• Published 8th Jan 2013
  • 235 Views, 1 Comments

The Grape Family: Expanding the Business - Grape Vines

Grape Vines wraps up business in Baltimare and heads to Ponyville to continue to expand the family business. He's gonna make friends, enemies, and have a rivalry with the Apple family for for land and dominance over certain parts of the fru

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A Surprise Deal

I awoke with the sun on my face. I groaned not wanting to get up, but there was work to do. I got up and walking into my small kitchen. The clock on the counter read 12:41, I groaned again. After stretching a bit, I opened the fridge to get some sweet tea. To my demise I was out, so I closed the fridge and grabbed a fresh bag of tea off the counter and set it in the kettle full of water I set out earlier this week. I took the handle of the kettle and moved it to my stove, before I could turn it on I heard somepony knock on my door. I sighed and said to myself 'This day just keeps getting better and better.' Quickly turning the stove on then I headed to the door.

"Hello." I said as I opened the door. To my surprise it was the gray mare from last night. 'Gray Gem I think it is? Well I guess I'll see why she's here' I thought.

"Hello Mr. Grape Vines, may I come in?" she said.

"Um sure I was just making some tea, and please call me Grapes or Vines. One or the other, I always hated being called 'Mister' in a social setting." I told her as I walked away from the door.

"Actually I'm here on business, sorry if I'm interrupting anything." she said to me. This caught me off guard a bit, I sighed.

"No come in, there's always something I need to handle and if you don't mind me asking. Why didn't you tell me last night?" I asked her, she sat on the old couch I had before speaking.

" Well I didn't know you were the local supplier of grapes here in Baltimare until I asked for the records at the library." she told me.

"That's true but I'm afraid to say that my family hasn't supplied our product locally since our height in my grandfather's time." She dropped a little at what I said. "If you're patient then you could wait for our new vineyard, but that will take some time. You can place an order with me before I leave town and it'll be there in a week or so." I told her, she picked up a little at that.

"When are you leaving if I may ask?" she questioned.

"In about four days, I have almost finished business here in Baltimare so I have to move on to Ponyville where I'll try and up a vineyard there." I told here not minding telling her my plans, wasn't really that private. The word that has been going set around that the Grape Family is making a quick come back in the industry and won't stop until there's a vineyard in every town. 'The rumor is kinda correct but we can't have a vineyard in every town. The area would have to be suitable for growing the vines and we would need a lot more workers than we have already. which we're going to be stretched once I get the Ponyville vineyard going.' I thought to myself.

"I'll place an order then, I'll take six bushels of grapes." she said, I was a bit surprised at what she said but then again it's business so I wasn't complaining. Before I could respond I heard the kettle whistle, I moved towards the kitchen and said

"Excuse me for a moment while I get the tea, want a cup?" I asked. She just gave nod in response. In the kitchen I quickly turned the stove off and grabbed two cups from the counter.'What could one mare do with two hundred and forty pounds of grapes?' I asked my self as I set the cups on a tray. Picking up the tray in my mouth I headed back into the living room and set it on the small coffee table in front of the couch. I cleared my throat before speaking.

"Now lets get down to business." I told her as I took a seat across from her. She wrapped one of the cups in her magic and took a short sip.

"This is good and lets" she responded. I was kinda hoping she would be the one to start discussing the terms of are deal. but I guess I still can't get a break in business.

"Let's start at the price of thirty bits a bushel, I think that's a fair starting point we could work with." I told her, taking a sip of my own tea. She seemed to think over the offer, but I knew she was going to lower the price so there was no point in getting my hopes up that she'll take the first number. To tell the truth if I like the her offer I'll probably take it.

"Twenty-six bits a bushel." she offered. I snapped on it right after the words were said.

"Deal, I'll write it up and mail it tonight." I told her. She set her cup down and got up from the her seat, pulling out a small note pad from her saddle bags and quickly scribbling something on it.

"Here is the address I need you to send it to." she told me as she ripped the note off and gave it to me.

"Thank you and have a good day." I told her as she started to leave, she didn't stop to respond.

"You also have a good day Mr.Vines." she said as she closed the door with her magic. 'hmm I like the sound of that better than better than Mr. Grape Vines.' I thought. I quickly gulped down my tea before heading to the bathroom so I can take a shower and get ready for the day.

After the shower I went over to my desk, getting a fresh piece of paper and a quill with some ink. I quickly got to work writing out the order and contract for the recent land deal. I sat there for several hours making sure everything was right. I had to make sure it had the settled terms and followed some new laws that came out last month. The last part was a pain, the laws made it hard for any business big or small to purchase land from a family. Over half of the contract had to deal with some of these laws, I sighed as I reviewed the contract. 'There was probably a good reason for these laws but I just wish they could have simplified the terms for any new contracts.' I thought. I signed the last page, I leaned back in my chair after setting the new contract down. Noticing that it was getting darker outside I check the clock above my desk, 5:17 it read.

"Well I could go for a bite to eat after I mail this letter to my brother." I said allowed. Getting up I grabbed my jacket and put it on. I checked in the mirror to see if my mane needed fixing before I headed out. Once my mane was fixed I grabbed the letter and a bag of bits before heading out. I headed to the post office first before going to get something to eat. The streets weren't crowded so it was a rather uneventful trip, I dropped off the letter and went through a mental list a restaurants or bars I liked. I decided to check in an a old friend who was the bartender at a nice small bar. 'I think I'll just get some cider and a hay sandwich' I thought to myself as I headed in the direction of the bar.

By the time I arrived at the bar the sun was almost gone. I took in the moment to take in the area around me before heading in. There was a cool breeze and it was pretty quiet for the most part. I sighed as I looked at the small neon sign that was inside a window that only said the simple word "open". As I opened the door I heard the sound of a guitar and a shout from the bar.

"Heya Grapes! What brings ya here?" My friend Sea Mug said. Upon entering I quickly noticed the new stage and that there was a lot more ponies in here.

"Nice stage, but you should really get a sign for this place." I told Mug while making my over to the bar. He shrugged as he responded.

"If you're paying for it, I was never good at naming things. I just wish my parents were so I didn't have this name." He told me. I chuckled a bit at that.

"I would if the business was doing good but people just don't drink wine like they used to nowadays." I said. Sea Mug quickly filled a mug with hard cider and handed it to a stallion at the end of the bar. Now that was taken care of we could continue our conversation.

"That's because nopony makes good wine anymore, do you still have a bottle from your grandfather's time? That stuff is amazing." He asked. I gave a nod and said.

"Sure do, but only four more. I'll drop one off before I leave for Ponyville, oh and could you get me a mug of cider and a hay sandwich." Sea mug filled a mug and set it in front of me, taking a sip I flavored the taste.

"So ya leaving me now?" He said in a sarcastic tone.

"No I just about got some fields for a new vineyard and my brother is already aggravated I stayed this long at it is." I said taking a long pull of cider. Sea Mug gave my order to a waitress who was passing by.

"Jeez he's all business isn't he? You should stay an extra day or so." He said with a smirk on his face. We chatted a bit more about recent events and when my sandwich came I quickly ate half of it.

"You sure were hungry Grapes." Sea Mug laughed. I ate another bite before speaking.

"I've been in my house all day writing up a contract, of course I'm hungry. Anyway I'm worried if I don't leave soon the Apples will have most of the good farmland and I'll have to make due." I said to my friend. His smile vanished and he got serious for a moment.

"Well you're outta luck pal, word has spread around Carrot Top has taken control up what good farmland was left but don't worry she's in a bit of a financial problem so you could swoop in there and by the land from her." He told me, I thought about it a moment and it wasn't that bad of a plan considering it was that or trying to work out a deal with the Apples which I wanted to avoid until the Grape Family was stronger. I finished the rest of the sandwich and said goodbye to Sea Mug as I left the bar. 'Hopefully I won't sleep till noon tomorrow' I thought to myself as I walked home.

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