got a question for ya better answer now
Oh yeah!


Am I original?

Citizens of Canterlot



Am I the only one?

Celestia (slightly annoyed)


Cadence (grinding against a hot dog vendor)

Am I sexual?

Vendor (sobbing in fear)



Am I everything ya needed better rock your body now!

The God Squad (dancing on the steps of the castle. The citizens of Canterlot, other than Twilight and Scootaloo, quickly join in)

Rock your body!
Rock your body right!
God Squad's back, alright!
God Squad's back, alright!

The God Squad: Equestria’s Most Wanted
Episode 25: Tydal and Chrysalis vs. The World

Tydal’s Keep
The Mareatine (aka The Tropic of Capricorn)
“You’re Going to Need a Bigger Boat”

“Mail call!”

“Thank the Creator,” Tydal muttered under his breath. For the last 3 hours he’d been stuck on his throne, dealing with matters of the state, and anything that would give him a few minutes to breathe was welcomed. The King of the Mareatine had an absolute hatred for being a ‘sit on your duff and rule’ king; he much preferred to be marching up and down the lines of his army, stirring them into a blood lust before brutally attacking their foes. Sadly, most species were had developed a survive instinct and refused to do anything that might lead the capricorns to attack. As such, the nation had not had a single war since they’d awoken from their stone slumber… meaning that Tydal was stuck dealing with treaties, requests to the throne, and all other manner of boring things. He tried his best to pass these duties along to others but, sadly, the capricorns were all based upon him and while not having his likes and dislikes to such as degree as him… none of his subjects liked dealing with the boring stuff either.

“You could look a little less giddy about getting out of your duties,” Merida told her husband, bumping her flank into his as Tydal leapt off his stone throne and used his magic to rip his crown off his head. The metal battle-helm/crown was another concession he’d made for his subjects. “Or wait a few seconds before removing your royal attire. It isn’t proper.”

“Says my queen who entered an archery contest to win her own hand.”

“You’ve been talking to my mother again,” Merida complained.

“You’re the one that asked me to make your family immortal so no backing out of it now. You should have known I’d use that little gift to find blackmail material.”

Merida narrowed her eyes, her curly, tangled red hair bouncing slightly as she nodded her head towards him. “You have no idea how lucky you are that the baby is with me.” She looked down at Giggles, the zebra filly-turned-capricorn, who was happily trotting her mother’s hooves, babbling to herself. “Rest assure, sweetie, that when you aren’t around mama is going to curse up a storm! Yes she is! Yes she is!”

“Maybe later tonight you can show me just what you want to do to me,” Tydal whispered.

“Maybe,” Merida purred.

“Oh just boink now and be done with it,” Chrysalis said lazily, reclining on a padded stone chaise lounge. “At least it would fill me up.”

“I don’t know if you could survive our kind of love, Chryssy,” Merida teased. “Would give you heartburn.”

“That… is a very good point.” The Changeling Queen stood up, stretching her wings. She’d been staying at Tydal’s Keep for the last few weeks, enjoying her older brother’s hospitality. The only downside was that she had to fly pretty far to find love, as ponies found it hard to get in the mood when the shadow of the capricorns stretched over them. Still, it had been a nice vacation and had served to give her plenty of information for the Changeling Water Park she was thinking of adding to her hive. “Show the mail slave in!”

“Its postal worker, Chrysalis,” Tydal said, motioning for the guards to let Derpy Hooves in.

“Hiya Uncle Tydal!” Derpy said (the mare being, of course, Celestia great granddaughter). “I got a whole bunch of official looking letters for you today! And this postcard informing you about National Give Your Postal Pony A Muffin Day… which happens to be today!”

Tydal looked at Derpy before waving his hoof. “Go down to the kitchens and have Misty give you a basket.”

“Yay!” Derpy said in glee, kissing him on the cheek before flying off to retrieve her reward. “Thanks Uncle Tydal!”

“Anything good?” Merida asked as Tydal used his magic to grab the stack of mail Derpy had left him.

“Let’s see… Cease and Desist Letter, Cease and Desist Letter, Restraining Order, Restraining Order, letter begging me to never visit Manehattan again, Cease and Desist Letter, a Warrant for my arrest, another warrant… a plea for me to spare a town’s existence… a Restraining Order AND a warrant for my arrest…”

“So… junk mail?” Merida asked.

“Pretty much. Storm Surge, bring me my Director of Diplomatic Immunity.”

“You mean the shredder, my lord?”

“…yes.” Tydal pursed his lips as Chrysalis and Merida snickered; Giggles laughed too but she laughed at everything. “In my defense, I thought the Shredder would be an armored warlord who would cut my enemies in half.”

“Yes dear,” Merida said as the guard Storm Surge pushed in the shredder. Tydal promptly destroyed all the ‘junk’ mail, snickering as he did so. “I remember when you would have responded by sending those ponies heads with ribbons tied around the muzzles.”

“Well I’ve matured in my old age,” Tydal said.

“Shining Armor told you no, didn’t he?”

“Damn him and his ability to deny permission!” Tydal cursed.

“Haha!” Giggles said, pointing at her silly daddy. Tydal smiled and leaned down, giving his newest princess a kiss on the forehead before flipping her onto his head so she could have a ponyback ride.

Merida looked over her husband’s shoulder. “So, once the junk has been eliminated, what are we left with?”

"Let's see... here is a letter for Chrysalis from... who is Fluffle Pony-"

"It's no one!" Chrysalis said quickly, snatching the letter and quickly hiding it. "Private... stuff..."

“Ooookay. What else... oh, a letter from Princess Twilight Sparkle,” Tydal said, cutting out the purple envelope. “I am so glad I have a private number so that baby dragon of hers can’t send me letters. Little dog murdering-”

“What does the mare who defeated me and ruined all my plans say?” Chrysalis asked. “And I am so not bitter about all of it… do you think she got the hand grenades I sent her?”

“Stop trying to blow up Luna’s daughter,” Tydal said, scanning the letter. “Let's see... 'Dear Lord Tydal Coldwater'-"


"That's my last name."

Chrysalis raised an eyebrow. "Since when do you have a last name?"

"Since always! Just because I don't say my full name all the time like most stupid ponies doesn't mean I don't have one." Tydal looked over the letter. "It is a personal invite from Twilight to come to the Summer Sun Celebration.”

“Oh yes, the raising of the sun thingie,” Merida said. “I’m surprised you’ll be allowed back after the last time…”

~Last Year~

Celestia did her best to smile as she raised the sun but it was hard. Luna was suppose to be with her but had been a no show; it was obvious that her little sister was still upset that the worst day of her life was treated as a national holiday-

“RUN!” Several ponies screamed in horror, racing out of Canterlot’s main square as fast as their hooves would take them.

“What?” Tydal asked as he walked into the middle of the main square, his face and chest covered in a sticky red fluid. Wall Breaker pointed to Tydal’s chest and the capricorn frowned. “It’s just cherry cola you skittish little… wait…” he stuck his tongue out and licked his lips. “Nope, its blood. Sorry, it is blood. I forgot, I killed the cola vendor because he was out of cherry cola. Sorry, that was my fault, it is blood… the same blood that is running through your veins!” He looked over at Celestia, who was facehooving. “What?”

“Sorry I’m late!” Luna cried out, still dressed in her bathrobe and bunny slippers. “Did I miss it?”


“If you ask me those ponies were way too jumpy.”

“You began to sing ballads about how you’d kill them all,” Merida pointed out.

“And you followed those ballads to the letter when the army wiped out the Canterlot Elite… which means none of the ponies who were there last year will be there… hence my invitation!”

“You are celebrating the fact that we murdered anyone that could remember everything you did… what am I saying, of course you are,” Merida said.

“Does that count as a victory?” Chrysalis asked.

“I’ll take any I can get,” Tydal stated. “What do you say… who wants to go watch the sun do what it does every friggin’ day of the year and act like it is a big deal?”

“Yay!” Giggles exclaimed, throwing her little forelegs up in the air.

“Meh, I was going to lie on your couch and eat gummy bears until my thighs touched each other, so I’m in,” Chrysalis stated.

Merida nodded. “And I will come since this is a diplomatic event and I need to make sure you don’t embarrass Princess Twilight.”

Tydal glowered at his wife. “Sometimes I think you don’t trust me.”

Merida laughed and kissed him on the cheek. “Sweetheart… not ‘sometimes’.”


“3 Days Since The Last CMC-Caused Accident”

“I still don’t understand why we had to come so early,” Tydal complained, stepping off the train, Giggles firmly placed in the baby carrier that hung from his neck and over his chest, letting the little girl see where they were going. Giggles laughed and kicked her legs, thinking she was walking under her own power. “Or why we had to have a stopover in Ponyville. I’m pretty sure we could afford a ticket directly to Canterlot.”

“I’m more concerned with the sun and the moon being out at the same time,” Merida said, looking up at the sky. “I can’t remember the last time I saw it like this… I think you were still in charge of the moon when we had the last split day/night!”

Chrysalis frowned, adjusting her large sun hat (they were the in-thing for the summer). “You were in charge of the moon?”

Tydal shrugged, pushing his way through the throng of ponies that were standing around, mouths hanging open as they stared at the sky. “Oh, it was quite common back in the beginning for us to have command of multiple grand powers. Before I was born Fuzzy was the god of war and the god of storms.” The capricorn grinned. “You should have seen his face when I stole those two titles for myself. As for the moon, mother put me in charge of that and Fuzzy in charge of the sun. Makes sense… the sea and the moon, the wind and the sun. All are connected. Worked out well…”

“Until you got drunk with Polar and tried to play pool with the heavenly bodies,” Merida stated.

“I still say I would have won if I’d been allowed to make my final shot,” Tydal complained, taking out a juice box and giving it to Giggles. “Point is after that little incident Mother began to work on Celestia and Luna.” The capricorn tilted his head, glancing at the sky. “That said… it isn’t like them to screw up like this. For me it was easy… not my nature. But the sun and the moon are to them like the sea is to me… something must be really wrong.” His shoulders slumped. “And if something is wrong Twilight Sparkle and her little friends are right at the epicenter of it.”

“How do you figure?” Chrysalis asked.

“Other than the fact that they are the ones that woke me from my stone sleep, saved Luna, defeated you, defeated Discord, saved Celestia and Luna’s kingdom a dozen times-“

“Except for King Sombra… that was all Spike,” Merida said.

“WIGGLES!” Tydal screamed in despair, several ponies backing away nervously (it was one thing to see a capricorn enraged… but a sad one? That was asking for trouble).

“’iggles!” Giggles cried out, joining her daddy in the ‘game’.

Tydal paused, looking at the sky. “Uh… why are the clouds all evil looking?”

“I don’t know, but they are creeping me out!” The Evil Muffin said, popping up next to Tydal. “I don’t like it when cute things look evil! That’s MY bit!”

“Aren’t you suppose to be with my Shining Armor?” Chrysalis asked.

“Him and the pink slut are boinking right now… her screams make my wrapper twitch.” Tydal glared at the Evil Muffin who, wisely, chose to disappear at that point lest the capricorn feed him to Giggles.

“We lead weird lives,” Merida said.

“Uh-huh!” Giggles said in agreement.

“Any weirder than seeing black spiky vines all over the place?” Tydal asked, swinging his tail as he cut his way through the thicket of vines that were growing in front of the path to Twilight’s library. “Ugh, it just isn’t the same if you cut into something and it doesn’t scream.”

“OW!” Chrysalis yelped, one of the vines shooting green fire at her. “What the…ACK!” The Changeling Queen cried out as she morphed into her Cadence disguise. “What the-?”

“Chrysalis, what are you doing?” Tydal asked.

“Ca-da!” Giggles exclaimed.

“Nothing!” The Queen cried out as she transformed into Iron Will. “These vines… they’ve done something to my magic!” There was another gut of flames and she turned into Sherclaw Hones. “Help!”

Tydal glowered at the black vines. “Are you causing this?” The vines twisted around, forming a hand… which flicked Tydal off. “You lousy-“ The vine hand turned into a fist and punched him. It was only his quick reflexes that ensured he didn’t crush Giggles. “Oh, that is it!” Tydal lashed out, slicing through the vines with his tail. However, every cut vine seemed to cause two more to appear. “Merida!”

“On it!” the queen of the Mareatine said, joining her husband in hacking at the vines. “Och, i’ll tear ye things it by yer roots!” Her natural brogue grew more pronounced in her anger at the vines.“Yoo ghastly weeds, i’ll send ye back tae heel, Ah will!” The vines grabbed her and began to shake her. “Ooooooooo! Mah guidman, Ah hink uir armur is needed against these beasties!”

“Alright, love.” Tydal’s horns glowed even as Chrysalis morphed into Big Macintosh. Giggles blinked as she was handed off to Chrysalis but quickly became entranced by her parents’ light-show. “ALRIGHT, MOTHERPLUCKERS! SAY HELLO TO MY LITTLE FRIEND!” There was a flash of light, the vines twisting slightly, only for it to fade to reveal Tydal and Merida in their royal battle armor. Silverish blue in color, both sported a battle helm, a breast plate, leg bracers, gilded shoes and silver framing on their fan tails to increase the deadliness of their natural weapons. In addition, Merida had a bow and arrow gripped in her magical grasp while Tydal now wielded the trident he’d obtained during the Crisis of Infinite Twilights. The armor had not been since the ancient days of the world and there were no beings that were not allies of the capricorns that had gazed upon the battle armor and lived to tell the tale. “For the Mareatine!” Tydal roared, raising his golden weapon and launching himself at the vines…

…which probably retreated, leaving Merida, Tydal, Giggles and Chrysalis (who was back in her normal bug-pony form) staring at Zecora, Pinkie, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Spike, Discord and Twilight.

“…oh, the newest princess can go on a bender but I get some blood on my coat and it is a big deal!” Tydal complained, banging his trident against the ground and waving his hoof at Twilight who was just standing there, drool leaking from her slack jaw.

“She isn’t drunk, God Squad cast,” Zecora said, “Dear Twilight is merely viewing the past.”

Merida frowned. “Ok, I am sure there is a reason for that which makes sense…”

“…but that sounds like a giant waste of time,” Chrysalis finished.

“Blame Discord here,” Rainbow Dash complained. “He has all the answers but is refusing to help us.”

“Or he is the cause of all this,” Applejack muttered.

Tydal nodded. “Yes, this does have his usual flair. I suggest we try ‘Good Cop, Capricorn Cop’.”

“Oh, how does that work?” Fluttershy asked.

“You ask him a question and I beat him to death with his own leg.”

“How would we get the answer to the question?” Spike asked.

“We wouldn’t but it’d make me feel wonderful!” Tydal said.

Discord raised his hand. “If I have a choice, I vote no on that idea.” The spirit of chaos floated over to Giggles and ticked her. “Come now, baby brother, I thought we’d buried the hatchet when I helped my little goddaughter here ascend to godhood.”

“Dissy-cord!” Giggles squealed, grabbing his finger.

“We did, Discord, we did… but that doesn’t mean new hatchets can’t be made. Now explain to me what is going on before I decide to relive my youth.”

Discord gripped his tooth in fear. “No need for that, Tydal! No need for that!” He floated over to Merida and smiled. “You know, if you ever feel like-“

“You wouldn’t survive the foreplay,” Merida said, jerking her head forward, her teeth snapping just an inch from Discord’s nose. She gave him a sultry smile. “Now then… what exactly is going on?”

Discord tapped his chin. “I am honestly not 100% sure. All I know is that our dear sisters are missing, night and day have merged, the Everfree clouds are beginning to encroach upon Ponyville, and these black vines are spreading all over the place.”

“…and the answer was to get Twilight drunk?” Tydal said, raising an eyebrow. “I enjoy an adult beverage as much as the next deity but-“

“She ain’t drunk!” Applejack complained. “Zecora here brewed up some mystical potion that, when infused with Twi’s alicorn magic, let her see things in the past.”

“… drunk,” Tydal said, pursing his lips.

“Without Twilight we will surely lose, so do you think I’d give her booze?” Zecora asked.

“She isn’t drunk,” Chrysalis said.

“Thank you!” Applejack exclaimed.

“I’m pretty sure she’s braindead,” the changeling queen said, poking Twilight and making the alicorn rock back and forth.

“What?!?” Fluttershy gasped.

Rarity trotted over to Fluttershy and comforted her. “Darling, being braindead is not that bad… Twilight can still live a full and active life… plenty of ponies do. I mean, just look at Rainbow Dash.”

“Yeah, just look at-HEY!”

“Why do you think she’s braindead?” Spike asked, twisting his tail nervously.

Chrysalis reached out and poked Twilight in the ribs again. “Not responding to outside stimulates, motor functions almost non-existant… I’m not entirely sure she’s taken a breath since we arrived. Braindead.”

“How terrible,” Tydal said sadly. “Alright, let’s begin eating her before she gets cold.”

“I call her soul!” Chrysalis said, licking her fangs.

“WHAT?!?!” Twilight’s friends screamed.

Tydal rolled his eyes. “What? You just expect us to leave a perfectly good pony lying around? That is just wasteful! Twilight hated waste… we are honoring her memory this way. Now, who has a barbecue we can borrow?”

“She isn’t dead!” Rainbow complained. “She’s crying right now!”

“Ce…Celestia…” Twilight whimpered.

“The last spasms of the departed,” Tydal said, using his magic to grab Giggles. “Ok sweetie, now watch daddy carefully as he fillets the purple pony, ok?”

“Yay!” Giggles squealed in delight.

“You can’t eat Twilight!” Fluttershy squeaked.

“I am pretty sure between the two of us we can,” Chrysalis said. “There might be a doggy bag and some leftovers-“

“I mean you shouldn’t eat her!”

“Why not?” Chrysalis asked.

"This is what Luna would have wanted," Tydal said. "She made it very clear to me that if her daughter ever went braindead I was to eat her so she couldn't come back as a zombie."

Merida rolled her eyes. "She said that when she was two years old! She also said you should build her a giant pillow fort!"

"Which I did!" Tydal said with a cocky grin. "And now Fort Pillows is the best place for singles in all the Mareatine!"

"Alright, stop the gabbing and lets get to the noshing," Chrysalis said.

Discord tilted his head. "I can't believe they are acting more insane than me."

“Wait!" Pinkie shouted. "You can't eat Twilight because...uh... because you can’t eat a pony straight up!” Pinkie declared. “You need a bun at the very least!”

“Pinkie!” Rarity exclaimed, scandalized.

“She has a point,” Merida said, winking at the ponies. “Why don’t we go see about finding a bun big enough for Twilight?”

“Alright…” Tydal said, clearly not liking the idea of abandoning his potential dinner. “If any of you eat her before I get back I will be very sad and pout.” With that Tydal, Chrysalis, and Merida trotted towards Sugarcube Corner, Giggles waving to the ponies.

“…and yet I am the one that you all call the villain?” Discord asked. “Am I really worse than-“

“Yes!”Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Rarity shouted.

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