• Published 1st Feb 2013
  • 503 Views, 3 Comments

The Slaughter at Ponyville - Floating Pen

In the boring town of Ponyville the local journalist Floating Pen comes across a mysterious evil looking book that he uses to "spice up" ponyville in this dark thriller.

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The Finding

Chapter 1

The Finding

Its just another very, VERY boring day at the Pony Express, the local reporting newspaper in the calm, nice town of Ponyville.

Inside is the head journalist of the Pony Express a young and as just about any mare in town would add a very dashing unicorn colt his light gray coat complimented by his light blue mane. In front of this pony sits his desk and on it a high stack of pure white parchment.

Floating above the desk is a pen enveloped in a light blue magical aura that the colt so loves to stare at, the color reminds the pony of a happy and joyous feeling a feeling a pony might feel on a warm summer day sitting in a field of grass.

But this isn't one of those times right now he is just a poor bored little pony with nothing to write, no way to practice his special talent. the thought of it made his eyes dash down to his cutie mark just to make sure it was still there.

It was, the same pen writing on an unrolled scroll stuck there forever on his flank. Not that he didn't love writing, he loved it with all his heart whether it was journalism or writing his favorite fan-fic but soul the problem was in Ponyville nothing happened besides boring daily routines and the occasional festival or on a stroke of luck the Wonderbolts might do a little show but nothing more.

And with that the unicorn of gray and blue wanted nothing more than a gripping story to write about and he was willing to do anything... anything to get it.

"Hey Pen you know you can just home now we'll let you now if we need you later today but same time tomorrow
OK." called the mare known as Printing Press who was Floating Pens' boss (he hated her so very much not for any particular reason he just can't stand that mare). Though he knew it was only 1 in the afternoon he held no objections and packed up his gear in his saddle bags and started to leave, so as not to worry his co-worker ponies or his boss he left with the best fake smile you could ever imagine something that had come with years of practice. Instead of the plain and bored face that was boiling inside of his mind and wanted nothing more than to come out, but before he left he turned his head and said politely in his charming tone "Goodbye everypony have a nice day." So as not to raise question of him, he was always a very cautious pony and always tried looking his best.

On his trot home it was the same as everyday.. except something was off.

Off in the distance Pen noticed a strange figure, a hooded pony as he got closer and this pony it was...

"why is that fool digging at the ground what could possibly be in the dirt for them?"

The thoughts raged in his head he was angry at this strange pony for poking at the ground for no reason but he had to get closer, it was on his way home and he desperately wanted there to lie in the comfort of his own bed maybe write more of his fan fiction.

As he got closer the hooded pony turned and looked at Floating Pen, Pen saw the pony and their shining yellow eyes he saw evil and hatred in those eyes and a dark solace they were so very ominous.

After a second of standing there and and being frozen out of fear of what this mysterious pony might do to him it ran it ran faster than any pony he had seen run. He still stood there out of shock of what just happened but out of his journalist mind he had to he just had to see what that mysterious pony was doing to the ground.

As Floating Pen stood there in front of the pile of dirt that the hooded pony left behind he wondered.

What could it be, why were they digging here, who was that, and what was there purpose for putting it here of all places?
All these thoughts and more ran through the stallions mind but before he knew it he was digging up whatever was under this dirt he kept digging and digging and digging until... What the hell is this?

It was a small brown box wrapped in thick lacing, such a strange thing to just bury in the dirt there must be other places to hide something like this or even burn it if you really want it gone, but what exactly was this?
"A box what the hell is this and what the fucks inside this thing?"

he didn't care, all Pen could think to do was pick up the box enveloping it in his blue colored magic that right now did not remind him of happy summer days but of fear of what was inside this malicious box, and he sprinted the rest of the way home he didn't care who saw him with it as long as he went by them fast enough.

his home was in sight he was almost there after a seemingly 10 mile run from the hole, but it didn't matter he was home and with a push from his horn to the door he was in and safe, for now.

The only thing left in his home was him and the box this oh so mysterious box that Floating Pen knew was going to bring trouble to him.

All he had to do was open it... Just open it, it was simple enough he had open many boxes in his life before from a plenty of Hearth's Warming Eves but this held problems he couldn't bring himself to open this one... Or could he, why did this box hold so much mystery? Pen knew why because he knew whatever was in this box was not meant to be seen again.. Right? that's what that pony buried this for, it wasn't very deep in the ground only about seven or eight inches so no pony would have found it right?Or did that pony want some pony to find this that's why they were there just messing with the dirt where it was so some pony would see them and do what he did and dig it up.

The questions ran through Pens' head but he couldn't take it anymore he had to find out, so he just took a big gulp of courage and pulled the lace off gently and with the tip of his hoof slowly lifted the hood of the box and peaked in not having enough light he tipped the lid of the box all the way off his head turned and eyes closed expecting the worst.

With nothing happening after a few seconds he decided to turn his head and slowly very slowly open his eyes. And the Evil he saw in that box was nothing more than a book, a fairly normal sized notebook almost like a journal but the cover of this book was far more menacing.

The greater part of it was black darker than Nightmare Moons heart with the most evil looking pony skull in the center surrounded by the best one could describe as the outer layer of Princess Celestia's cutie mark. There were words above this most evil looking symbol, it read.



That's the end of chapter one every reader i hope people like it so that i have reason to write more. If you have comment whether they be complimentary or constructive criticism i appreciate them all.
Keep strong my friends and read on.

Comments ( 3 )

Pretty interesting, I will follow the history.
I bet floating pen will use the death note for kill someponies and be the first in get the novelty. At first, he will feel guilty, but then he will feel like god just like Kira did.
And eventually, L will appear

i like your thinking and at one point i thought of doing it like that too but i thought of something a bit more fun

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