• Published 23rd Feb 2013
  • 11,728 Views, 990 Comments

Friendship is SHOWTIME!! - MangaKamen

A Kamen Rider Crossover Magic – a mysterious force in this world, and each creature possess magic within itself. A gift to many, but to a few, it is nothing but a curse. And when Twilight sees a new form of magic, she'll learn that life is

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Spell 19 - Canterlot Royal Business Part 1

Dear Haruto Souma,

It is an honor to finally be writing to you, I have heard a lot about you from my student – Twilight Sparkle. Your ability to use magic, and the unique spells that you have demonstrated before my student have caught my attention. There are a number of other things about you have drawn my attention.

It is at this point that I ask that you keep the rest of this letter’s contents to yourself from my student, for reasons I shall explain in the following paragraphs.

In her letters, Twilight has brought up a certain term that has drawn some concern – Phantoms. Although I am not an expert on the subject of these odd creatures, I have heard of them. And there are a number of reports from my soldiers about odd creatures that share characteristics with the descriptions that Twilight has sent me.

What’s more concerning is that the reports are stating that the sightings are drawing closer to Canterlot. The reports come from both civilians and the royal guard, but there have been no incidents thus far, but nopony knows how long the calm will last before this storm will arise.

Therefore, I would like to ask for you to come to Canterlot with Spike when he returns with to do his Canterlot Royal Business. I would like you to meet with the captain of the Royal Guards so that he can get a better understanding of these Phantoms, their abilities, and if it is necessary, aid the guards.

If you are worried about Ponyville and your friends, do not worry. They will be in capable hooves, I assure you.


Princess Celestia


I am certain Twilight Sparkle will be curious about how this letter is not addressed to her. Have fun with that.

Haru looked over the letter once more as he relaxed on the couch, silently reading it in his mind. After the day he had at Fluttershy, when he returned to the Golden Oaks Library in the evening (after getting his ankles bandaged up by the mare – even though she was confused why Haru was hanging around upside down from the tree with a few scratches covering his body. She didn’t believe the fact that her bunnies used him as a dragon piñata), Haru was surprised to find not only a letter waiting for him, but a large, green magic stone.

The dragon dulled his eyes slightly as he quickly lowered the letter to his chest, “I feel eyes on me.”

“Come on Haru!” Twilight pleaded as she poked head up from behind the side of the couch, trying to read the letter. “What did Princess Celestia write to you?”

“Legally, I don’t have to tell you,” Haru replied as he kept his claws tight on the unfurled scroll, making sure that Twilight couldn’t get a chance to read it. “It is a private letter.”

“But it’s from Princess Celestia!” Twilight replied with her eyes narrowed at the red dragon in front of her.

“And?” Haru asked with a raised brow. “Your point is? Not every letter Celestia sends has to be for you, and in fact, it’s addressed to me.”

“Fine!” Twilight groaned loudly as she rolled her eyes at the dragon. “But can you at least tell me what the letter says? Is it important?”

“Well, apparently somepony’s been writing about me,” Haru chuckled before he tucked the letter into his jacket. “I didn’t know you thought I was so awesome, I’m rather flattered that you’d speak highly of me to royalty.”

Twilight reeled slightly with a slight blush on her face, “T-That’s… I…”

Haru snickered with a wide grin on his face, “Heh, just having some fun with ya Twilight.”

Twilight rolled her eyes at the dragon.

“I’ve just been asked to go to Canterlot with Spike,” Haru replied with a wag of his claws. “Apparently, you’ve sent a few reports that have talked about Phantoms, and Princess Celestia would like for me to meet with the guards about them.”

“I see,” Twilight muttered as she brought a hoof to her mouth. “I hope you don’t mind me telling Princess Celestia about you, Haru. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you that I was telling Celestia about you.”

“It’s not a big deal Twilight,” Haru answered, the smile appearing back on his face. “I mean, I transform in front of anypony without a second thought, and it’s not like I’m actually trying to keep my identity a secret.”

“Then, why the mask?” Twilight asked with her head tilted. “Why wear it if you don’t need to hide your identity?”

“Because it’s cooler to wear it,” Haru replied as soon as Twilight finished asking her question.

The lavender unicorn sighed under her breath at the answer. The magical dragon chuckled, “Just kidding, kinda. It provides protection for my head, I prefer not to not get hit at all, but you can never be sure.”

“Right, so what are you going to do?” Twilight asked. “About the Princess’s request, I mean.”

“Well, it’d be rude to deny a request from the Princess,” Haru replied as he pushed himself off of the couch. “So, if it’s okay with Spike, I’ll head off with him when he does his… Canterlot Royal Duties, right?”

Twilight nodded to the sleek dragon in front of him, which allowed Haru to smile, “Good, now, when does he leave? Next week?”

“Actually, tomorrow morning,” Twilight replied with a nervous grin.

At that moment, Haru’s blue eyes shrunk when he heard that and he sighed loudly.


It was a cloudy morning at Ponyville’s train station, with many ponies walking about the wooden platform near the train. Amongst the crowds, there was an odd group of four near one of train’s entrances which managed to garner a lot of gazes from the incoming ponies. After all, it wasn’t every day that a group of two dragons, a single unicorn and a zebra (who had a stick with a pair of colorful boxers stuck on it) together at a train station.

“This is so awesome!” Spike cheered out as he lifted up his claws. “I can’t wait to show you all over Canterlot, Haru! I know the best places to go, and there’s this one doughnut shop that’s got the best doughnuts in the world!”

Haru didn’t answer. The bags under his eyes, his legs barely holding up his body, and dull gaze in his blue eyes told the tale of a sleepless night. At the moment, he was barely conscious.

“Uh, Miss Twilight,” Eiji coughed as he looked at the tall dragon who was teetering on his feet. “Is Mister Souma alright? When he came by Zecora’s last night, he was in a bit of a hurry.”

“Well, he had to get himself ready for this trip,” Twilight stated as she used her magic to pull out a pair of emerald jeweled rings from the black jacket that Haru was wearing. “And he spent a little bit of time on these two. So, he’s a little drained. But, why did Haru visit you and Zecora last night?”

“Well, Mister Souma wanted to ask me to watch Ponyville for a week or so,” Eiji explained with a smile on his muzzle. “I have to stay here for about a week or so anyway to have Zecora do something for me, so it’s no trouble.”

“That’s good to know,” Twilight stated as she tilted her head at the zebra. “But, and not to sound rude, but what exactly is Zecora doing for you?”

“Oh, not much,” Eiji replied as he brought his hoof to the back of his head. “She’s just trying to help me fix something, it’s something for a friend.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Spike sighed as he flexed his claws in a mouthing manner. “Are you sure you don’t wanna come Twilight? I’m sure everypony would want to see ya.”

“I would love to go Spike,” Twilight answered with a warm smile. “But somepony needs to stay here and watch the library.”

‘Besides, I really need a few nights of calm reading – I haven’t had a chance to do one of my late night cram sessions. The only thing that might make that difficult is the storm that’s set to happen this week.’

Spike shrugged it off, “Okay, your loss then. C’mon Haru! Let’s get go get our seats!”

“Meh,” the older dragon grumbled with his eyes struggling to keep open.

The purple dragon rolled his eyes at Haru before he stomped his foot on Haru’s tail, making the red dragon’s eyes widen as the pain. “GAH! I’M AWAKE!”

A few minutes later, the two dragons were on the train waving to Twilight and Eiji through the window as the large train began to pull away from Ponyville’s train station. Eiji and Twilight waved before they could no longer be seen from the train, allowing Haru to recline in his seat with his claws thrown behind his head. “Spike, I’m gonna try to get some sleep, you okay with that?”

“That all depends,” Spike chuckled as he licked his chops. “Can I get a few bits to visit the snack car?”

“Don’t you have your own bits?” Haru asked with his head tilted slightly.

“Yeah, but I wanna save them for Canterlot,” Spike state as he held his claws out to Haru. “So, c’mon! Spare a fellow dragon some bits so I can get some primo sweets!”

The sleek red dragon sighed as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a few bits that he dropped into Spike’s claws. “There, that should get you something – Do me a favor, if they got any plain sugar doughnuts bring me back one, kay?”

Spike saluted before he began to run through the train’s car, allowing Haru to take up the full seat so he could lay down. ‘The estimated arrival time will be about two and a half hours by train – It won’t be much, but I need to catch up on my sleep.’

Slowly, the magical dragon’s eyes began to close and he began to drift asleep…

“Hello, hello!”

Haru’s eyes immediately shot open and he craned his head slightly to the side to see a rather husky looking unicorn stallion looking at him. The unicorn had pale fur with a neatly combed, short mane with glasses atop his muzzle and he was wearing a black business jacket. All in all, the stallion didn’t have any features to really comment on – He was bland, pure and simple.


And his dark, dull eyes were gleaming right into Haru’s blue eyes, “Uh… Hello…”

The bland stallion bowed his head towards Haru before he turned his attention towards the seat across from Haru. “I hate to bug you, but do you mind if I sit across from you?”

Haru swiftly turned his gaze around the train car – taking note that there was hardly anypony in the car. The only others in the car were a familiar pair of mares that Haru saw around Ponyville (were their names Lyra and BonBon? Haru didn’t really talk to either of them, so he didn’t know) as well as a fancily dressed griffon who had a bowler derby hat and an umbrella who was preoccupied with a newspaper. Haru turned his attention back towards the stallion, “Oh yes, the place is positively packed, you can sit wherever you want and…”

“Excellent,” The stallion replied as he jumped atop of the seat. “Thank you very much! You know, this is the first time I’ve ever seen a dragon, especially one that was so very close! And I’ve never thought I’d ever see one on a train. Oh! Right, I haven’t introduced myself yet – I’m Sigrun Mist! A pleasure to meet you Mister Dragon! I can’t wait for the others back at the offices in Canterlot to hear about this! I’m sure they won’t believe me, they didn’t believe me about the one time I saw a blue diamond dog who had a katana and wore a cloak with ‘S.P.D’ on its back – What do you think SPD means? Super Power Dog?”

‘Ugh… This is gonna be a looooooong train ride, isn’t it?’ Haru thought to himself as Sigrun Mist continued rambling on and on about how his co-workers wouldn’t believe that he’s actually having a conversation with a dragon.

‘Shoutarou Ishimori – Why do you hate me so today?’


Spell 19

Canterlot Royal Business
Part 1


Canterlot – the capital of Equestria – as one would expect would it to be, was a very large and beautiful city filled with a great number of unicorns. The city itself had many tall buildings surrounding the pinnacle of the city – The castle – which could be seen by all. It was hard to miss the mountainside spires of Canterlot, especially when pulling into the train station.


A hour or so into the ride, Spike had returned from the snack car (with a chocolate doughnut, no less!) to have Sigrun Mist gush over the two dragons in front of them. Spike didn’t really mind the stallion gushing over him, in fact, the baby dragon seemed to really enjoy the attention.

Haru on the other claw was completely livid about how this stallion was talking for the last two hours, twenty-nine minutes and thirty-three seconds, and it was taking everything that Haru had left of his mentality to keep himself from attacking Sigrun Mist just to shut the earth pony up. ‘Remember Haruto Souma, you’re a good guy! You don’t use your power against innocent ponies! Even if they annoy you to death!’

“Gather your belongings!”

Haru’s dark thoughts slowly faded away when he saw one of the conductors trotting past the seats, stopping every few seconds to call out, “Gather your belongings! We’ll be arriving in Canterlot in a few minutes!”

“Aww, and I was so enjoying talking to you dragons!” Sigrun replied with his lower lip pursed out slightly as he jumped from his seat and began to trot away. “But I really need to get my things in order before we arrive.”

‘THANK YOU, SHOUTAROU ISHIMORI!!!’ Haru thought to himself with tears welling up in his eyes.

“Hey Haru! Look!” Spike stated as he tapped Haru’s arm, while gesturing towards the window.

This prompted Haru to look out the window to see that the train was now entering the walls of Canterlot – The light gleaming through the clouds highlighting the city’s natural beauty made Haru’s stress melt away while he and Spike fought to take more of the window for themselves so they could see the city.

“Man, it still looks amazing,” Haru muttered with a smile appearing on his scaly face.

“You’ve been here before, Haru?” Spike questioned before he took a bite from the chocolate doughnut that Haru had neglected to eat.

“A… A long time ago,” Haru answered the train slowed down near Canterlot’s train station. “Just stayed here for a few days, but it was when I was really young, so I don’t remember too much. By the way Spike, you never told me where we’re going to be staying while we’re here.”

The train came to a halt when Spike swallowed the doughnut he had in his mouth, “Oh, don’t worry about that! Shiny’s already here!”

“Shiny?” Haru questioned.

Spike pointed out the window towards the platform where several unicorns were standing on – But the one that Spike was pointing towards was a tall stallion with a white coat with a long sapphire colored mane and tail, with deep blue hooves. His cutie mark seemed familiar to Haru, even though it was a blue shield with a lavender spark in the middle of it with three stars over the shield. ‘It kinda looks like… But…’

“C’mon Haru!” Spike called out.

Haru snapped from his thoughts again to realize that Spike was jumping off of the seat with his backpack in his claws. The older dragon quickly reached under to grab his own knapsack and followed the little dragon, “Spike! Wait up!”

A few moments later, both dragons were on the platform and were looking at the white stallion before them. For a moment, Haru just stared at the unicorn in front of him – realizing that the stallion had his gaze piercing at Haru skull. ‘Yeesh, what’s this stallion’s deal? If looks could kill… Well, if looks could kill, I’m pretty sure Phoenix wouldn’t have been defeated by me, but by Fluttershy…’

“Hey there Shiny!”

Haru blinked a few times to realize that Spike was running up to the stallion, and as the baby dragon drew closer, the stallion’s gaze softened and he brought up one of his hooves to the top of Spike’s head. The stallion then messed up the spines on the small dragon’s head, “Spike! It’s been so long! I barely recognized you! You’ve gotten so big!”

“Shiny!” Spike moaned as he playfully swatted the Unicorn’s hoof from his head. “There are only two dragons here! How could you barely recognize me?”

“Well, you still got bigger,” the stallion replied as he drew his hoof from Spike’s head. “Pretty soon you’ll be beating off the mares with a stick Spike… Unless you finally hooked up with that one mare you kept writing about.”

Spike’s face flushed slightly as a large smile drew on his face, “Don’t you worry about that! I’ll be winning that fair mare’s hoof in due time!”

The stallion chuckled with the smile on his face growing, “So, how’s Twily doing? I assume she’s still at the library studying the days away?”

Twily?’ Haru thought to himself.

“Yeah, ever the egghead,” Spike snickered with his arms crossed. “I’m a little worried about her though… Without her number one assistant around, Twilight will probably do something weird.”

“What’s the worst that could happen?” the stallion replied before he turned his attention back to Haru, his eyes still maintaining the kindness he was showing the younger dragon.

Spike picked up on this and held his claws up towards Haru, “Oh right! I almost forgot! Shiny, this is…”

“Haruto Souma,” ‘Shiny’ replied as he lifted up a blue hoof towards the taller, red dragon. “Am I correct?”

Haru tilted his head slightly before he wrapped his claws around Shiny’s hoof, “Yes you are. I am Haruto Souma, but feel free to call me Haruuuuuuurk!”

Haru’s eyes widened when he realized that ‘Shiny’ had his claws in a very tight hoofshake, and he wasn’t easing up on the pressure. “Well, Haruk, I am Shining Armor – The Captain of the Canterlot Royal Guard.”

Shining Armor lessened his grip and pulled his hoof back, taking note that Haru was shaking his claws, “I am also the older brother of Twilight Sparkle, and the foster brother to Spike here.”

“Wait, Captain?” Haru questioned, still shaking his hand slightly. “Wait, your Twilight’s older brother?! She never said anything about having a brother…”

“Twily’s really smart,” Shining chuckled as he rubbed the back of his head. “But she often gets lost in her studies, and it has a bit of… Backlash. So, I’m not surprised that she didn’t tell anypony about me. Or in this case, any dragon. Still, welcome to Canterlot you two!”

“Thanks Shiny!” Spike replied with a bright smile on his face, oblivious to the tension that was building up between the older dragon and stallion.

“You two must be tired,” Shining replied before he used his magic to lift off Spike’s backpack from the dragon. “How about we get you two settled into your accommodations and then we’ll get some lunch?”

“Sounds awesome! Can we get some rubies?” Spike pleaded with claws clasped together and his eyes gleaming at the white Stallion.

Shining Armor chuckled as he began to trot off with Spike in tow, “Sure thing little guy! Anything for you!”

Haru rubbed his chin with his claws, but shrugged his shoulders before he followed the two.


Canterlot was a bustling city, with it’s mostly unicorn population trotting through the streets to perform their daily rituals. Most of these unicorns had a certain air about them, one of superiority, especially considering that most of them had their noses turned up into the air. Although, with a pair of dragons roaming the streets with the captain of the Royal Guards leading them, well, it made that air of superiority fade away to curiosity.

Each time the trio passed a unicorn, the unicorn’s head would turn to double-take the fact that there were two dragons calmly walking the streets of Canterlot.

“Have you ever seen a dragon before?”

“Not one that was wearing clothes…”

“Don’t get too close to that red one – you can never trust a dragon, they eat meat!”

“Isn’t that Shining Armor?”

“It is! He must have that dragon captured!”

For a creature with no actual ears, Haru was perfectly capable of hearing all the whispers that most of the unicorns were gabbing about. ‘I’m rather curious how they’re not talking about Spike like that…’

Although it seemed that Spike and Shining Armor didn’t hear those whispers since they were continuing on – Well, Shining was trotting along, Spike had jumped onto the white stallion’s back and began to ride him through the streets.

“You okay back there Haru?” Spike called back to the older dragon. “Need Shiny to slow down?”

“I’m only five feet behind you two,” Haru yawned back with his claws in front of his gaping maw. “So, Shining…”

“I’d prefer if you refer to me as Shining Armor,” the white stallion replied, not even looking back at the older dragon behind him.

“Sure, not a problem,” Haru replied, noting the hostility in Shining Armor’s voice. “Anyway, Shining Armor, how much longer till we get where we need to go? I need to catch up on my sleep.”

“We’re not far from where we need to go,” Shining Armor answered, keeping his attention on the road before him. “Once we get past the city’s square we’ll pass by the academy and it’s only a few…”

“Hey! What’s going on over there?” Spike shouted as he threw his arm towards the square.

Both Shining and Haru turned to where Spike was pointing where a number of unicorns were gathered and were gawking at one particular building. All three followed the gazes of where the unicorns were set at, and atop of the building was a pole that had a weathervane atop of it with a bright red balloon stuck on the decoration. But what wasn’t the architectural ornament that stole attention.

It was the young stallion who was climbing up the pole.

“Wow, I didn’t think ponies from Canterlot were that reckless,” Haru commented as the trio continued to gaze at the idiotic stallion.

“Despite the high society most here display,” Shining answered with a sigh. “We tend to get the occasional daredevil, criminal and idiot every once in a while. Society here just tends to have a way of pushing them out of the spotlight.

“Of course, I can’t ignore this – I am captain of the royal guard.”

“It’s no problem, Shiny!” Spike replied with a smile.

“Yeah, gotta do what ya gotta do,” Haru chimed in. “Ya know what they say – both idiots and smoke float up high.”

“Who says that that?” Spike asked with a flat look in his eyes.

As the three drew closer to the large group of unicorns, the idiotic stallion managed to climb up to the very top of the pole and stopped to catch his breath. The stallion then managed to turn around and look down at the group, and one could visibly see his eyes widen. The stallion had his hind legs wrapped around the pole, while one of his front hooves supported his weight, when he waved his free hoof into the air, “HEY! CAPTAIN! HEY THERE! YAY!!”

Shining just stopped in his hooves and groaned loudly as he slapped his forehead, “Great…”

“What’s wrong Shiny?” Spike asked with his head tilted slightly at the waving stallion.

“I know who that is,” Shining grumbled under his breath as the daredevil stallion returned to his goal. “He’s one of my idiots.”

“… You’re kidding right?” Haru stated with a flat look in his eyes. “That stallion up there is in the royal guard?”

“In a sense,” Shining sighed before he stepped forward. “KAI! GET DOWN HERE NOW!”


The stallion named Kai turned back to the balloon and used his mouth to grab the string attached to it. However, the moment he did, Kai’s front hooves slipped from pole and he fell backwards towards the ground. There was a collective gasp from the crowd as Haru reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a ring.


Just before Kai hit the ground, a large red runic circle appeared between him and the concrete. When the stallion touched the circle, he immediately disappeared into it – Much to the shock of the crowd. Most of the crowd was looking for where the stallion went to when…


Everypony turned around to see that the stallion was balancing in both of Haru’s claws, who the dragon had lifted over his head. The two staggered about, trying to maintain their balance, as the crowd erupted into applause.


Both Haru and Kai finally stopped moving and the stallion jumped from Haru’s claws, his short black mane billowing slightly. The idiotic stallion trotted over to a young filly who had puffy red eyes, lowering his head, Kai smiled at the filly who took the balloon from him. “There ya go.”

“Thank you!” the filly replied before she trotted off.

Kai smiled before a light rose aura wrapped around him and lifted him off of the ground, “WAAAH!”

A few minutes later in an alleyway…


“OWW! Captain! That hurts!”

Shining growled he lowered his blue hoof while Kai kept his front hooves on his head where a fresh bruise was now growing.

Spike had leapt from Shining when the group reached the alleyway, and the two dragons were watching Shining Armor berate Kai. Kai was a younger stallion than Shining, with a short black mane and tail (each that had a streak of red racing through them) and he had dark crimson fur, with his cutie mark of that of a black winged creature. The young stallion was wearing a long black and red jacket that covered his upper body.

“What the Tartarus were you thinking?!” Shining snarled as he lifted his hoof up. “You know that you’re supposed to on medical leave – That means you don’t pull these kind of stunts!”

“B-But, Captain,” Kai moaned as he curled slightly with his hooves lifted over his head. “I… I had to do it! I bumped into that filly and she lost her balloon, and I had to recover it!”

“Then why didn’t you just buy her another balloon?” Spike pointed out.

“W-Well, yeah,” Kai chuckled nervously. “B-But, you don’t get it. That filly’s balloon was that one.”

“You’re an idiot,” Shining sighed with a roll of his eyes, and then he smiled at the younger stallion. “But an idiot with a good heart. But if you pull another stunt while your left wing is still recovering, I won’t hesitate to take you out of the field again.”

Kai lowered his head to the ground, “I… I understand sir! I-I’m sorry! I’ll be sure to take it easy!”

“Good, you’re dismissed now,” Shining chuckled. “Now go and enjoy the rest of your leave.”

“Yes sir!” Kai replied before he trotted off.

Haru shook his head slightly with a smirk on his face, “So, he’s a pegasus. I’m not an expert on how the military works, but why would a pegasus call you a captain?”

“It’s a little complicated,” Shining Armor replied before he turned his back to Haru. “Now, let’s hurry, I’d like to get you guys some lunch.”


“I never… This is amazing,” Haru stated as he walked around the large, well-decorated main hall of the castle.

It was about ten minutes after dealing with the reckless Kai that the three reached the main castle – To Shining Armor and Spike, this was no big deal. Due to their connections, the two had been to the castle a number of times in the past, but this was Haru’s first time in Canterlot Castle.

“Pretty impressive, isn’t it?” Spike questioned as he puffed out his chest.

“I… Don’t know what to say,” Haru admitted, spinning around to look at his fellow dragon and Shining Armor. “When you said we were going to where we were going to be staying, you didn’t say that it was in the castle! I thought it was just going to be fancy hotel!”

“Well, Twilight is the student of Princess Celestia,” Spike replied, crossing his arms over his chest. “There are a few perks being associated with Twilight’s Number One Assistant.”

“Well then Spike,” Shining Armor chuckled as he rubbed the top of the smaller dragon’s head with his hoof. “How about you go to the kitchen and inform the cooks that we’re here. I’m sure they’ll be glad to see your claws sneaking about and sneaking off with some of the treats.”

“Aw, how’d you know I used to do that?” Spike grumbled before he walked off into the depths of the castle. “But don’t forget Shiny! We gotta hit up Doughnut Joe’s while Haru’s here with us!”

“We’ll make time for that later,” Shining chuckled with a bright smile as he waved off the younger dragon.

And so, for the first time since the two met, Haru and Shining Armor were alone – And the moment that Spike had disappeared from sight, the serious look reappeared on Shining Armor’s face before he turned around. “If you’ll follow me, I’ll lead you to where you’ll be staying. I hope a spare room in the guard quarters will suffice.”

“I spent six months living in a tent,” Haru replied, throwing his arms behind his head to follow Shining Armor. “I’ll take a decent roof over a plastic tent any day of the week.”

“At least you’re practical,” Shining Armor stated as he led the magical dragon down a hall.

Save for their echoing step, it was quiet down the hallway the two took. There was an awkward air between the two, with Haru taking note of the artwork and décor in the hallway, “So… What’s this Canterlot Business that Spike talks about?”

“It’s not really your concern,” Shining Armor answered back, still keeping his attention on the hallway in front of him. “It’s a private matter concerning family, and Spike is family.”

Haru narrowed his eyes and stopped in his tracks. Shining Armor realized this after increasing the distance between the two. “Alright, I’ve stilled my tongue for long enough. Why don’t you do the same?”

Shining didn’t make a move.

“I’m not dumb, Shining Armor,” Haru stated as he shrugged his arms up. “I may not look the part, but I’m a pretty smart dragon. And I’m used to dealing with this sort of stuff on a daily basis. So, why don’t you just come on out and say it? I know you’ve got something to say to me, so get it out.”

For a moment, Shining did nothing but take a deep breath. “Are you sure you want me to speak my mind?”

“To be honest, the curiosity is starting to get me,” Haru questioned with a smirk crawling on his face. “After all, you know my name before I mentioned it – Now, that fact in and of itself doesn’t mean a thing, especially since there are a number of ways you could’ve learned it.

“But the way you’ve been interacting with me, you’ve rarely looked at me when you spoke to me – And when you did, you’ve been shooting me a dirty look and you take a much more rugged tone with me than with Spike.

“So, if I’ve somehow offended you, then I’d prefer you to cut out this act of yours and just tell me.”

Shining Armor turned around, and of course, those narrowed eyes focused down on the red dragon. “Offended? You think it’s as petty as that?”

The stallion trotted towards the dragon, his gaze sharpening even further as he drew closer to the magical dragon. Haru didn’t move an inch as Shining Armor stood right in front of the dragon and their eyes met. However, instead of saying something, Shining’s horn glowed brightly and Haru could feel his clawed feet leave the ground, “What the!?”

“Haruto Souma, I don’t know what your goals are,” Shining Armor growled as he used his magic to levitate the dragon in front of him higher into the air. “And frankly, I don’t care – But what I won’t stand for is anypony – or any dragon, or anything – to hurt my little sister!”

Haru’s eyes widened.


Blissfully unaware of the happenings in the castle, Sigrun Mist trotted to the front of Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns with a suitcase floating next to him thanks to his magic. ‘Ah, it’s good to be back home – I hope the jerks here enjoy the sweets I got them from Manehatten. Oh, they’ll enjoy them! I got the cheapest that I could! I think they might be spoiled… Oh well!’

With a cheap smile on his face, Sigrun Mist slowly trotted towards the gates to the prestigious academy with a cheery hum.


“Hmm?” Sigrun Mist questioned as he turned to the right.

On the ground next to him was a small, purple snake that hissed at him a few times. A smile appeared on the unicorn’s face, “Hmm, purple snake. A purple snake not attacking me… Oooh! I know exactly what this means!”

The purple snake hissed once more before it slithered off away from the gate, with Sigrun following it. A few moments later, the snake led the odd unicorn to the side of the walls of the academy, with the shadows from the buildings cover the area…

“Good to see you’re back from Manehatten, Valkyrie…”

Sigrun smiled at the tall, sleek, shadowed being before him. Then, the unicorn bowed, “Awe, Mistress Medusa, I didn’t know you cared! It was fun! I tossed a wanker out of a window! Oooh! Would you like a sweet, Mistress Medusa?”

The shadowed Medusa sighed with a wave of her hand, “No. I know those sweets are spoiled, Valkyrie, I’m not falling for that cruel joke.”

“Awww,” Sigrun groaned with his head lower than before.

“Now listen, since you’re back, I have two missions for you to do,” Medusa replied as she turned her back to the unicorn.

“Really? Is there a Gate around here?” Sigrun questioned as he lifted his head up.

“No,” Medusa replied as she waved her hand about. “We have a deserter in Canterlot – You are to find him and immediately inform me of his whereabouts. There are reports of him being seen around this school at night as of late, and since you work here…”

“Say no more,” Sigrun replied as several white feathers erupted from his body, the feathers immediately flowing over his body. “I live to serve!”

“And once we’ve found this deserter,” Medusa stated as the feathers began to warp Sigrun’s body. “We’ll awaken the holder of N Ma’s Eye…”


Author's Note:

MangaKamen: I'm back doods and doodettes!

While I'm still working on one of my other projects here... (seriously, I've got two ideas, but one of them is more advanced that the other) but here's the next chapter. Please spread the word that this story's about to get real in here!

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