• Member Since 2nd Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen May 23rd, 2017



Name: Air Raid
Speicies: Griffion
Occupation: Mercenary and Odd Jobs
Companions: 'GravGear'

My companion and I are currently on a special quest. We have been all around the Griffion Kingdom and have made a small name for ourselves there, but what we sought was never found. We have recently traveled into a neighboring nation known as Equestira, where we are but a shadow. Now we are currently taking up jobs while we continue our search, and hopefully we will soon find what we are looking for.


Still Alive · 1:37pm Nov 29th, 2014

Bon all, though it has been a while I am still alive. I have been a little busy with DnD, work, and other things. Do know that I have started to try and write again, though most likely most stories are going to get halted and put on a hiatus so I can try to work with new story concepts. My first order of business is trying to redo the Uncontrollable story to make it more manageable and interesting then moving on to maybe retry or keep on with the SCP story. Lastly, I may start one or two new

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Report BetaGravGear · 404 views · Story: SCP-1946 "The Stable Door" ·

Other Things I Do

Blog Thing - One of those blog things that some many seem to have. Me and a friend have started a comic series on it... so there is that to see

DevianArt - I can't draw, but that doesn't mean a can't at least try. Just some 3D models, Maybe some horrible art, And if I get around to it the RPG I am working on as well. (RPG being worked on every so often)

GravGear Tries to Play - I (attempt) to play different games to very limited success. I might sound a little dull sometimes, but I am working on it.

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Comments ( 5 )
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563295 No problems. I was expecting a origin one, but Games do tend to take priority sometimes.

Hm, so you read my fic, then? Thanks for favoriting Discord Arena!

506191 Of course. I will just need a description of them and I will find a good place for them in whatever story you want them in

Do you accept new characters? :derpytongue2:

Thank you so much for favoriting my story! It means a lot to me. :raritystarry:

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