• Published 2nd Jan 2013
  • 457 Views, 7 Comments

Lightning Strikes Equestria - Tardy the Man Pony

Shadow Elements only wants revenge against his father, The Shadow Lord. Will he still be able to achieve his goal after being transported to Equestria?

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Causing More Problems

Causing More Problems

As Shadow neared the rainbow maned mare’s house he called out to her. “Uh Dash, Rainbow Dash!”

“Just go away! You’ve already caused enough problems!” Dash was obviously not in the mood to talk anyone, especially Shadow.

Shadow flew up to her house and landed on her doorstep. When Dash heard a knocking on her door, she thought immediately of her yellow pegasus friend. She opened the door and was surprised to see Shadow standing there. She immediately tried to slam the door shut but was brusquely interrupted by Shadow’s foot. “Wait! Please hear me out.”

The cyan pegasus let the door creep it’s way open, “I’m here to apologize.” Shadow announced very anticlimactically.

Dash was in fact a little shocked, she had thought the human only came to gloat some more.. “What d’ya mean apologize?” she asked, a suspicious tone in her voice.

“I realized how much my bragging hurt you, and for that I sincerely apologize.” Shadow sighed and continued on, “If you wanna hit me or something go ahead.”

Rainbow Dash could see the look of regret plain on the human’s face. She punched him lightly in the shoulder, “Don’t worry about it porcupine head.”

Shadow couldn’t help but give the mare a grim laugh, “You know my brother always says that same thing to me.”

Behind his eyes, Rainbow Dash could see the look of sadness he was trying to hide, “Which one?” she asked curiously.

“Grave, he’s the one I’m closest to.” there it was again, that same hidden sadness.

“What’s up with the moping?” Shadow had hoped she wouldn’t notice, he had to start taking acting lessons or something.

“It’s just that,” Shadow sighed, “I may never be able to see my brothers or the Doc again. Anyway, do you think I could come inside? It’s a little cold out here.” Shadow said trying to change the subject.

Dash wondered what her neighbors would think but then decided she didn’t quite care, “Sure, come on in. I didn’t know that you could walk on clouds though.”

“Thanks, the whole cloud walking thing comes with the whole being given insane amounts of power.” Shadow said, just realizing that he could easily spark her anger at him with the wrong choice of words.

She didn’t seem to notice and so Shadow walked into a beautiful house made entirely out of clouds, excluding the furnishings. The house was fairly large with a couch and guitar on the other side of the room. There were clothes scattered all over the floor which Rainbow tried to discreetly move under her couch. By the couch were a couple of books Shadow took a quick glance at, “Daring Do and the Quest for the Sapphire Stone.” Looked like a Indiana Jones rip-off to Shadow. Rainbow Dash started to walk towards the stairs which had a pillar at the base along with a swirly screen to the right. Shadow was kinda shocked something made out of clouds could be this sophisticated, he had experimented with making shapes out of clouds back home but this was something else entirely. Shadow gaped at the screen granting him a giggle from the mare.

“If you’re that interested in my stair screen wait till you see the rest of my house.” she said, stifling giggles.

Shadow awkwardly cleared his throat and looked up at Dash as she ascended the stairs, “Why um yes, I’ll be right with you.”

Shadow popped his back and then headed over to look at the guitar, it was a Griffon brand guitar called a Less Paw, the irony of this was not lost on Shadow and so he allowed himself a small chuckle. He picked up the guitar, which was like a child’s guitar, and proceeded to play a few chords. The sound came out of nowhere, considering the guitar wasn’t attached to an amp. The sound was also quite loud making Shadow cringe, he quickly turned down the sound and played a few more chords. He started the chorus when it came around, “She was sixteen and six feet tall, in a crowd of teenagers comin’ out of the zoo. She stumbled started to slip and fall, teeter tottered on her diamond patterned red leather shoes. I happened to catch her and said ‘Maybe theses ruby shoes are a little cumbersome for you, maybe for you.’ ahhhhh.”

Shadow stopped singing when he heard hooves slamming into the ground, coming towards the staircase from upstairs. The pony who was responsible showed herself at the bottom of the stairs, “What the hay do you think you’re doing?!?” she shouted at him.

Shadow slowly shrugged his shoulders and replied, “Playing a quick song.”

Rainbow Dash ran up to him, grabbing the guitar out of his hands and then proceeding to yell at him, “You don’t just go to people’s houses you just met and touch their stuff in your world do you!? You have no idea what this means to me!! I might be ok with it if it was one of my friends but I just met you and the only thing you’ve done so far is ruin everything!!”

Shadow stepped back and let the cyan mare rage on for a minute or two, trying his best to ignore her ranting, lest he himself get angry. After she seemed slightly calmed down Shadow asked in a controlled voice, “So then, don’t touch the guitar, got it. You could have just asked instead of throwing a fit you know.”

Shadow then noticed the mare seemed to be sobbing, “Are you crying?” he asked warily.

He started to walk toward her when she turned around suddenly and tried to hit him while screaming at him, “GET OUT!! JUST GET OUT!!”

Shadow grabbed her hooves and held her there. Dash tried to break his grip for a couple of seconds but then collapsed into Shadow, surprising him. He simply stood there as she cried into his shoulder, “I miss him.” she whimpered.

Shadow was shocked for a moment but quickly regained control of himself, he started rubbing the mares back in what he assumed was a comforting way and spoke softly to her, “It’s alright, everythings fine.”

After a few minutes Dash pushed Shadow away and turned away from him, wiping her eyes in the process. She started to speak, “The guitar was my dad’s. He left it to me when he...passed.”

Shadow placed his hand on his chin and stared at the pegasus, “Well that sucks. Since you’re being so honest, so will I, both my parents are dead. My father killed my parents, he may have been my father but he wasn’t the one who raised me.”

The pony stared back at the human and saw he was telling the truth. She couldn’t even begin to think of something like that happening. She tried to speak but found no words to offer the human. “It’s fine, I have enough pity of my own to drown in,” Shadow said as he pushed himself off the floor and started to head for the door, his cold anger hidden in the humorous tone of his voice.

“Wait! I’m sorry.” the rainbow maned pegasus yelled after him.

With his hand on the doorknob Shadow turned around, “What is it that you want exactly?" he said coldly.

The mare sighed in frustration, “I just don’t want you to be sad like me,” she finally said.

Shadow laughed, it was a cold laugh nearly devoid of emotion, “You think I’m sad? That’s a goddamn joke, sad doesn’t even begin to describe it anymore. You have no idea what I’ve been through, so don’t try and pretend I'm in any way the same as you. None of you can relate to me, you live in a goddamn fantasy land where nothing bad ever happens to you. If you lived in my world for one day you’d probably go insane,” Shadow said with cold anger, giving his voice a sharp edge.

Shadow opened the door and slammed it shut as he left, the shock reverberating throughout the house. Dash ran to the door to catch him but by the time she got outside he was already gone.

Comments ( 2 )

:duck: this shadow fellow is awfully op for someone with a name like shadow, shouldn't his name be like Kaizen anyways?

You filthy peasant! I see through your lies!

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