• Published 23rd Jan 2013
  • 314 Views, 1 Comments

Scorched Past, New Future - BetaGravGear

We are Scorched, marked with the mistakes of our past. Forever to carry the burden unless we find a speciall mythical object. Our search in the Griffon Kingdom failed to yeild results, and only led us here, to Equestria.

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A New Start

"Never to whine; to accept all what came; to wait for better; to let no one in, not even yourself, know how near to giving in you were: these were the principles by which he lived"
Robin Jenkins “The Changeling”

“Everypony now knows about the changelings, the creatures who sneak into a pony’s life and feeds on the love of their friends and family. There are many different nests throughout Equestira, many different queens and techniques to get their food. Those are the changelings that everypony knows, but what if I were to tell you there were different kinds of changelings. What? Don’t believe me do you? Well then tell me this: how would one of those changelings survive in a place like the Griffon Kingdom? There is no love there, no food for them. Yet I know for a fact that they live there, just not the same kind. But I digress; I am guessing that your kind just can’t grasp this concept”

The young Griffon looked at the small group of ponies that had formed around him, listening to his strange theory. The Griffon was quite a unique one: all white fur and feathers, gray tail and wings with strange blue tips. He had blue and white war paint like designs on his wings, black talons, and a strange symbol on his chest and back. Air Raid, as he was known, was a loner who always tried to enlighten others on the knowledge that he gained while he was part of the Griffon Kingdom’s ‘Special Cleanup’ crew. Air Raid was currently at the border of Equestira and the Griffon Kingdom in a small town known as Whitehorse, named after the strange effect of all the white magnetic rocks that surround the town.

“And just what makes you so sure about this little theory of yours? Do you have proof? ” a middle aged earth pony asked. All of the others started to murmur doubts about the strange griffon in front of them.

“I do have proof. I just can’t show it yet,” Air Raid stated as he looked at the pony with a thoughtful look. “And before you ask, it is because I know that none of you would know how to react to it properly.”

“Air Raid, it is time for us to start moving,” a voice came from behind. All of the ponies who surrounded the Griffon looked at the new arrival that had been hiding in the shadows.

“I was just finishing up GravGear,” Air Raid said as he turned toward his companion. GravGear was a copper colored unicorn with a silver and gold mane. His horn was broken in half, severely limiting his use of magic and over his eyes there was always a pair of Mole Goggles. His mark was of two gears meshing together surrounded by a rust red aura. Though his use of magic was limited, GravGear was still very knowledgeable in ‘steampunk’ technology. He was known to create all kinds of devices and automations to help him and Air Raid through almost anything.

“You actually think they would understand something like that?” asked GravGear as the two went back to their table to gather their things.

“We have to believe in others in order to get anywhere young one,” the Griffon said as he grabbed his heavy gray bag and slung it onto his back. He checked to make sure it was secured before facing his young companion. “You must also remember that we are no longer in the Griffon Kingdom. Ponies are much more fragile than Griffons. Please do try to remember that GravGear,” Air Raid stated as he saw GravGear staring at him with a ‘why should I care’ look on his face. “If you choose not to listen to me and get in trouble, don’t say I did not warn you. Even I am putting on the act. You should at least try to.” Air Raid finished his lecture and left bits on the table for the meal they had. After making sure they both had all their belongings, the two headed for the door and out to the chilly snow covered town.

Whitehorse was not that big of a town and had few inhabitants within it. It was once thought to be cursed due to the fact that compasses and other similar devices would start to act crazy when they got near it, though it was later proven to be because of the magnetic rocks surrounding the small town. The town was also sparsely inhabited because of its proximity to the Griffon Kingdom, which you could actually see some of the mountain peaks in the distance. Though small and almost always covered in snow, the townsfolk had a reputation of being some of the hardest working ponies in Equestira. One of the most famous ponies in the town was actually a rock farmer who sold the rocks for various uses.

As the two walked into the snow covered road outside of the Inn, GravGear couldn’t help but speak up about something that had been bothering him. “Did we really have to leave the Kingdom like that? I mean, we were so sure that it was there, and had so many allies to help us out. Now we have to leave all that behind to go to this forsaken place run by two crazy monarchs,” he stated sadly as he stared towards the mountains off in the distance. Air Raid sighed and looked at the young pony. Though most ponies tried their best to avoid the Griffon Kingdom, GravGear had spent a large part of his life there and had made many good memories. Air Raid could understand why he was feeling so down, but they had to keep following the trail.

“I don’t like it just as much as you do GravGear, but we know now that it isn’t in the Kingdom. All the clues point to Equestira. Where exactly we still do not know, but we will find out,” Air Raid stated as he looked away from the mountain and looked toward the direction of the local rock farm. “Now come on, I believe that our last clue was pointing toward that rock farm we passed while coming into the town,” the Griffon stated as he put his claw on the sad pony’s shoulder. GravGear looked into Air Raid’s eyes and nodded, getting a determined look on his face. The two started walking toward the rock farm, which was owned by the Pie family. As the two walked they noticed the strange looks they were getting from the few townsfolk they passed. They both understood, they knew that they were outsiders and didn’t fit in at all in Equestira, let alone the small town they were now in. They both just shook it off and continued walking towards the farm, hoping to find some answers there.

As they neared the edge of town the duo could see the rock farm in the distance. As they closed in on the desolate farm, Air Raid felt that he had to remind GravGear of one more thing. “One last thing GravGear, remember that we are but shadows here. Unlike in the Kingdom, we don’t have any assets here. We can’t use certain names and contacts to get our way anymore. I really wish we had some leverage, but it seems we will have to start completely fresh here,” Air Raid specified as they reached the edge of the farm. GravGear nodded his head and adopted his best friendly look he could. The duo walked through the large plain filled with the town’s special rocks, a large number of which appeared to have been partially harvested already, towards the small farmhouse that occupied the center of the farm. As Air Raid looked around the farm he noticed that everything seemed more monotone and serious than the rest of the town, which was saying something. The two stopped looking around as they got to the door of the small gray farmhouse and stopped to make sure they were ready for their first step on their adventure in this new land.

Air Raid took a deep breath and took the initiative, knocking on the wooden door of the farmhouse. The two heard some chatter from the inside of the lonely building which was followed by the door opening, revealing a gray mare with a gray mane and purple eyes. When she looked at the guests who had knocked on the door a sudden look of pure fright took control of her features. The monotone mare slammed the door shut, which was followed by panicked screaming on the other end. GravGear looked at Air Raid, a smirk starting to form on his lips.

“That went better than expected,” GravGear indicated as he heard the door open again, this time revealing a brown stallion with gray sideburns wearing a black hat and tie. As the new pony looked at the two intruding onto his property, he immediately adopted a more hostile look as he spoke to the strange figures.

“Now what do you two want?” the brown stallion asked as he eyed the duo suspiciously, trying to determine whether or not the two obvious outsiders were hostile or not. Air Raid cleared his throat as he spoke with a manner of upmost respect and dignity.

“We are here to speak to a Clyde Pie about some important business. We have heard that he is the owner of this rock farm and hoped that we could speak to him before he became too busy,” Air Raid finished as he studied the stallion for some clues to his thoughts, GravGear doing the same as he watched the conversation. The stallion adopted a look of interest, but kept his guard up as he spoke.

“Important business? What kind?” the brown stallion spoke as he stared at the white Griffon, his voice emitting a tone of complete seriousness. Air Raid looked dead into the eyes of the stallion as he thought of the right wording. After few moments of thinking, Air Raid knew the perfect answer that was sure to get the stallion to cooperate with them.

“We heard that he may know details about a certain object that we are looking for,” Air Raid started, speaking with a tone that emitted knowledge and pride. “It has to do with a rock that was called ‘Eternal Balance’. I am sure you have heard of it before.” Air Raid noticed the stallion’s eyes go wide as a look of curiosity overtook his features. He appeared to think for a few minutes until he spoke the words that Air Raid hoped for. “I believe you are right, please do come in.” The stallion retreated into the door, allowing Air Raid and GravGear to follow him inside.

As the two entered, they saw the gray mare from before along with another. This one was more of a purplish-gray, with a gray mane and brown eyes. Both mares stared wide-eyed at the two strange creatures as they passed them, whispering something to each other as they did. The inside of the home was just as plain as the outside and reminded the two of the time before modern technology was created. The walls were the same dull gray as the outside, with a few paintings of what appeared to be the family. In every single one of the pictures the family had a very serious expression. In one of the older ones there appeared to be a young pink filly that stood out from the monotone family. The duo continued to follow the stallion into another room that had a table near the door and a kitchen on the far end. The stallion gestured toward the table and the duo complied, both taking a seat as the stallion sat opposite of them.

“So,” the stallion began as he looked both guests dead in the eye, “what do you want to know about the ‘Eternal Balance’?” the stallion stated as he continued to stare at the strange guests. Air Raid and GravGear looked at each other for a moment before Air Raid decided to initiate the to-be proposal.

“Well Mr. Pie,” he began as he looked Clyde Pie directly in the eyes, “me and my companion are currently attempting to find out exactly what the ‘Eternal Balance’ is and how it was formed. From what we have heard so far,” Air Raid kept his face neutral as he continued on, “it was not exactly a natural occurrence.” Air Raid listened closely for what he knew was about to happen. Clyde Pie shifted in his seat as he started to speak the very words that Air Raid had predicted.

“I can tell you the information you are seeking. But…” Clyde spoke as his eyes narrowed at the snow white griffon, “that information won’t exactly come cheap I am afraid.” Clyde took a second to look out a nearby window to his farm, his face adopting a look full of thought. As Air Raid studied the stallion’s features he noticed a small look of regret or sadness. Clyde continued to look out the window as he spoke the offer. “My farm hasn’t been doing so well because of a small problem we have been experiencing lately,” Clyde started to motion with his fore hooves as he continued his story with a somber tone in his voice. “There is a cave at the very edge of my farm. Inside this cave is a special rock that has always earned us a large portion of our profits.” The stallion turned to the two guests, his features appearing heavier than they were before.

“Now, when we tried to go into this cave a few days ago to harvest some more for a longtime customer, we saw that…. that something has taken up residence in there.” The stallion’s voice was starting to falter as he continued on, his eyes starting to tear up. “When we went to get a closer look at it, that thing it….it…” Clyde tried to get the rest of his sentence out as Air Raid and GravGear listened closely for the end of his tale. Clyde finally got his composure back after a few deep breaths and finished his sentence. “They took her,” he whispered, his voice mimicking that of the dead. He looked Air Raid directly in the eyes as his features took a look of hope and determination. “But I know you two can get her back. I have heard about the strength of Griffons,” Clyde finished as he stared at the Griffon, who was now thinking over all of this new information that he was given.

As Air Raid was thinking and Clyde waiting for a response, GravGear thought he heard a sound coming from the door. He looked back and saw purple eyes staring back at him for a split-second before disappearing behind the gray wooden cover. As he got up to go investigate what the two mares were up to he heard Air Raid speak his answer to the old stallion.

“We will do it,” Air Raid began as he noticed GravGear get up and head towards the door that they entered the room through, “but I want more details. I need to know some more about this thing and who exactly was taken,” he finished as he heard the door quietly close, which Clyde did not seem to notice. As the two older creatures discussed the exact details of the job, GravGear headed down the hallway looking for the two mares. GravGear started to feel something deep inside of him as he looked at the pictures of what he supposed was the Pie family. It was one of the siblings, the missing pink one, which filled him with this strange feeling. It wasn’t quite anger but felt similar and hated was not right either. It was more of a feeling of opposition, that the two would be hostile to one another the second they met eyes. It was a rather strange feeling that GravGear had never felt before.

GravGear was instantly put out of his trance by the sound of more feminine voices coming from up the stairs that were next to him. He quickly looked around to get his bearings, quickly discovering that he was in some kind of family room, which seemed just as monotone and dull as the rest of the house. The unchanged grey walls and common brown furniture conveyed an aura of seriousness that left the steampunk inventor a little uncomfortable. Just as he was about to go up the stairs to confront the voices, he thought back to that strange feeling from the pink mare in the pictures. Instead of risking something that might cause the deal to go bad, GravGear decided to ‘listen in’ from the bottom of the stairs. He could just barely make out the two different voices which had a small change in pitch from each other.

“So will those two strange ponies really bring mom back here?” the first voice asked.

“That is what it sounds like,” the second voice responded. This voice seemed a little more adult and had a tone that sounded like its source had a heavy burden on her shoulders.

“But what is it they were talking about? What is the ‘Eternal Balance’ and why would those two want to know about it?”

“I am not quite sure Blinke , but something tells me we should stay out of their way. I have heard stories about the Griffons and a lot of things seem to be wrong with that unicorn.”

GravGear heard the door behind him open causing him to stop listening to the two voices and turn toward the intrusion. He saw Air Raid walking towards him with a thoughtful look on his face as he motioned GravGear to follow him. They went through the hallway to the main door, heading out of it and starting to go towards a nearby rock formation that looked like it had a small opening on the side facing them. Air Raid broke the silence as they continued to move towards the opening.

“It seems that the farm has gotten a rather unique new occupant,” he began as snow started to fall from the sky, “and this is one that we have actually experienced before…. In a way” he said as he turned his head toward the young stallion, his features taking a dark turn. “It’s a Grootslang, like the one we met back at the ancient archives, only this one seems to be a little more cautious. It seems that this one is looking for something, and we might be able to help it out.” Air Raid ended as they got to the cave entrance, stopping right in front of it. The dark look was still on his face, the fact that there was another Grootslang really disturbed him. The first one was trouble enough, they were just lucky to have just enough to bargain with it. This time they would have to hope what they have is enough. Otherwise, this might be the end of their adventure. GravGear processed all this information and could only think of one thing.

“Then she can’t still be alive, can she?” he asked, the same look starting to take his features.

“There is actually hope. It seems that the Grootslang is really desperate for this thing it is looking for. It told Mr. Pie that he had until tomorrow at sunrise to give it what it wants.” Air Raid answered as he took a look inside the dark cave. “Now, would you mind creating something to help us see the way? The lantern system would take a little too long to light up.” Air Raid insisted as he looked toward his companion. GravGear nodded as a rust red aura started to surround his horn and his bag. Some strange looking parts started to come out of the bag and assemble together; forming what seemed to be a bi-pedal automation with a lantern for a head. The gear system for it looked simple, but Air Raid knew much better by now. These automations that GravGear had the talent to make were probably some of the most complex things ever built in both the Griffon Kingdom and Equestira. The young inventor shook his head to regain his composure before looking at Air Raid. “Now that we can see, let us go talk to this thing,” Air Raid solemnly said as they ventured forth, the walking lantern lighting the way for the duo.

The two walked down the seemingly endless cave. The two observed what seemed to be strange rocks and minerals lining all the sides of the cave. What the mineral was, neither of them had any idea, but it seemed to be rather rare. It seemed to glow a strange color that could not be described in the current lighting. The two ignored this and continued down the path. Neither spoke to each other, both knowing full well just what they were getting into. The two continued down the darkened path for what seemed like hours until they came across an opening into a large chamber. Both stopped for a moment to catch their breaths. Air Raid looked to GravGear to make sure he we ready. GravGear nodded and Air Raid looked toward the opening one last time before entering it. The sight that the two saw would amaze even the most snobby of ponies.

The walls were lined with a vast array of the strange mineral, its glow giving off the look of a vast array of veins. A waterfall lined the rear wall; the sound of water splashing into a small lake calmed both of them. But what was truly impressive was the diamonds lining the wall in what seemed to be complex designs that defied nature. The two continued to look around the beautiful chamber until a sound broke them out of their trance. The duo looked toward the source and felt a small sense of déjà vu. Looking right at them was a giant snake with legs. Its metallic copper colored leather skin broken by thick veins of green. It had to be at least fifty, if not sixty, feet long. Its large copper eyes staring holes into the two anti-heroes as it spoke in a voice that chilled both of them to the bone.

“You dare to disturb my resting place?” it bellowed as it took a step closer to the two. “But I suppose it is almost time for another meal. You two might be small, but it is better than nothing.” It was about to lunge at the two, only to be stopped by Air Raids voice.

“We heard you are looking for something,” Air Raid stated without a single hint of emotion in his voice, “we might be able to help you. Tell us what it is you want and maybe we can bargain,” he finished, observing the beast as it adopted a look of thought. After a few moments the look turned into a smirk as the creature looked Air Raid dead in the eye, its jaw only meters away from the Griffon. It spoke with a tone that would make even the most well trained solider freeze in sheer fear.

“Information,” it spoke with quelled venom, “I am looking for information on a certain object that resides in this cave. It is said to grant the power to control the shadows themselves. It is gray like the minerals here and I know that it is supposed to be in this chamber.” The creature let a smile play across its lips. “And I know that you two are aware of the rules. Give me the information I seek or you are my next meal,” it said as it licked its lips in anticipation. “And I will give her back like I promised that sorry excuse for a farmer.” If finished as it eyed the duo, waiting for the answer. Air Raid searched his memory as only one thing came to mind from the information he was given.

“A silver jewel you say?” Air Raid queried as he looked around at the soft grey glow of the minerals surrounding them. “The only silver jewel I have ever heard of is the Eye of the Shadows, but if that is what you seek, then you are in the wrong cave. It is said to be in the caves that are located underneath the Griffon Kingdom’s capital. It seems the reason that you cannot find it is because it isn’t in this cave,” Air Raid concluded, hoping his plan would work. The creature looked deep into his eyes before looking away. It stomped on the ground, allowing an old gray mare to fall from the ceiling. The creature caught it in some kind of aura and lowered her to the ground. It spoke with the same chilling tone as before.

“I suppose you are right, I had my doubts, but I guessed it had to be here because of the large presence of the shadows. I will go search these caves that you spoke of. But if I do not find it there then I will hunt you down and make you my trophy,” it stated before pushing them all through the opening with some unknown force, closing it after they were all through. Air Raid helped GravGear and the old mare up before asking if she was okay.

“Yes I am, thank you,” she said as she looked over her strange saviors. “Now if I may ask, who are you two?”

“Your husband told us to come get you,” Air Raid said as he turned toward the exit of the cave, which was much closer this time, the light from the outside visible in the near distance. He started walking toward it, much to the dismay of the confused mare who wanted to know exactly who these two strange ponies were and how they had calmly talked to such a foul beast. But whenever she asked she was just met with dead silence from both of them. The trio walked back to the old farmhouse, Air Raid knocking on the door which was opened once again by a mare with large purple eyes. Her eyes went wide the second she saw the old mare. She burst through the door and hugged the tired mare who gladly returned it.

“Ma, you’re home! We all thought you would never come back!” she exclaimed as the other two occupants rushed outside to see what all the commotion was about. As soon as they both saw that their beloved family member had returned they couldn’t help but run up to her and hug her. The stallion looked toward the two, nodding toward the door. The duo took the hint and proceeded to go inside and wait at the table in the kitchen area. Once seated at the old table, Air Raid had to speak his mind to his companion.

“That jewel could not have been there, could it? And if it was, then who found it?” He asked himself, hoping an answer would come out of nowhere. He looked at GravGear who had the same puzzled look on his face. “That information will only mislead that thing for a small amount of time. We have to hurry and find a way to defeat it. Until then though, we might want to avoid all caves,” Air Raid stated as his face became grim. Having to use that ability was never easy, though it was in his blood to be deceitful. As GravGear was about to respond to his older companions ramblings, they both heard the door open to Clyde Pie and his wife entering. They both took a seat at the opposite end of the table as Clyde took a deep breath, and spoke his true words.

“Thank you so much for saving my wife,” he started as his voice gave out a little, “are you sure all you need is information. I can give much more for what you did. Please allow me to repay you what you truly deserve.” Clyde said as he looked at the two with almost pleading eyes. Air Raid could only shake his head and speak with a calm voice.

“All we require is information.” Air Raid stated simply.

“All right,” Clyde said as he looked at the two with a look of interest, “what exactly do you want to know about the ‘Eternal Balance’?” he asked, already knowing the answer.

“Everything,” Air Raid answered as a sly smile broke out on his lips. It was time to start the adventure, and hopefully finally find out exactly where the object the duo desperately needed was located. This was the start of it, a new beginning from a scorched past.

Author's Note:

Finally, after a month or two of work this stories first chapter has been finished. Now for a small request, I really need at least two pre-readers for this story, because my usual two are a little too busy to do three of my stories. If you are interested please send me a message. Thank You

Comments ( 1 )

Please, somepony reply to that request for readers. He really is telling the truth about us being busy.

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