• Published 31st Jan 2013
  • 926 Views, 13 Comments

Two Ponies and a Plushie - GlassOnion

Vinyl Scratch and Rainbow Dash learn you're never too old for some creature comforts.

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Complete Story

11AM, and Vinyl Scratch's clock radio came hissing and crackling on.Through the static Vinyl could make out the song ''Angie,'' and smiled faintly as she connected the tune to the Rolling Stones poster on the ceiling. But she struggled to keep her eyes open. She'd been out late that night disc-jockeying, and had no clue why she'd invited Rainbow Dash over for lunch that day.

Vinyl rolled over in bed and hugged Skye tight. Skye was the stuffed pony she'd had since she was a filly. His white hair wasn't as soft and fluffy as it used to be, and he had his share of mud and juice stains, but Vinyl didn't care. Over the years she endured much teasing for dragging him about, but it was never enough to convince her to get rid of him. One final squeeze, and Vinyl mustered the energy to crawl out of bed.

She washed her face and quickly ran a brush through her two-toned mane and tail, missing a few knots, then sleepily made her way to the kitchen to start preparing lunch.

"And remember when... ah hah hah ah heh... Lyra and Fluttershy... ah hah hah... fell off the teeter-totter... hah heh hah in the schoolyard?!'' Vinyl winced slightly as Rainbow Dash laughed with her mouth full, spewing little bits of food. Rainbow was a good friend, but sometimes she was a tad too loud-mouthed. And her table manners could have used a little improvement too.

''And then how everypony would laugh at you... ah hah hah... when you would bring that silly plushie to school! What didja call it... Simon? Ah heh hah..." Vinyl tried to chuckle as she averted her gaze to her empty ''I Love Manehattan'' coffee cup.

Rainbow cleaned every last crumb from her plate, then excused herself to go to the bathroom.

Vinyl's house was small - being a DJ wasn't the best-paying profession, after all - and Rainbow had to walk through the bedroom to reach the bathroom. ''Vinnnnyyyyl......'' whined Rainbow as she caught sight of Vinyl's bed. "You still have that worn-out thing?"

''Yes,'' mumbled Vinyl from the kitchen.

''Well, if you won't break this habit, I will,'' whispered Rainbow to herself as she plucked Skye from the bed and tucked him under her wing.

Rainbow Dash had gone, but Vinyl still sat at the table, her eyes again focused on the empty mug. ''Everypony's got something to hide,'' she thought to herself. ''Something embarrassing...'' But she didn't really feel there was anything wrong about still having Skye. He'd always been there when she was upset, or scared, or sick. He was always comforting. What was the problem with that?

Rainbow's visit had made the tired Vinyl even drowsier. She went to her room, plopped down on her bed, and yawned loudly. She reached for Skye. Then her heart sank.

Vinyl darted out the door and up the street, running faster than she ever had before, and soon caught sight of Rainbow Dash. She was far from a violent pony, but with anger and sadness coursing through her, she leaped on top of Rainbow, and the two went tumbling. The stuffed pony fell from under the pegasus' wing, and both ponies grabbed it.

''You don't need this anymore!'' Rainbow tried to say with her mouth full.

''It's none of your business!'' replied Vinyl. But Skye was old and no match for the tug-of-war. Within seconds there was the unmistakable sound of tearing, and Rainbow was left with one leg in her mouth.

Vinyl stared blankly for a second at the mangled toy that fell to the ground. Devastated by the accident, humiliated by the small crowd that had gathered, she took Skye and ran for home, tears flowing down her face. Rainbow Dash flew after her.

''Wait!'' Rainbow cried. ''We can fix this! Rarity can fix it! If she can sew all those fancy dresses, mending one little stuffed pony will be a piece of cake!''

Vinyl sniffled, and followed Rainbow to the Carousel Boutique.

''We need this fixed stat,'' said Rainbow as she laid Skye and his leg on Rarity's sewing table. Rarity looked a bit disgusted by the broken toy.

''Vinyl dear, I can't believe you still have this childish thing... And I have a big order from Canterlot...'' She glanced over her shoulder. A single tear streamed down Vinyl's cheek.

''Oh all right,'' said Rarity. ''But a rushed order isn't free, you know...''

''I'll pay for it,'' Rainbow Dash replied coldly.

Vinyl Scratch paced restlessly back and forth across Rarity's floor. "Can't you go any faster?'' she asked the seamstress for the third time.

''Do you want this leg to stay on?'' Rarity replied, somewhat annoyed. The door squeaked open, and Fluttershy strolled in.

''Hello Rarity,'' she said, not noticing Vinyl Scratch and Rainbow Dash. ''I finished making that cat toy you wanted for Opal. Oh, hello, Vinyl, Rainbow! What brings you two here?" Fluttershy knew that both ponies didn't do much shopping at the Carousel Boutique.

Rarity responded before the other two, and repeated what they had told her. ''It seems Rainbow decided it was time for Vinyl to give up her plushie here, and the two got into a bit of a scuffle.'' Fluttershy saw the toy Rarity was sewing.

''Oh, Rainbow, I never would have thought you'd do something like that, seeing that you still have a baby blanket of your... oops!''

''You have a WHAT?!?'' demanded Vinyl as she got up in Rainbow's face.

''Oh my,'' peeped Fluttershy.

''But a blanket is different!'' Rainbow tried to explain. ''It keeps your warm! It has a practical purpose! A silly old plushie can't do that!''

Rarity couldn't help but laugh from her sewing table. ''The brave and bold Rainbow Dash with a baby blanket?! Really now, Rainbow...''

Rainbow Dash's face turned bright red, and her ears drooped. She had no other excuse. She sank into Rarity's sofa, her back turned to her friends.

For a second Vinyl Scratch wanted to rub the whole thing in Rainbow's face. But then she recognized the look Rainbow held in her eyes seconds before. Vinyl knew it was the same look she herself had worn those years ago as she was teased on the playground. Heck, it was the same look she'd worn an hour ago as she stared at her coffee cup. ''Come on,'' she said, nudging her friend off the couch and leading her to the other room.

''You have that feeling, don't you?'' Vinyl tried to ask as gently as possible. ''The feeling you get from being picked on, but not really understanding why.'' Rainbow Dash couldn't look at Vinyl. She was fighting back tears, and it showed in her voice.

''I always hid it,'' she began. ''I laughed at you back in school because the others did. What would they have thought if I didn't? I thought it was ''uncool'' to still have a blanket. The only reason Fluttershy knows is because she caught me with it a couple years ago, and I swore her to secrecy. So I guess I tried to force my standards on you, even though I couldn't keep them myself.'' Finally, she looked up, and let her tears flow.

Vinyl hugged Rainbow just as tightly as she did with Skye. ''Listen, Rainbow. There's nothing ''uncool'' about needing comfort. Because we all do. We just get it in different ways. And I happen to get it from a stuffed pony, and you happen to get it from a blanket.'' As the words sailed from her mouth, Vinyl realized that she'd just given good advice not only to Rainbow Dash, but to herself as well.

Vinyl and Rainbow returned to find Fluttershy looking more anxious than Vinyl had as she paced the floor. ''I'm so sorry...''

''Everything's fine,'' Rainbow replied as she put a hoof reassuringly on Fluttershy's shoulder. Just then, Rarity turned from her sewing table and presented Vinyl with a good-as-new - well, as good as before - Skye. The DJ pony hugged the toy so hard, the others thought it might tear again. Rainbow smiled as she wiped away another tear.

That night, as Vinyl cuddled up with Skye, Rainbow Dash pulled a tiny pink blanket from under her pillow, and snuggled underneath. And the two didn't care at all what anybody else thought about it. They didn't care if anybody laughed at them. They were happy. And there was nothing wrong about it.

Author's Note:

This story was partially inspired by myself, as I also have a stuffed horse I am quite fond of. :)

Comments ( 13 )

(Joke) Alt. Title: The Chronicles Of Vinyl Scratch: The Rainbow, The Plush And The Designer
I told you 'bout Strawberry Fields. Y'know, the place where nothing is real. Now here's another clue for you all: The walrus was Paul.

Wow, someone who gets my username! Though it took me a second to figure out what you were referencing... XD

I should also give credit for Seismic_Newton, who gave me an idea I incorporated into this story.

The feels and the D'awwwwws in this story were just too much i write this with my dying breath after the feels broke my heart.

stuffed pillow for me, and then afterwards a plushy sea lion. was so d'awwwwwww cute too, but if I had a fluttershy plushy from when I was a child, I don't know if I'd ever give it up :fluttershysad:

Story number 80085. Sorry, I just had to...

Um, I'm afraid I don't understand.

Look at the website URL. What does 80085 look like to you. Oh, and Btw, cool story!

I still don't get it. What am I missing?

Dem boobs, godammit! 80085 = BOOBS!! :rainbowlaugh: I can't believe I had to explain it.

Look at the URL here one more time.


Well, I am female, so I don't think about boobs a whole lot, besides how pointless they are!

The d'awwws were abundant
And I also didnt get the boobs referance and im a guy

A delightful little story.

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