• Published 15th Jan 2012
  • 1,396 Views, 3 Comments

The Tale of War - Princess Luna:Fear Her

War is a harsh experience, but for Morning Wing a young colt it will be a quest unlike any other

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Chapter 1


Dear Stardust,

Today was my first day out of training camp after 5 months of working to become a medic for our Royal Queen of the night. Though I saw many things that would even scare Big Crimson, I am still grateful to serve the NLR, for they have given me everything I’ve dreamed of. A home, money to support you and Ma, as well as the chance to serve the mare I hold dear to my heart.
The Solar Empire is making its way through Fillydelphia. You see any of them I want you to take Ma and Crystal Bloom to Stableholm and wait for me there. Also, DO NOT let Crimson out of your sights when the Solar Empire invades; for I fear his stubbornness and hatred towards Celestia for what she did to granny Mint will cause him to do something rash.
Please tell Ma and the gang I said hi and hope to return to your open arms soon.

Your Brother, Morning Wing


“Derpy, get this to my folks quickly. Would you do that for me?” I asked handing the letter to the greatest mail mare in Ponyville.
“Of course” she beamed.
With that she darted off, faster than the Wonderbolts themselves. She was surprisingly determined, despite being mistreated by many. I couldn’t help but chuckle. If only they spent more time with her, they’d find out how great she was, I thought to myself as I made my way to the medical bay to greet the ponies I’d get to know in the coming months.

It was a team composed of seven ponies. Five beautiful mares and one other colt, besides myself. I couldn’t believe how professional half of them looked, while the colt and I looked as if we’d come from a stable. I’ve wondered, even to this day, how I made it through this ordeal, but I guess luck was on my side......for the most part.

End Of Prelude


Chapter 1: Honesty

A warmth jolted through my body as I entered the room where I would meet my teammates. I saw a blur of red and purple as a pair of hooves wrapped around me. What at first felt like a soft pillow was, in reality, a purple mare wrapped around me. I couldn’t help but turn as red as her mane.

“Hi there my names Ruby,” the mare announced. This voice, I thought to myself, it sounds...so familiar.

“M....My names Morning Wing,” I muttered as Ruby let go. I stumbled backwards, shocked by the sudden hug. Once I had regained my composure, I took a good look at her. She had a normal build and was about average height for a mare. She had a mid-cut, flowing red mane against a royal purple coat.

“Morning Wing? But you’re an Earth pony, not a pegasus, silly,” she said, confused.
I snickered a bit, “I get that all the time, especially back home. It was my fathers name. Though it’s so confusing to everypony, they just call me Wing or Morn...” I faltered, “never mind, just...just call me Wing.”

“Ok Wing,” Ruby said. “Well, I told you my name of course, but just in case you forgot, it’s Ruby, Ruby Sparks.”

“Well nice to meet you Ruby.”

I was startled as I heard a new voice from behind me, “Nice to meet you, Dr.Wing,” I turned to see another mare. She had a shiny white coat that seemed to glisten, even in the darkness of the room. She was tall and skinny with a short blue mane.

“Hello there, Ms...”

“Trinity, you can call me Trinity. And it seems I’m not the only earth pony here any more,” the mare said with a warm smile. “So, you’re our new colleague?” she asked

“ I guess so” I said, though I wasn’t sure I was fit to be put on the same level as them.

“Well it’s good to have another pony I can relate to in a-” her speech was cut off by Ruby.

“Oh OH! Guys we have to hurry, remember the tent? We have to set the tent up for tomorrow!” Ruby practically shouted while bouncing up and down. "Cmon, hurry! Last one there’s a slow pony!” Ruby proclaimed as she raced out towards the tent.

Trinity let out a deep sigh, “I hope that sister of Sapphire’s calms down one of these days. Shes as hyper as that Pinkie Pie from the Solar Empire,” She muttered in disbelief at the young filly’s energy. “Cmon Mornin, we can make it before night fall if we hurry,” She said as she dragged me to the door and soon we trotted off for the tent. I felt a sense of anger and sadness raise in me at her calling me by the name only one pony called me.

“ I...I cant believe any moment could be my...my first real battle” I said nervously as we continued down the road.

“Oh don’t worry, solider ponies don’t kill us off right away, they just capture us and torture us for info!” Trinity said with a small giggle.

“I hope that was an attempt at a joke,” I remarked grimly.

“Just trying to lighten the mood is all. I guess I’m not as good as Ruby though,” she chuckled.

It was nightfall by the time we arrived at the tent. Though Princess Luna and Celestia were at war, they couldn’t forget to raise the sun and moon. Hoping to boost morale and hopes of other ponies around the land with the simple act.

As we entered the tent, Ruby was already passed out from fatigue. Trinity laid a cover over her and tucked her in as if she were her mother.

“She looks so peaceful when she’s asleep, doesn’t she?” Trinity sighed, “So young, yet so energetic. I’ll never understand why she was brought into this mess of a war,” a quick silence came over the room. “So Mornin, what’s your story?” Trinity asked.

“My story?” I asked, puzzled.

“Yes silly, why are you here? Why did you choose to be part of the war and the NLR?”

“Well, I guess cause I owe them for everything,” I hung my head, “Before the NLR, hell before the war, me and my family struggled to live. We lived on rations and sometimes little to nothing at all. I remember working my flank off doing jobs no pony should ever have to resort to to live. I did it to provide for my family especially my sister.”

“You have a sister?” Trinity asked, surprised.

“Yeah, her name is Stardust” I mumbled

“Why her? Did something happen with her?” She asked

“We...we don’t know to be quite honest. She’s a pegasus, yet she can’t fly. The doctors say she never will. She came down with somethin that nopony has found a cure to. They tell us her wings have just ‘given up’ on her.”

“I....I see,” The room went quiet. As the silence became more present, I started to drift off to sleep, remembering earlier times.


8 months Earlier

Comments ( 3 )

Rater #1 and I regret nothing

This seems interesting going to track this one, looking forward to updates!

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